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Hit the worst point in my taper lot of different circumstances  Someone did a titration schedule for me for 3 years for 2 mg it would have to put me at 15% which I know will be good further into taper but it has me getting off 1 mg in 6 months concerned and and really scared also because of the shape im in although I know the percentage will also go up (I also just sent a ticket subject on the percentage calculator) I am  wondering if I did a 0,014 cut which would have me off .67mg in a year and leave me with 1.34 mg and then start titration at 1.34mg to get off which im hoping the percentage would go lower.  Its so hard as I know I cant predict what will happen but again 1 mg in 6 months when I cant seem to get stable maybe its different with titration I have never done titration in my taper. I would cut hold 7 days and make next cut. Sorry for all the info but concerned have to leave to see my Dr. in 3.5 hrs and thought I had my mind up on that titration but when I went to bed and this mourning my mind was stuck on that 1 mg in 6 months.  Thank you so much
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