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Does anybody feel stuck like this?


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I can't seem to get that horrid thought out of my head that I'm stuck not being able to fall asleep fast for the rest of my life. Can someone tell me what changed what gave them confidence that they wouldn't be stuck the rest of their lives not getting sleepy at night because of anxiety?
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I feel the same. Every night the same thing. Fall asleep around 10. Get up at 3:30 frightened and shaking. Can't nap during the day. I, too, worry that this is the new normal and that it can't keep up like this. My anxiety,  when I wake and know it is not even close to dawn, goes through the roof.
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I feel the same. Every night the same thing. Fall asleep around 10. Get up at 3:30 frightened and shaking. Can't nap during the day. I, too, worry that this is the new normal and that it can't keep up like this. My anxiety,  when I wake and know it is not even close to dawn, goes through the roof.


I'm only sleeping every other day since my taper started. I wasn't sleeping even before that so I had to take a boatload of stuff to knock me out for the past 9 months.  I'm just scared I'm a lifelong insomniac from now on. I used to have perfect sleep before this. 😞

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You know maybe the pre-taper insomnia could be tolerance withdrawal. And from all I have read here on bb many many folks are doing with very little sleep. When we heal let's hope these vexing, draining symptoms leave us!
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I can't seem to get that horrid thought out of my head that I'm stuck not being able to fall asleep fast for the rest of my life. Can someone tell me what changed what gave them confidence that they wouldn't be stuck the rest of their lives not getting sleepy at night because of anxiety?


StacyY (miss u first off), second I have read over and over through this forum where people weren't able to sleep, but the body needs and knows how to sleep and once all the drugs are gone, it will find its way back to it's normal rhythm.  It may take a while and start out with an hour at a time.  Then one morning, you will wake up and you've slept all night.  There are a lot of posts on here, I promise, that would give u some hope  :smitten: :smitten:

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Honestly, I’ve felt the same feeling. At least some hope has been gained since I can randomly nap occasionally and some nights if I’m lucky I’ll fall asleep within 5 min or so. It’s not every day I get this lucky, but one step at a time. I hope everything gets better!
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