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Very depressed..


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I've been off Lorazepam for just over 6 weeks.  Have had lots of sx's, insomnia, anxiety, weight loss, tired, weak, thoughts from the past barging in and making me worried and sad, and depression.  I think most sx's have been slowly easing, but the last several days depression has been hanging around more and more.  It's starting to worry me.  If I go to the gym, or take a long walk, depression may subside for a while, but always comes back.  It feels like it's taking over more of my body, not just my stomach, but back, shoulders, chest etc.  Would this be a good time to take fish oil supplement?  And has anyone had a good experience with starting an antidepressant while going through this (I think I know the answer, but have to ask)? 


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Hi livininfl,


So sorry to hear you're having this awful depression.  I've been in the pits with severe depression  for the past few days, too, starting last Friday.  I think it has a lot to to with outside (imaginary?) influences, resulting in anxiety and depression.



To answer your question , I do take a fish oil supplement, in  liquid form, which is better utilized by the  body. It's "tasteless", with a hint of rosemary. I've been taking it since before tapering, and I think it helps tremendously.  I also try to eat fish 2-3x week, especially wild salmon.  Other oily fish like mackerel and sardines are also excellent.


I've been on almost any type of chemical anti-depressant you could name (with exception  of MAOs), and although some of them helped, in the long run, they have made me feel even more depressed over time, so I stopped taking them several years ago.  This was not when I was in w/d from benzos.


It could also be SAD (seasonal affective disorder), and I've used light lamps for this, but it offered little help.  It could be of help to you, and shouldn't hurt to try it.


The amazing thing is, since starting my taper of Lorazepam in early September, I had been virtually free of depression.  It's lessening today.  I hope you find relief soon!






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Hi Livin,

Congrats for getting off the benzo !  Your still pretty much in the early stages of recovery right now and what your feelling is pretty normal for withdrawl.  I know how hard it is the deep dark places that our minds will go while going thru this is scary and crazy at times.  It's like our minds are all confused and thoughts from the past come surging back with guilt, remouse , sadness and confusion.  It's crazy making to say the least.  Please do know that this will pass and that it is all induced by the benzo withdrawl.  Hopefully soon this will all be a vague memory for you.  As for the use of a antidepressant during withdrawl I personally had good luck with it. I researched and conferred with my doctor and decided on welbutrin.  It did revv up my anxiety symptoms in the beginning and also took about 6 weeks for it to work.  I just recently tapered off of that.  I think many going thru benzo withdrawl are afraid to take any thing that is prescribed by a doctor after going thru this, but I firmly believe that for me it definately helped and was the right decision.  We all have to make individual decisions for ourselves and the bottom line is getting off of the benzo's and healing with the least amount of misery.  I would suggest that you try to take it easy right now and not push yourself to be 100 % right now.  It will happen, just accept the symptoms right now for what they are as I am sure in the near future that you will be feeling much better.    Ginia

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Thanks for your reply.  I have bought some fish oil 1200 mg omega3, I think I will start trying this tonight.  I suppose it can't hurt, and hopefully will help relieve the depression.  I think it's also supposed to help with blood pressure, so fingers crossed. 


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Thanks for responding.  Yes this is bad, my mind keeps on remembering things I would rather not, in ways that I can't even tell if the memories are accurate.  This even sounds crazy.  I wish I could make myself remember/focus on good things for a while.  But I guess that's why they call it depression.  If I can ask, about how early into w/d did you start on the antidepressant?



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Hi Livin,

You will find that there will be points in time a bit later when whatever you are thinking about or are plagued with right now will bring about none of the feelings you are having right now.  In other words when you think of things later they will not bother you in the least.  It is truly "crazy making" at times.  But all of it is withdrawl.  I started the welbutrin when I was at 16 mg. of valium.  I came from 80 mg. so I guess that may be somewhat near the end, but, my taper took a very long time. 


Hope your feeling better soon.          Ginia

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