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Need help desperately, so sick


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Thank you, Mary. I needed that. I feel some of my sxs are so severe that it’s hopeless but I must press on. My doc said he would come to my house if need be because I have to have bloodwork every 3 months and says it might take a long time but I can come back from it. Hugs to you all.





Can you have the most gruesome taper and still heal?  My doctor seems to think so and offered to come to my house if things get really bad. I just don’t want to end up in the hospital again bc it set me back so much and injured me even more. My doctor said even very severe cases can heal.


That is true Buddy, we all heal, it may take time and a lot of patience but we heal.  Have you read

1.parker post:


A paragraph from Parkers post, explained so well


The process to reverse this takes a while.  GABA receptors have to UPregulate and effectively "reopen" or "grow back".  Glutamate receptors must DOWNregulate, or effectively "turn off" or "prune back".  And IN this mix, all the smaller monoamines (neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine) must somehow find a way to synthesize in the mix.  Through weeks and months the body is rebuildling millions of neurons, and changing pathways, rebuilding GABA, downregulating Glutamate, rebuilding serotonin, rebuilding dopamine, rebuilding norepinephrine.  And ALL the enzymes and hormones that need to be made are attempting to be made while this is going on.  Basically- you have a building where the MAJOR streel structures are trying to be rebuilt at different times - ALL while people are coming and going in the building and attempting to work.


2. Ashton , do we heal


Do benzodiazepines cause structural brain damage? These results have raised the question of whether benzodiazepines can cause structural brain damage. Like alcohol, benzodiazepines are fat soluble and are taken up by the fat-containing (lipid) membranes of brain cells. It has been suggested that their use over many years could cause physical changes such as shrinkage of the cerebral cortex, as has been shown in chronic alcoholics, and that such changes may be only partially reversible after withdrawal. However, despite several computed tomography (CT) scan studies, no signs of brain atrophy have been conclusively demonstrated in therapeutic dose users, and even the results in high dose abusers are inconclusive. It is possible that benzodiazepines can cause subtle changes which are not detected by present methods, but on the available evidence there is no reason to think that any such changes would be permanent.


These will help to understand.........good luck Mary 💜💜💜💜

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I  well remember Rosegal’s struggle with Valium. It was super depressing for her. The switch back allowed her to finish tapering  and last I saw before I closed my FB account she was doing great.


Me too. And I felt guilty for suggesting she try Valium. Bad advice for her. Good ending though.

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Hangin' in there!!! Hope you are too! Hugs!!! One day at a time ❤

Blacklablady, I am never far... :)



Hey you!!  You doing ok  :).  Good to see ya💜💜💜

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