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Anyone get the severe air hunger when they try laying on there back or side to go to bed? Where it just feels like your not getting enough air and you need to quickly sit up?
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This used to happen to me all of the time. I believe the issue is that you are shallow breathing through your chest instead of your stomach. This is just a part of anxiety, for some reason without noticing, you just start breathing faster which makes it feel like you can't breath, but in reality, you're getting too much oxygen. It helped me to breath into a paper bag to regulate CO2 or just into my shirt... Sounds crazy, but hopefully I'm right or that this even helps someone.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I know that the youtuber neighborbob talked about air hunger. He said that he would wake up in the night and have to open a window to try and get air. So i guess its a common thing for WD.


Hope its gets better. Good luck

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