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They may need to develop a another benzo specially for withdawal from benzos.


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One as mild as Valium with the properties of anti convulsant and hypnotic for therapy effect for 8-12 hrs. Like Klonopin with sleep property of Restoril but lasts 10 hrs. Like a triple acting benzo anti seizure, sleep inducing, and anxiety for nighttime use. With a half-life of 12-13 hrs. That's the ideally benzo to taper if it was real. You take at night to reduce anxiety, insomnia, and prevent seizures. A grand slam with many sx's. I wish there one was made. Than take 1/2 of current taper in the morning. It would solve many difficulties if medience came up with one more for WD only.
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Anyone ever give a benzo equal scale with as oppose to alcohol amount from as a taper adjuntive say one beer = a certain amount of benzo and different benzo amounts. Could you just a have sip of beer to withdrawal at a certain time when sx's are worse. And adjust amount with taper off Xanax or Ativan only on lower dose below .50mg and take a lower dose with 1-2 drinks. Maybe 4-6 of relief combine except 1-4 hrs on benzo only. Only applicable if off from work or retired. Short relief at least.
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I don’t drink so no personal experience.  I’ve met one person (in real life) that used alcohol for WD symptoms and he regrets using a low amount of alcohol.  He developed a problem with alcohol in less than a year and felt it was a poor trade off.  He had been given 6 mg Xanax doc prescribed for 10 years (28 years old).  Crossed over to Valium for 1 year, alcohol became his new best friend.


SaraSue  :smitten:

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The thing is with benzos is that they all cover different sub units of the gaba receptors from what I have read. When I was given valium it never helped me for example. 30 mg diazepam was near useless but 1mg lorazepam took away 70% of withdrawal. That is =10mg valium. Librium also didn't help all be it with some tremors.


My head had been hammered by to many combinations leaving very little room for one to work.


I guess a new drug would need to cover every single receptor? Or testing to show which receptors where damaged or low where identified by computer study? Thus the correct perscribed benzo. Its such a guessing game with psych meds which is really a quite dangerous approach with already dangerous medications. It seems crazy already...


I really believe or demand worldwide computer study and reading of our neural pathways, chemical systems and nervous system. Its incredible to think we go weeks months years suffering from a temporary mental and physical illness for which we have no official evidence of diagnosis or testing monthly to see how are brains and bodies are healing. All we have is hope and faith. Thats what gets us through this.


The human body is a lean mean living machine. Great Question!

Oh by the way alcohol exabberated every withdrawal right after the first sip no relief for me.

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