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Chest pains and heart palpitations


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Ive had chest pain the last few months and, more recently, palpitations. Im almost a year off ativan and these are my last symptoms (if they are caused by withdrawal). I am certain I have a problem with my heart. Cardiologist says all is well. Ive had ECG, a stress test, and a nuclear stress test. He says no signs of blockages. The daily pains and palpitations, however, cause me concern. Did anyone ever have these pains and palpitations and did they finally go away? Looking for some hope. Many pains I can deal with, but chest pain concerns me.



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I have suffered from chest pains and palpitations for years due to a acid reflux. Benzo withdrawal can cause GERD. And for some people you can have silent gerd. The pains are caused by esophagitis. The palpitations are caused by overstimulation of the vagus nerve. The reflux irritates the esophagus and the esophageal damage stimulates the vagus nerve because of the proximity. I would get palpiations after eating pizza or chinese food or drinking orange juice.


There is nothing wrong with my heart. I am having these issues now in benzo withdrawal. I started drinking more water, watching my diet and taking liquid gaviscon to coat my esophagus when laying down at night and thr pain and palps are dissipating.


I am not saying this is your issue. I am just trying to make you aware of another possible cause.

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You definitely don't have a problem with your heart if they performed all of those tests and they came back negative. Heart palpitations caused by anxiety is very common. When you have anxiety you become aware of your bodies heart rhythm and can feel it.
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I don’t recommend PPI’s like Nexium at all unless absolutely necessary. I’ve been stuck on them for 15 years now. They cause physical dependency and don’t have the best safety profile. I do recommend liquid gaviscon when chest pains pop up and before bed. It helps if it’s caused by reflux.
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Excruciating chest pains, sensations, burning, tightness and palpitations that I never knew a heart good do. Very normal and does ease up. For me around the 5 month time. First few months were torturous.


I’m at almost a year and I’m having the worst wave right now with all of those chest pains again.


Avoid ppi. If you need relief as a last resort take a Zantac as needed but sparingly.


Try a good quality manuka honey and a probiotic. Avoid certain foods.


I’ve been battling the gerd symptoms this entire time. Pressure and a squeeze feeling was in my lungs also. Not sure what that was from. .

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My chest pains were so bad at one point that I was 99% certain that I was going to have a heart attack and took an aspirin as an emergency safety measure. Turns out, nothing was wrong and it was the WD. WD is very, very clever at making you feel like you're having life-threatening medical issues.
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Thats how I feel right now. Did your pains eventually stop. Mine are still very present at 11.5 months off. The clinching, spasms, tightness, and spasms make me question how it could be anything other than my heart. As I said, most of my other symptoms are gone. If this would pass, I would feel 99% healed! I hope it is wd and will pass with time.

Thank you,



My chest pains were so bad at one point that I was 99% certain that I was going to have a heart attack and took an aspirin as an emergency safety measure. Turns out, nothing was wrong and it was the WD. WD is very, very clever at making you feel like you're having life-threatening medical issues.

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Sounds muscular to me, maybe your intercostal muscles are going into spasm, bwd is very good at causing awful muscle pain/spasm.
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I had the heart racing and palps.  Wore a Holter monitor.  All was well.  I don’t have this stuff anymore.  It’s adrenaline.  Feels like crap, but your heart can take it.  Get checked out always if you have concerns, which you did. 



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