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is it possible canabis triggered a new round of withdrawal opinions


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I just wanted to get some opinions to see if my recent issues may be caused from trying canabis for a month or so.

I tried canabis to see if it might help me get more motivated to get some things accomplished to start a new music business.

It did indeed help me to start doing things and I felt pretty good while on canabis.

Before canabis I was still relatively tired and unmotivated but in general I was doing ok. I had some depression and anxiety but nothing unbearable.

So I decided to stop 10 days ago.

Now I'm experiencing more fatigue and exhaustion than i ever did during my withdrawal. I also had a few times where my pulse started pounding and felt I guess what everyone refers to as depersonalization.  I was very light head then got the sweats. During my withdrawal I  had this happen many times and sometimes I wound up with nosebleeds. During my withdrawal I actually had a period of nosebleeds that wouldn't stop and had to be cauterized about every three weeks. It almost seemed like my blood pressure would spike when sleeping and I'd wake up with my nose bleeding. I wound up getting diagnosed with a rare blood platelet disorder they are calling aquired glanzmans thrombosis.  I luckily found a nose doctor that put me under and really cauterized the area good. Luckily I haven't had a nosebleed in about 6 1/2 months.

I'm also having night sweats since I've stopped canabis. I did read canabis withdrawal you can get night sweats.

I'm also very dizzy and foggy headed again

Anyway I'm not worrying as I know if it did trigger my withdrawal symptoms again in time I'll be ok

I'm also waiting for bloodwork to see if I'm anemic again or possibly my blood sugar is off.

I was just wondering if anyone had an idea if possibly I'm going through canabis withdrawal or possibly I've woken up the beast again

Thanks for any opinions and wish everyone a good a healing new year




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It could be cannabis withdrawal although significant symptoms 10 days after stopping seems a bit long to me.  It usually resolves within 3-4 days for me, and it's never been anything like benzo withdrawal for me.  Usually I get insomnia, maybe night sweats, a little irritability, slight nausea.  I'm sure it varies from person to person.


I wonder if some cbd would help??? 

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Thanks badsocrief

I actually did cbd as well

I guess your referring to canabis withdrawal

I agree what you described is what I've always went through  when stopping canabis. I've smoked canabis for a good part of my life and stopped about 2 1/2 years ago when I had my first gi bleed and decided to wean off of benzos. I just thought maybe this time it triggered benzo withdrawal symptoms again

I thought maybe since I ate decarbolized flower instead of smoking that it may be a little different.

I also did cbd flower.

It turns out my bloodwork now is off.

Thyroid t4 is tiny bit high and my carbon dioxide is low

My WBC and neutrophils are high

Blood in urine.

I'm still waiting for my new PC doctor to call to discuss.

So I may have other issues going on causing my exhaustion

Thanks for your input

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