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Impending doom


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I am so beat today, and I have this feeling of impending doom. Saturday I had a good window, and last night while sleeping I had a stomach ache from hell. I have a suspicion is from gastritis. I had this issue before benzos but beat it; but I didn't expect this relapsing now, OMG! I feel hopeless. I won't be able to see a doc until a month. I won't go to an ER. I am starting a strict diet protocol and drinking aloe vera and other natural remedies. I was able to sleep some; usually during the day I have been feeling okay, it just when I sleep that this pain is creeping up on me as if Satan is trying to sabotage me. Please pray for my healing  :'(
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Sorry for your gastro issues.  Your GI Tract actually has more Gaba receptors than your brain.  Those get down regulated too and can cause all sorts of issues that you describe.  I had a lot of GI issues too, but they went away over time.  Of course, almost all doctors will not attribute your symptoms to Benzo WD and will want to do a bunch of tests (that come back negative 99% of the time) and put you on GERD or some other medication to "mask" your symptoms.


A strict "clean" diet will help.  Don't take any pain killers, especially NSAIDs, if you can help it.  Those do a lot of damage to your gut and kill good bacteria. 


Satan would surely like to get you to believe you are defeated.  You know that's not true.  He came to kill, steal and destroy.  Your Benzo WD is the perfect opportunity for him to get you to believe the lies you are being feed by your Benzo damaged brain.  He was and is a liar and is the father of lies.  When he lies he speaks his native language.  Don't believe the lies.  You will heal.  Greater is He that is living in you than he that is living in the world. 


Praying for healing.  You will get there! :thumbsup:

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Hello ThewAy2:


Thanks for your encouraging words of wisdom. I have been having some windows lately; especially the last three days (except last night). I have been napping organically (something I hadn't done in years); and sleeping 4 to 6 hours at night. No headaches (for now), very few hypnic jerks, and didn't feel the burning skin until last night again which kind of freaked me out again. I had a surge of adrenaline around 4:30 am when I woke up and immediately my body started burning. This is so maddening that withdrawal is so non linear! Well, as per my pyschiatrist I have been taking a supplement for the high cortisol at night something like Seriphos. For the most part it has been helping, but last night I guess didn't. I would like to wean off this one because I am afraid to cold turkey this one and have rebound cortisol spikes. Have you had high cortisol issues at night? How did you resolve that?


Well, even though I don't feel well rested like yesterday, I will try to be positive and push through. I know my GI issues had something to do with my waking up last night with refllux that gave me anxiety, bummer! I went to my GP yesterday to have some testing done to ease my mind up, especially for H. Pylori infection which I had it four years ago (before benzos, so I hope it is not relapse). More likely is gastritis, so I am doing a super clean diet and it is helping some but not a 100% yet, maybe too soon.


I hope that I will pull through and get over this hump. I will not get paranoid about not sleeping. I sort of learned how to accept it and learned how to cope. I spent almost four months with little sleep. So having these naps have been so wonderful! I know some people say not to take naps, but my body just crashes; so for now, I will get whatever sleep I can get, what do you think?

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Hi Solyluna,


You don't need to taper Seriphos as it is a natural OTC supplement.  It helped me with Cortisol/Adrenaline surges.  Those were the worst.  I had them for about 6 months, then they faded.  I would sleep when you can get it.  People say don't nap as it sometimes makes it harder to sleep that night.  But during WD the rules get thrown out the window.  I would take sleep when and where you can get it.  You will get past this.  It is very UP and DOWN, but when it is DOWN, we seem to forget that it is nonlinear and start looking into other medical conditions that are causing our symptoms and lack of sleep.


You will beat this.  I know you will.  You have a great attitude and the God of the universe on your side! :thumbsup:

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