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Going through withdrawal. Thoughts of others


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I was as per usual trying to find a way to get through this ordeal of trying to come of Valium. Like many here I have not had, am not having an easy time of it, and coming here is a safe place where I know I will be understood by those who have or are suffering too.

I found this link and hope it's ok to post it here, as it spoke to me as a way to try and get my family to understand what I am going through. I am sure many of us are not understood, and are told we are creating this ourselves from what we have read, when really we are reading about it because we are suffering, and what to find an answer to healing. Hope it can help you too. 




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Hi HG.

Glad you liked the link, there are several side links too worth reading through. 

thank you for asking. I would love to say I was feeling better, but guess I am following the usual pattern of my tiny cuts. Hoping against hope that symptoms improve on the way down if I go slow enough, and maybe my luck will change and I will not suffer on the other side.

How are you?


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Guess it's all we can do in the end HG . Hang in there, till we get there. I mad a cut 6 days ago, and have certainly feel it. Hoping I can finish this nightmare this year, or at least get rid of the evil V
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Thanks for that article link. :angel:  I found it to be so true and informative, especially as I'm having rougher & rougher time w/less & less benzo in my system, but determined to get beyond this nightmare.  Largely dysfunctional since last May '18.  (If interested in taper/history, it's in my signature line). 


I'd mistakenly thought once I was ready to share exactly what I'm going through w/loved ones, that would indicate I was receptive to discussing.  I couldn't have been more wrong.  People avoid the topic & when I do start to share, they have to go for one reason or another; it's end of phone call. - Phone call & e-mail being my only communications, since I'm so debilitated.  I think it's better I start using that word rather than dysfunctional. - One well-meaning friend said she "knew" b/c a nephew had detoxed off something.  I've tried stressing how benzo w/d is a completely different creature.  I don't feel it's that they don't care; I feel they're very caught up in the midst of their own lives and afraid.  It is nearly impossible to comprehend.  I'm living it & can hardly understand!  Also, can only barely remember there were (large) portions of my life that weren't consumed w/pain and that I'd functioned normally, when now I've only left my house to go to the mailbox (I've actually "engaged" w/neighbor, but usually will do a "lookout" from my window before leaving, as I don't want to encounter anyone.  I'm embarrassed of how I look & that's of how I must look to others'; when I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror, I'm actually quite horrified and terrified); have groceries delivered.   


I would love to share this article.  But, the people I'd think even might actually take the time to read through it, however, I won't.  For these reasons: I know they'll immediately be offended by some language (obscenities) used.  I don't care, but I know they find it very offensive.  It's too bad b/c it would be very helpful.  It's also too bad writer included a comparison to a bad "trip" in the article.  Outsiders thoughts' will immediately turn to street drugs b/c of that reference, which doesn't help to further our cause & understanding by others.


Thanks, again & best wishes to all bb's.



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