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After 50 years (yes, really, 50 years) I am benzo free x 2 months


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Greetings everyone,


I’m posting this to give others hope. One of the things I needed most during my interminably l-o-n-g taper, was HOPE. I’m in a category of VERY long time benzo users who started taking the various benzo meds as a child for seizure disorder and I was “cold turkeyed” numerous times without anyone seeming to know what was going on with withdrawal symptoms so when symptoms from withdrawal got bad, they would simply put me back on the benzos — often at an even higher dose. There just is no data or comparison available for someone in my situation so neither I, nor my docs, nor even my pharmacology specialist, has had any idea of what to expect. I realize I am very early days yet and I keep wondering if symptoms are going to come crashing down on me, but after the first two months completely off, things are starting to feel better. I definitely have symptoms and I am concerned, at my old age and with my long term use, about permanent neurological damage, but I am managing day to day and starting to feel better.


I did a long, slow taper starting with the Ashton protocol for a cross over from Lorazepam to Diazepam, then went to liquid micro-tapering for about a year and a half, then ended the last 2 mg of Valium with dry tapering the pills by cutting them into small pieces and and taking rather long holds between the cuts. During the taper I was able to work part-time, travel overseas, move households to another state, travel frequently to another state to help care for my elderly parents, organize a wedding for my daughter and managed to usually be a semi-functioning human being, although there were days, weeks and sometimes months when I was tremoring, in a brain fog, unable to sleep, felt like my head would explode, wearing dark glasses all day, walking with a cane and lying around the house with all the curtains closed fearing it would never end. I will post some of my symptoms, my coping mechanisms and my experiences in the board for those who have been “off benzos for two months or more” in case there is anything others might find helpful.


I was extremely fortunate to have excellent Medical, pharmacological and emotional support along with a stable income from a gainfully employed and incredibly supportive husband. AND, very critical, I had the same Medical Insurance as US senators, Congressmen and Federal Employees have access to. Everyone derseves the kind of help and support I have had and I cannot overemphasize the role that support has played in my being able to do this. I was also fortunate to have received plenty of help and support early on in my taper from all you wonderful folks here on BB. Without your knowledge, experience and encouragement, I wouldn’t have been able to tell my doctors what I needed to do to get better. For this, I am eternally, and deeply from the heart, grateful!


I had doctors, friends and family members tell me tapering off at my age was; “a huge mistake”, “not worth it” and “against medical advice”, and I have no idea what is in store for me long term, but I can honestly say again, with gratitude, excitement and hope, thanks to all the wonderful support, I DID IT AND I FEEL BETTER!!!


Don’t lose hope!


Best to everyone,



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Congrats, Mo!


It is great to see you here writing a success story. I remember you giving me some extremely helpful feedback and support circa 2015 when I unexpectedly landed in this benzo hell, not having a clue what was happening with me and having the urge to run to ER all the time (which I stopped doing, partly to your reassurance).


And then I recall you have dropped off here, and I often wondered how you were doing, and was wondering if everything was ok with you, and definitely felt an absence of someone who had a very delicate understanding of this withdrawal process.


Well, I am more than glad that you came back to write your succes story and that you got ativan out of life (yay!), because that by itself would have been a huge accomplishment. And then you got valium out of life, too, which is sort of a poetic justice. It started with valium and it only makes sense for valium to be the last one to go :)


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congratulations and thank you for taking the time to encourage others. I was  also a long term user ( 20 years), and have done well after completion of my taper. It's so good to hear the positive emphasized. Life benzo free is amazing and worth fighting for. Again, big congratulations on your accomplishment. Missy  :thumbsup:
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You must feel incredibly proud, as should your loved ones! Thank you so much for the positivity and encouragement. I would definitely like to read your coping tips, etc.


I wish you everything beautiful for the rest of your life - you've certainly earned it.




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Congratulations Mo, this is a wonderful inspirational post, I am sure will give hope to others. You have come a long way, I hope life gets better and better for you...you worked hard for it, you deserve it.


Magrita :smitten:

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mosart, congrats on your success!! This certainly gives hope to those still suffering. Especially those who are extended long term users  :thumbsup:
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Thank you so much for your story.  I am in awe of your accomplishments.  You have shown us we can do this.    We need that, and u provided a big dose  :smitten:
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Thank you for sharing. I am happy to read it. It is a huge testimony for me. I took for 8 years the benzos but I didn't read until a this kind of testimony. Praise the Lord for this. You helped me a lot and you encouraged me. I am free over 2 years and I have still some issues.


I can't tell you anything else just don't give up it doesn't matter how you feel now yourself. I will keep you in my pray.

God bless you.

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