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Ativan dosage - twice a day?


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Hello. I am trying to work on my reduction of the Ativan and the reduction of my dependence during the course of the day. But mostly the reduction of feeling so sedated from it. It was suggested I take it twice a day rather than three times that I’ve been doing and I wonder if anyone else has had success with dosing Ativan twice a day. I’m down  to .75 mg and I’d like to get a 10% reduction every two weeks from here on out. Any assistance would be most welcome.



It was recommended I dissolve eight tablets and 80 mL of water and just draw what I need as a post to doing the Thruway. I like that though the 80 ml  is a bit challenging because I don’t have a syringe that is as detailed as I need. I thought perhaps eight tablets and 160 mL would make it easier for me to do the math.


I am open to suggestion and so hoping to have some good put on this. Thank you so much

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  I like that though the 80 ml  is a bit challenging because 1) I don’t have a syringe that is as detailed as I need. I thought perhaps eight tablets and 2) 160 mL would make it easier for me to do the math.




1)  1 ml syringes with 100 graduations (.01ml) are readily available and inexpensive on Amazon.  But even if you have a syringe with 50 graduations (.02ml) then the .01 value is between the marks.  And accuracy and precision are really NOT important anyway.


2)  If that makes it easier, then do it. 


(Personally, I would do 8mgs in 80ml.  That gives you .1mg=1ml, so there really is no "math".)

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