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Weight loss


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It’s been thirty five days since I jumped.

I haven’t been able to gain any weight, on the contrary, I would say I’ve lost a couple more pounds.

I eat fairly well, but constipation, which has been one of my most persistent symptoms is back for the last ten days, all  this is making me depressed. I’m also tired and have little energy, so I most force myself to do anything. I still get tachycardia sometimes.

I’m functioning, but It’s taking an effort.

Any thoughts on these symptoms?


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I don't think this is what happens for everybody by any means but I've seen several say they gained a little weight after getting off.  I lost some weight during my taper and then gained a little back.  First thing that came to mind is if you're getting enough fluids?  Have you had your blood work done recently?  Check your electrolytes?  Might be good to get a checkup any way.  Just some thoughts...  All the best.
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I had bloodwork done three months ago and everything was fine.

I’ve also had all sorts of test including thyroid and everything is fine.

My general practitioner wants me to take antidepressants, but I don’t want to start taking any medication. I have been thinking that maybe I’m not absorbing nutrients well.

I was wondering if anyone else had this symptoms.


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Hi Demelza,

Congratulations on your jump!

I was unable to gain weight while on lorazepam and had 1 full year of constipation leading up to my taper.  Docs wanted to label me IBS  :idiot: Once i corrected the constipation, and changed my diet to heal my gut, everything began to shift to the positive.  I also gained 7 pounds.  ::)


"I have been thinking that maybe I’m not absorbing nutrients well." 

That's very possible - it's also what I believe my issue was.  I reduced sugar, cut out most wheat but not all, cut out cows milk but not all, (I like half and half in coffee and I am addicted to cheese, but far lower amounts now) , got rid of 95% of packaged foods, I added healthy fats back in, more protein and carbs in better balance.  I ate avocado, black beans and spinach (2 each) every day and plenty more fruit.  Since the constipation went away I am able to eat less of those 3 foods and I go just fine. 


I don't recommend a specific diet as any "diet"  simply amounts to the foods you eat every day, but you may like to consider those three foods in particular.  Finding what works for you will take trial and error but helping your system move while balancing the gut could help you get where you need to be - it may also improve the other symptoms.


Good luck!



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Thank you for your suggestions.

I’ve probably strayed from eating vegetables and fruits and have eaten more meat and carbohydrates.

I’m going to follow your suggestions of eating more avocados, beans and spinach. I’m trying hard not to use any laxatives, since I know this makes matter worse. I wish I could gain at least five pounds.

Thanks again for your response.


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