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Teva Clonazepam Discontinued Group


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Well I went for my 6 month check up.Got to the pharmacy and bam no more tevas.I just called that pharmacy on monday to make sure,oh yea we have plenty,the warehouse still has them.Liars.They tried giving me mylans and I said no thank you.So had to go back to the dr's office to write for teva odt's.So anyone with advice on how to crossover would be appreciated.Also teva odt's aren't going to be discontinued also are they?Thanks everyone in advance.
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Depending on how many doses you take in one day, you just substitute the first dose with the ODT while still taking your regular tablet.


So if you take 3 doses, you take the first dose with the ODT and take your next 2 doses with the other tablets. Then after say 10 days of that, you take your 1st and 2nd dose with the ODTs while taking your 3rd dose with your regular tablet.


Then 10 days later, take your 3rd dose with the ODT, and by then you’re on only ODTs.


As far as ODTs being discontinued, I guess no one knows, but ODTs are being used more readily than before as people like the ease of taking them. Swallowing tablets are often difficult for people, and these ODTs are gaining in popularity. I read an article on this so I’m not talking through my hat here.

It considered like new technology to make these which is why they are more expensive. 

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See I take a 1mg teva at night with 1.75 of .1 solution.My morning dose is all teva tablet liquid,which will be 3.22ml of .1 solution.So Im confused at which to work on first my liquid or my tablet.Do you know what I mean?I have like 130 or so 1mg tablets left.I take 2 doses morning and night.
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I’d start with the tablet in the morning first.


These come in all sizes as in 1 mg, 2 mg, .5 mg., .25. Mg, and .125 mg. You have to be strategic about using them as they are expensive.



The more sizes you need to make up your doses, the more expensive it will get. So for 1.5 mg daily dose, you’d need to use.5 mg 3 times to make up that dose.


And they don’t cut up easily due to the way they are made. They crack rather than cut.

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I’m mixed up here cause it’s late here, I’m tired and I have a bad cold. Haven’t had a cold in 20 years, but I sure have one now.


I just can’t figure this out tonight because I don’t completely understand what you are taking daily. I get the 2 doses, but how much is in each dose?

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I’m mixed up here cause it’s late here, I’m tired and I have a bad cold. Haven’t had a cold in 20 years, but I sure have one now.


I just can’t figure this out tonight because I don’t completely understand what you are taking daily. I get the 2 doses, but how much is in each dose?

My morning dose is .322mg or 3.22ml of the .1 liquid solution and my night dose is 1.175mg but I take a 1mg tablet and 1.75ml of .1 solution. Hope that clears it up.Thank you Intend

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I’m mixed up here cause it’s late here, I’m tired and I have a bad cold. Haven’t had a cold in 20 years, but I sure have one now.


I just can’t figure this out tonight because I don’t completely understand what you are taking daily. I get the 2 doses, but how much is in each dose?

My morning dose is .322mg or 3.22ml of the .1 liquid solution and my night dose is 1.175mg but I take a 1mg tablet and 1.75ml of .1 solution. Hope that clears it up.Thank you Intend


Nope, still don’t get it. Your signature says 1.175mg while you are saying 1.75 mg. And I don’t know if it’s tablets and/or liquids.


I need a total daily dose, and if they are in tablets and liquid, or all liquid for both. You can do pills and liquids like I am, for each of your doses, or do all liquids.


And I do not take less or more for doses. I take even doses for both doses. The same in the morning, and the same at night. I learned from the old BDR board that even doses throughout the day works better so that’s what I do and know.

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My total daily dose of today is 1.497mg.At night I take a 1mg tablet along with 1.75ml of .1 solution making my night dose 1.175mg.My morning dose today was 3.22 of .1 solution.I was cutting down my daytime dose first because Prof.Ashton said if sleep is the problem then work on that last.I'm going to get my daytime dose to .25mg then start working on my night time dose.This is my taper to work up to 5% every 14 days.


Day 1.) 0.346

2.) 0.343

3.) 0.340

4.) 0.337

5.) 0.334

6.) 0.331

7.) 0.328

8.) 0.325

9.) 0.322

10.) 0.319

11.) 0.316

12.) 0.313

13.) 0.310

14.) 0.307

15.) 0.303

16.) 0.299

17.) 0.295

18.) 0.291

19.) 0.287

20.) 0.283

21.) 0.279

22.) 0.275

23.) 0.271

24.) 0.267

25.) 0.263

26.) 0.259

27.) 0.255

28.) 0.250

I hope I made it clear now so sorry to be so confusing.

Here's what Prof Ashton says


Designing and following the withdrawal schedule.

1.Design the schedule around your own symptoms. For example, if insomnia is a major problem, take most of your dosage at bedtime; if getting out of the house in the morning is a difficulty, take some of the dose first thing (but not a large enough dose to make you sleepy or incompetent at driving!

I don't know what to do now except what a smart person on here suggested to me and that was get my day dose down to .25 then work on my night dose.


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Don’t apologize for anything. There are numerous ways to taper, and all I can do is tell you what I think, and what I do.


First of all, I could care less about what Ashton’s has said. Yes she is the pioneer of learning that benzos created a chemical dependency, but I don’t care what she has said. Since then many other ways have come along to help people taper more exactly. Back then all she used was a dry cut taper I believe, and a cross over to Valium.


And I also do not care about any person who is “smart.” As I said, I divide my doses equally between morning dose and nighttime dose. So I’m going to improvise for you. I won’t change my udosing schedule, but I’ll try to improvise around your schedule.


So the dose of liquid in the daytime of  .322 mg seems fine. Since you want to taper that down to  .25 mg, just keep doing that.


And you’re basically holding on the nighttime dose of the 1 mg pill plus the liquid dose of .175 mg.


That sounds fine also.


All I can add is that once you’ve reduced the morning dose down to .25 mg, then you start with the liquid nighttime dose of .175 mg and reduce that down to wherever you want. If you want to get rid of it altogether, then do that. That would leave you at a daily total dose of 1.25 mg. at that point; .25 mg in the morning, and 1 mg at night.


I’m not sure what you want to after you’ve reached that point, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

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My total daily dose of today is 1.497mg.At night I take a 1mg tablet along with 1.75ml of .1 solution making my night dose 1.175mg.My morning dose today was 3.22 of .1 solution.I was cutting down my daytime dose first because Prof.Ashton said if sleep is the problem then work on that last.I'm going to get my daytime dose to .25mg then start working on my night time dose.This is my taper to work up to 5% every 14 days.


Day 1.) 0.346

2.) 0.343

3.) 0.340

4.) 0.337

5.) 0.334

6.) 0.331

7.) 0.328

8.) 0.325

9.) 0.322

10.) 0.319

11.) 0.316

12.) 0.313

13.) 0.310

14.) 0.307

15.) 0.303

16.) 0.299

17.) 0.295

18.) 0.291

19.) 0.287

20.) 0.283

21.) 0.279

22.) 0.275

23.) 0.271

24.) 0.267

25.) 0.263

26.) 0.259

27.) 0.255

28.) 0.250

I hope I made it clear now so sorry to be so confusing.

Here's what Prof Ashton says


Designing and following the withdrawal schedule.

1.Design the schedule around your own symptoms. For example, if insomnia is a major problem, take most of your dosage at bedtime; if getting out of the house in the morning is a difficulty, take some of the dose first thing (but not a large enough dose to make you sleepy or incompetent at driving!

I don't know what to do now except what a smart person on here suggested to me and that was get my day dose down to .25 then work on my night dose.


I agree with what INtend said , you don't have to follow Ashton , in fact in fact it gets a lot of people in trouble going at her rate of taper anyway ,


I think your plan is fine , as long as youa re not suffering any interdose wd's


I have to do 4 doses of my K as I metabolize it super fast. But I am working on reducing my daytime doses currently, I haven't decided yet when to stop and move to my nightime doses!

playing by ear and how  I feel


for me its always a try it and see kind of a thing, we are all so different too,


Good luck , you can do this , and don't get too stuck in rules of any kind,




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Well I appreciate you Intend and you also MiYu.And your correct alot of water has gone under the bridge since Prof Ashtons example and I agree with you whole heartedly.Ok I'll chill and get to .25 then do my liquid on my night time dose.I appreciate all of you all very much.
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Well I appreciate you Intend and you also MiYu.And your correct alot of water has gone under the bridge since Prof Ashtons example and I agree with you whole heartedly.Ok I'll chill and get to .25 then do my liquid on my night time dose.I appreciate all of you all very much.


You ar welcome Onemore..... Hang on there !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't been around much and hope all are doing well. Things got really rough in January as my landlord is trying to sell the place so he snuck in with the real estate agent one morning unannounced and tripped out because I had empty boxes in a closet where the washing machine is.  He also freaked out that the white floor was not spotless. I had done my best to clean it but people do go in and out and it's hard in winter plus I can barely move with chronic pain/fibro, etc. These things seem so petty in relation to the major stuff going on and yet this affects my having a place to live albeit a lousy one. On top of that, he told me to ask the downstairs neighbor to help with the boxes as he's pretty young, I did and got an earful about how he had hurt his back and I shouldn't have taken a 3rd floor apartment (was all I can barely afford) and his wife chimed in with some other hurtful things even though I basically have no contact with them.

I just want to get through this rough winter and hopefully move anywhere else as this place has 60 stairs minimum just to get up here and no way to get my mail without going down all of them and around the house up more stairs.


But, I did want to post here to say that I was able to cross over to the Klonopin name brand from the teva in case anyone is contemplating it.


Best wishes to all.


Onemoretry, I wish you the best! I take mine at night and sometimes split it with a few hours before. I think if you can lower your daytime dose that does sound best! I always did take mine for sleep anyway as was reducing Cymbalta which has created its own set of problems, but, at least down to 2mg from 30 on that.


I won't be reducing until I have a stable place to live and hope I can get a script till then. It's really hard going through chronic pain/withdrawal when you live alone. I'm racking my brains and also praying about how to fix this. I need to stay strong amidst all the chaos right now. God bless all.

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That’s quite an update. From what I read, the winter back east has been extremely cold and stormy, so it’s not surprising that having people go in and out would make the floors hard to keep up.


Floors are always hard to keep up since we all walk on them for heavens sake! Who in the world thinks that a white floor can ever be kept spotless?


I’ll be glad to hear when you move somewhere else closer to others. I don’t like the idea of you being/feeling so isolated and just plain cold.


Glad you were able to make that cross to brand K. I don’t know everyone on BB, but I know of a few who were also able to do that. And best wishes with the cymbalta. Those ADs can also be very hard to taper. I do hear that Cymbalta helps with pain, but I have pain also, and I will never take it myself as long as I’m alive and can think for myself.


As far as getting another script, I’m wondering how you got the script for the brand K. I’m hoping you can do that again.


I’m probably forgetting something because as time goes by, we do forget about everyone’s situation.

Please keep us all updated as you can. Glad to hear from you always.

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onemoretry and MiYu,


You two are great!



Hi INtend , sorry I missed this , thank you! You a re too! :-*


Wisdom , so sorry fro your situation.. .sounds very hard. I think you are wise to hold until you can find a bette r circumstance. These outer  situations a re so disruptive when we are trying to taper , and need absolute safety as a basic thing  in order to be able to go through this

I dread the summers here now in Nor CAl. The fires have been so awful the last few years ,and in fact it was because of the Valley Fire in 2015 that I ended up in this benzo mess. I lost my home and community of 18 years... terribly traumatic

And now I am not strong enough to move until I can get off the benzos and heal


Anyway , I digress...... I wanted to report on my progress with switching to Accord clonazepam

THis week I added another accord pill to my liquid, so that now I am 50/50 Teva / accord.


I have been crushingly tired and not feeling well, it's day three, but today feels a little easier ,so I think it won;t be too bad adjusting , hoping,

I object to yet another  interruption in my ability to  taper , but patience is now my middle name !!




on we go .

wishing everyone peace and healing,


MiYu :smitten:

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Thanks for your update also. These constant acclimating to another version of clonazepam has worn on me too, and I definitely object to another clonazepam switch. 6 switches is too many for anyone in my opinion.

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Thanks for the kind words Intend. I do wish you the best too!!!


'As far as getting another script, I’m wondering how you got the script for the brand K. I’m hoping you can do that again. '


When I was having the trouble with my GP and she refused to write for the ODTs, she wrote this one without asking me because

she knew it would have put me in a Cold Turkey situation as I had not been able to get in to another doctor and was without meds. I don't know what her thought processes will be next month and wish I had got a new doctor long ago. I don't like doctors so was keeping her as had been with her a long time and needed the meds to taper off of.


Yes, never, ever take Cymbalta, ever. I am currently trying to help so many in my Facebook group get off of that and it's awful what it has done along with the polypharmacy from doctors and their dangerous ways of telling people to stop the med.

It's a horrible neurotoxin and I can't say it helped with the fibro or other pain.


MiYu you are so right. It is about peace and safety. I am praying hard and trying to find that, hopefully when the weather warms up and I can move.


Oh my gosh, had no idea you lost your home and community. I'm so sorry. I do understand why you took the meds. It seems at a vulnerable time, we do what we might not do otherwise. I am in the same situation as you. My health and strength is so compromised and makes it so hard to move. Plus from the third floor with no elevator, I'm not even sure how I'll do it, but, I am sure I want to get away from these cruel unreasonable cold people. It's funny. Me, I would help someone just of my nature in this situation, whereas, I was told by the wife of the neighbor who is a ***** that there were retirement homes in town.  :-\ I'm not even that old! That is cold. I've always helped people older than me or who need help whenever I could. And, all this, because they didn't want to help me with a package when they are on the first floor where mail is delivered. So petty.


MiYu, where would you move if you could? I used to live in Northern CA. My best friend in Australia and I always dream of moving to Monterey. My favorite place ever is the Greek Islands, but, not sure that is very practical right now.


I'm glad that you are having success switching although I know it is not easy at all. The changes they've forced upon us are exhausting and done with no care whatsoever.


Hang in there because you can do this. I'm rooting for all of us so much. :smitten:


I'm glad to hear from everybody and wish us all peace, love, happiness, health and healing. Prayers to the universe!

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I’m hoping that same doctor you have right now will write the Rx for the brand K again. You have a great heart for others here.


And that’s who you are: intrinsically you.


It’s a great  quality to have as part of anyone’s personality, and I admire that about anyone like you.

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Yes Wisdom , you stick to your heart - principles .... I feel even if others do not know how to live rightly in relation to others , we must still live with the integrity that we know to be right . It's unfortunate that others can take advantage or trample on those who are good .


At least we can live with a clear conscience eh?


Thanks for your words ..... I honestly ave no idea where I would go if I left here !

First i have to heal , and then see where life takes me . I usually receive  directions when the time is right !



I'm up at 1 am with awful restless legs , no idea what the trigger was tonight , but it horrible!

I've tried at least 1/2 dz times to Kay down to sleep , and it's just not happening !



Hope you are all in sleep land where we at least can find some peace ,


Love ,


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It’s possible that you are feeling the effects of the accord brand that you are acclimating to as far as those restless legs.


And I’m going to say that you too are someone who lives by principles and integrity. You are kind and caring to others and that means a lot to me.

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