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14 days off....Should I go back on?


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On day 14 rignt now. Jumped off at 0.25mg clonazepam. thinking about re-instating 0.25mg or 0.125mg per day and doing a more gradual taper.....but fear kindling.


my doctor had me go through a bit of a rapid taper. (she wasn't onboard with the ashton manual)


not as terrible as i had feared before jumping....(no seizures, not dead, only slight physical symptoms)...but having some brutal psychological symptoms:  extreme mood swings, immense rebound anxiety, paranoid thoughts, 3-6 hours of bad sleep (frequent wake-ups and nightmares), severe diahrrea


When is right time to rip off the band-aid? I see so many of you guys on slow taper schedules and can't help but wonder if it would be a good idea to go back on.


all thoughts/ideas/suggestions appreciated!

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Your at the right place lots of help and knowledge here. I was on k for 20 some years.  1mg sometimes 2 a day. I was having lots of tolerance issues. I tapered off in 9 months. Plus effexor and depakote. It's been rough but I'm slowly making progress. Almost 3 months out. Some days are very rough some are doable. Try and stick it out. Read study and talk it over before you go back. I know it's tough the days and hrs drag on but I'm starting to see a little light in the distance. I'm not living life around a pill or pills. Strength and hope to you.
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