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Hello.  I have been injured as a result of taking valium as prescribed for four years for muscle spasm at night, then taken off with no taper.  It has been seven months since my last dose.  Today I feel that I may never recover.  I have lost my beautiful life "but the heart still beats."
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Hello Oliviamarie!


We are very glad that you found us!


Congratulations on being benzo free! Sorry you are still having issues with Valium withdrawal symptoms. It is actually quite common on this forum for folks to still experience symptoms at 7 months off. It can take some time for GABA receptors and CNS to full recover. You should see symptom slowly improve over time... hang in there


I would like to suggest that you do some research on the various boards. Becoming well informed should better enable you to make difficult decisions as well as provide you with the tools you need for a successful recovery.  You will find many knowledgeable members who will support your efforts to remain benzo free. I have enclosed a few links below that may help you. Check them out!


Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Bella  :smitten:




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Professor Heather Ashton's Manual



Taper Info:

Suggested reduction rate is 5% - 10% every 10 - 14 days 

Create Your Own Taper Plan  by Jim Hawk 

You-Tube step-by-step Tutorial Video

Other Tutorials:


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