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Help please!!! Intrusive OCD thoughts and panic about thoughts!!


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I was watching a video and the guy made a comment something like "yóu need to "think about your thoughts when upset like you're watching yourself" or whatever and my high anxiety took that way overboard and now I can't stop obsessing about every thought and it's driving me CRAZY!!! Anxiety soooooooo high!!! Losing it!!! Please help!!!
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I was watching a video and the guy made a comment something like "yóu need to "think about your thoughts when upset like you're watching yourself" or whatever and my high anxiety took that way overboard and now I can't stop obsessing about every thought and it's driving me CRAZY!!! Anxiety soooooooo high!!! Losing it!!! Please help!!!


Hi PG,


I think it's important to remember that these thoughts are being driven by the drug withdrawal. Your body is missing the enhancing effect that the benzo had on GABA, a calming neurotransmitter. The thoughts are temporary. Once your body adjusts to being without the drug, you will feel better, but it's just going to take time.


In the meantime, there are some things you can do to help yourself feel a bit better. Have you tried progressive muscle relaxation, meditation (there are some videos on youtube for this), or distracting yourself with something you find enjoyable? I find reading helps me, but you might try watching a movie or listening to a podcast. I also find exercise tends to calm things down quite a bit. It's hard to put much energy into being anxious or tense if you're tired from exercising. Also much easier to sleep :)


Anyway, hope you are feeling better soon. This is probably the toughest drug to withdraw from on the planet, so don't feel bad when you're having trouble.

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Dont watch more triggering info until your mind come back.


I had ocd during one year. With several thoughts. The way how your thoughts are created by your brain is wrong. You cant do nothing. Just accept it is happening and dont be anxious about it. With time, everything come back.



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Hi Pink! :smitten:

Below is a link to a site where an individual describes the anxious process and intrusive thoughts really welll. Anxiety goes up big time with this drugs during tolerance or withdrawal. Avoid stressful situations as much as you can and that includes movies contents. Hope it helps!





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  • 2 months later...
This is the worst part of my taper!  Horrible thoughts about past mistakes, over and over again.  It makes me panic and my anxiety goes sky high.  Even if I forget about it for a while and I'm having fun, it's like there's a little person tapping my shoulder saying "Wait, don't have fun....you are a mess!" So frustrating.  Need some reassurance it will eventually go away.  It's making me crazy.
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It does get better. I've improved so much compared to when I first jumped. It won't be that way forever. I've gone full days without having too many of those mental type of symptoms. I typically tend to get them worse at night, but I've had really mild days where I hardly noticed or only at night as I was alone and readying for bed.
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What you say reminds of how we can be great advice givers, voices of such calm truth to our friends and love dones, and then to ourselves we're like ahhhhhhhhh just a wreck lol. not to make light of it but the ole can give great advice but cant follow our own, which i think this withdrawal has tested that mantra to the absolute max.


to my friends im a jedi master, to myself im a total blathering mess sometimes :P

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I need help too! Almost 20 months out and dark violent thoughts haunt mw. It feels like it tries to make me think those are my own. It's the worst part of this. "You should do this, there is no hope anymor". Drives me crazy! Those were almost gone for a month or aomething, but them are back big time.


More warm thoughts please. If someone had suffered long time woth these, and is now better, I hope you can send me some hope.


All the best everyone!

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Hey, Lightman. I know we have talked before. I am dealing with similar horrible thoughts, coupled with anger that I think is associated with being stressed all the time. Last night, I couldn't even be around a steak knife I was so uncomfortable. The OCD and intrusive thoughts makes this brutal, and I've considered taking other meds for a long time. I just don't know when the OCD and anger will end.
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Gosh I feel like I could’ve written several of y’all’s posts myself. So many of the same feelings, emotions and sensations that I’m getting that I couldn’t really articulate but you all have. That gives me some hope.
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  • 1 month later...
Oh this was constant at first, but it does get better! The best thing that helped me was the audible, “Hope & Help for Your Nerves” by Dr Claire Weekes and distraction to move off whatever the current obsessive thought. The audible is great for panic & anxiety bc she simply teaches you to accept it instead of trying to fight it. Nothing is a really a magic bullet unless you’re is that you WILL heal in time. Thinking positive is also a powerful tool. It sounds like a crock, but positively knowing it will eventually start to let up is the only thing that kept me going:)
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I’m also going through this now. Utterly stuck in my mind. You’ll never get better, you’ll go crazy and go to institution etc. The only time I find relief is in the evening when lie down and practice body awareness and pray. It takes a long time but gives me temporary relief. Certain shows can also distract me.
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It does get better. Just remember that every day that you survive is another day you are healing. My intrusive thoughts have gotten much better. The depression is lifting too. I’ve watched a ton of videos, researched, and read to pass the time. Fortunately, I have been able to work, so that’s been a good distraction as well. Just keep breathing and passing the time and you will heal.
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You know those true crime type shows, where you have to figure out how the wife murdered the husband and why and they re-enact it with scary music? DON'T  DON'T EVER WATCH ANY SHOWS LIKE THAT, not when you are having dark thoughts already. Maybe not ever. Anyway I know those shows made it all even worse for me...



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