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This Relaxation Changes your Brain and Promotes Better Sleep!


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An advanced relaxation technique, yoga nidra is available to benefit everyone, and is often easier than jumping right into meditation. Scientifically proven to boost dopamine levels by up to 65%, this practice known as “yogic sleep” changes your brain waves and body in incredible ways, including improved sleep. Use this Free, guided audio recording so you can give it a try.


What Is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga nidra is a powerful relaxation practice that can act as a natural stress reliever. Some people use yoga nidra for sleep improvement, although when practiced correctly, you don’t actually fall asleep. The ancient yoga practice helps you draw your consciousness inward so you can move into a more self-aware form of “sleep.”


“It’s the same process as meditation,” explains tantra yogi Michele D’Agostino, instructor of kinesiology at Penn State University. “You are completely relaxed on the physical level but the mind remains alert.”


While the yoga nidra definition simply translates to”yogic sleep,” there are some complex things going on on the neurological level as an instructor guides your breath and focus throughout different parts of the body.


Yoga nidra helps shift your brain into the zone between sleeping and waking states; it’s like your body sleeps while your mind remains conscious and clear. Brainwave studies show higher alpha and theta brainwave power in yogis who practice yoga nidra. This refers to brain waves shifting to beta ways, which reflect high levels of thought, to being completely relaxed, alert and hanging on the edge just before entering sleep. (1)



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:smitten:    Yoga Nidras have changed my brain.  I have been practicing this technique for over 3 years now.  I started when I was having sleep issues.  I started taking xanax to help me sleep:  5 years later and I had a problem.  fast forward to the unique difficult withdraw and I a here 22 months free of the xanax addiction. 

Yoga Nidra is a great tool to really rewire your brain waves.  The day time effects are very subtle but I can see the benefits in the way I relate to people.  My conditioned/reactionary mind is quieting.  I can bring myself into my body and present moment awareness very quickly. 

If your not sleeping and your mind is rolling around in your head with endless nonsense then a nidra will give your body and mind the rest it needs even if you don't drift off into total REM/deep sleep.

I highly highly recommend this technique.  My favorite guide is Tanis Fishman https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tanis+fishman


quite a few on here.  I use them all.  You can build up to it by starting at the 18 minute on then going onto the 36 minute and finally the hour long ones.  I suggest the hour long ones.  An hour long nidra is like 4 hours of rest. 


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