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Severe fatigue and muscle weakness keeping me bed bound


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I stopped kolonopin 1 month ago afte 4 years of nightly use for sleep (1-2mg). Did a 5 month detox going down to .0125 and then jumped. I was decent after the acute withdrawal which lasted 2 weeks but a month in I’m literally bed bound with extreme weakness where I feel disabled. Walking to the bathroom and lifting my arms has become a task. I’m very scared. Has anyone experimenced this before or know if it’s normal after kolonopin use?
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This would be best addressed in the post-tapering or rapid taper area. This protracted board is for people who have been out 2 years on up.


But, yes, extreme weakness to the point of feeling disabled, weakness/lifting the arms being a task (benzos affect the muscles and relax them, but once you're off the drug, they tighten up to a considerable degree until healing takes place), and other awful symptoms are all a part of withdrawal. This is considered "normal" for post-benzo use. I know, it's horrific. But stay the course, try and get plenty of rest, relax as much as you're able, distract to take away dwelling so much on the symptoms, and feed your body good food, no alcohol, no caffeine. If you can, avoid supplements because they can be dicey (although many people do take them and feel better).


You're going to get through all this. The problem is that it's such a detour from our normal way of life that we can't fathom that this is happening to our bodies. It seems utterly frightening. But we've all been through it. GOOD LUCK!!!

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