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Half a Dose of Nyquil Bad?


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I been taking half a dose, just for my cough and to make me a little sleepy.....but then I wake up drugged really bad feeling and feel tired ALL DAY LONG....I mean usually they say nyquil wears off after an hour or 2 when you wake...mine lasts forever, I yawn alot and feel terrible!


Last night I slept somewhat without Nyquil and of course wake up same tired drug like feelings.......its liek no matter what I do I cant win or get good sleep


I been off Ativan a year now and yet it feels like month one

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I stopped the Nyquil past 4 days,slept abit the first few then last night came and my coughing and throat clearing was really bad so no sleep all day...back to being up 36+ hours before I sleep again
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Mark, did you find out what is causing your coughing? I would try to take something else for the cough and continue to stay off the Nyquil. When you do not take the Nyquil how do you feel when you wake up in the morning? If you do not feel drugged, then you know it was the Nyquil that was making you feel bad. I would try to stay off it if I were you and see if your sleeps slowly start to improve. Hang in there Mark!
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Mark, did you find out what is causing your coughing? I would try to take something else for the cough and continue to stay off the Nyquil. When you do not take the Nyquil how do you feel when you wake up in the morning? If you do not feel drugged, then you know it was the Nyquil that was making you feel bad. I would try to stay off it if I were you and see if your sleeps slowly start to improve. Hang in there Mark!


Something in my Nose and Throat, been on other pills but not helping for it, I had this cough for 2 years now...my lungs are fine, whatever it is is in my throat and nose.....I think I have a serious case of post nasal drip

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I take NyQuil sometimes but only if very sick. It's horrible for you and dehydrating which causes all sorts of issues including it could affect your sleep. Are you drinking a lot of water? That's so important. I'm not a sleep expert but I know NyQuil isn't good stuff. Also has alcohol which I know can exacerbate our symptoms as well.  Hope you get through this soon. 
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