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DLMT Schedule - Few Ideas and Feedback Requested


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Hi All,


New to the board and also new to the idea of the daily micro taper.  It sounds like a pretty gentle way to come of off benzos if there is such a thing.  I know there are many ways to skin the cat here and individual reactions vary.  I've done some research and found multiple ways to do the math on this. i found the link below to a spreadsheet does the work for you, pretty straight forward.  I've also seen plans that start at 300 ml of a liquid toss 1ml per day or start at 150 ml of liquid and toss 1 ml per day.  If you start to struggle hold then slow it down or if you feel great stay or maybe get more aggressive if you feel up to it.




My drug history is in my sig so i'll save the long story and i have an intro thread with some info in there as well.  Basically i'm down from 3mg liquid valium daily (twice daily dose of roxane brand diazepam 1.5mg) to 2.75mg valium daily and looking to cut this sh1t out of my life.  i got down to roughly 2.3mg per day had some personal issues started to drink more than i should and that threw my progress mostly out the window. 


I'm looking for thoughts on the plans i mentioned/linked to above and if there is an ideal way to pace this thing?  I'd love to be off in 6 months but seems putting a timeline on these things can be done at your own peril instead listen to your body and all.  Any feedback is much appreciated.

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Any plan that "tosses" is silly, labor intensive, and wasteful.  Would you take any other medicine by throwing some away and taking what was left?  You prepare a multi-day batch, and just drink you scheduled dose each day.


Since you already have Rx liquid, its simple.  Lets start you back at 2.5mg and do .01mg/day (approx 5-6%/14 days)


Dilute 25ml/mg of your Rx liquid with 225ml water.  You then have 250ml dilute liquid, .1mg = 1ml, approx a 10-12 day supply.




25ml                2.5mg

24.9ml              2.49mg

24.8ml              2.48mg

24.7ml              2.47mg



Just lower your dose by .1ml (.01mg) each day.  The amounts in milliters are the amount you drink each day.  You do NOT "toss" anything.


If you find that schedule to slow or the fast, you can easily adjust the amount of the daily cut up or down.

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I didn't understand the concept of not tossing when I was wanting to do a DLMT.  All the you tube videos show medicine being put down the drain, but I know now that some of the videos are quite misleading ... thanks builder.  Looking at that chart via your link, it's terribly wasteful.


Anyway, until I started my taper and began drawing up my daily dose was my brain able to grasp the concept of not wasting the medicine and save what's left for the next day, several days or even part of a day, depending where I was in the dosage.  And, I'm a person that hates wasting anything, so this was great to finally understand.

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I didn't understand the concept of not tossing when I was wanting to do a DLMT.  All the you tube videos show medicine being put down the drain, but I know now that some of the videos are quite misleading ... thanks builder.


Anyway, until I started my taper and began drawing up my daily dose was my brain able to grasp the concept of not wasting the medicine and save what's left for the next day, several days or even part of a day, depending where I was in the dosage.  And, I'm a person that hates wasting anything, so this was great to finally understand.


Here's an anology that usually clears it up for most folks:


Your doc gives you a scrip for a liquid med.  The dosing instructions are "Take 10 tsp the first day, then reduce dose by 1 tsp each day."  I'm pretty  sure everyone would take 10tsp day 1, 9 tsp day 2, 8 tsp day 3, etc.  That's all  a DLMT is...just lower your dose by the scheduled amount each day.


The YouTube videos are incorrect, misleading, overly-complicated, silly, or all of above! :idiot:

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Any plan that "tosses" is silly, labor intensive, and wasteful.  Would you take any other medicine by throwing some away and taking what was left?  You prepare a multi-day batch, and just drink you scheduled dose each day.


Since you already have Rx liquid, its simple.  Lets start you back at 2.5mg and do .01mg/day (approx 5-6%/14 days)


Dilute 25ml/mg of your Rx liquid with 225ml water.  You then have 250ml dilute liquid, .1mg = 1ml, approx a 10-12 day supply.




25ml                2.5mg

24.9ml              2.49mg

24.8ml              2.48mg

24.7ml              2.47mg



Just lower your dose by .1ml (.01mg) each day.  The amounts in milliters are the amount you drink each day.  You do NOT "toss" anything.


If you find that schedule to slow or the fast, you can easily adjust the amount of the daily cut up or down.


Hi Builder!  thank you I really appreciate the input!  I thought the beauty of the toss method was while wasting meds dosing was easier.  E.g. - measuring 18.3ml seems like more of a pain than tossing (arbitrary number follows) 17 mls.  I guess you have to measure this stuff out regardless.


What exactly are you using to measure out something like 18.3 ml.  I have a 1ml dose w/ increments of .1 and i have a 5 ml.  I'm guessing there is some preferred brand or link to a good syringe on amazon that everyone uses?  thx again!!!

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If you had, say, 20ml liquid, why would it be easier to measure up 5ml (and throw it away) than it would be to just measure up 15ml and drink  it? ::)


Any inexpensive oral syringes will work fine.  They are inexpensive from Amazon, and often free at the pharmacy.  Don't worry about accuracy and precision, they don't matter.  As long as you gradually lower your dose over a period of days, that's all that matters.


You will need 1ml and 10ml syringes.

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You're right it wouldn't be easier, same thing mathematically.  you just avoid fractions of ml's that was my point. 


I may start with 2.75mg per day so i'll do the same mix you stated just start out with 27.5ml of solution day 1.


Thanks again.  You do the math for a lot of folks on here, i'm sure it's appreciated quite a bit.  I have a feeling this method could be quite helpful with an SSRI taper as well.





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