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Triggers, Flashbacks, Depression


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I made so many mistakes in life and its a pile of rubbish.


Things trigger me, cause flashbacks, throw me into depression. I need relief and its so hard to find.



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When you're done with your taper, and your body has healed from the withdrawal symptoms, you'll be better able to handle these thoughts.  Right now, your normal filter which protects you from these thoughts is gone, you're at the mercy of them.  When you're past this, it will be back in place, at least it happened that way for me.
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I can relate to this VERY much having panic disorder everything I thought BEFORE my detox was negative now its to the MAX if you need someone to talk to I am here
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Hey Buddies,


I going threw the same I have so many regrets and sorrows from my past I thought I had got over most of it.. Now in benzo withdrawl it's back to haunt me day and night torment guilt.. I'm at home curled up crying and lonely depressed anything happy triggers it on FB my friends are happy & opening busineses living life normal mentally sound my husband is at work doing what he enjoy..

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Hey Buddies,


I going threw the same I have so many regrets and sorrows from my past I thought I had got over most of it.. Now in benzo withdrawl it's back to haunt me day and night torment guilt.. I'm at home curled up crying and lonely depressed anything happy triggers it on FB my friends are happy & opening busineses living life normal mentally sound my husband is at work doing what he enjoy..


It is so hard to watch others living a "normal" happy existence, isn't it?  I feel your pain, hun.  But we must all cling on to the knowledge that we will heal from this one day soon.  In the meantime, just know that we are all here to support you.

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Right now, your normal filter which protects you from these thoughts is gone, you're at the mercy of them.


I don´t know if it has anything to do with Benzo w/d. There are triggers ALL OVER the place here. Like yesterday I was at my mom´s and looked through a photo album - and memories came back of what happened then, and it opened old wounds and I was totally upset again.


I am having a bit of a problem with reality and what is real and depending on who I am with "seeing the world differently" i.e. my perception is changing all the time and its driving me nuts.



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Try not to think about the bad things that happened in your past, try to bring back the good memories  :)  If there are triggers that make you feel bad, there will also be triggers that will make you feel good, try to find those!


Everybody makes mistakes, nobody is perfect... live and learn, think about what you want to accomplish in the future, not about what happend in the past.


I know it's hard, I also feel bad a lot of the time... well, most of the time actually, but I know for 100% sure these feelings will go away once we win this battle!


Hang in there! One day you'll wake up and realise you're living a beautifull life again! Just be strong...



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Hi Lizzie,

Everything that you are talking about I have experienced and experienced for many many months during my taper.  It was as if my mind was in  some sort of PTSD horror mode with the past and just would not shut down at times.  I remember going to the grocery store and seeing a item and it triggered a very awful memory .  I would wake up and awful memories, guilt, intrusive memories, horrible thoughts, etc.  would just assail me.  I still get hit with it every once in a while,  but it quickly goes away and I realize what it is.  It is residual withdrawl symptom and that is it.  No deep down psychological symptoms, no PTSD, no unresolved anger issues,  just wierd , wierd benzo induced thoughts and memories.  Almost all of the wierd thoughts and memories are gone for now and I remember that being the worst of my symptoms,  at the least the most troubling to me as it seemed to control me and also torment me.  Realize that these thoughts are not true.  They are benzo withdrawl induced and you are not going crazy.  In the midst of these awful thougts I had to continue to tell myself that these thoughts were not accurate that they were lies not relevant to my current reality.  Sometimes you just have to say STOP to interrupt the thoughts.  Later,  when you progess into later stages of healing you will notice that these thougts and feelings are gone. When you think of them or triggers it will be nothing with no unusual fear to the thought, pain , guilt etc. It won't bother you at all.  TschurB  Ginia

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Hi Lizzie,

By residual , I mean "very stubborn, or long lasting" symptoms.  I have heard from others that they also have this.  Some symptoms last for only a little while and some last much longer, but the bottom line is that they all eventually go away.  Hang in there Lizzie,  it will get better. 

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My psychiatrist prescribed me Citalopram for depression a while ago but I didnt want to take it as I know from past experience how long it takes for them to work and I didnt feel like I really had depression. But today I gave in and have started taking the 10 mg she suggested. I know I need to wait for two weeks before they have an effect - I hope though that this will give me a bit of relief.


Since she gave me 40 mg tabs and told me to split them, I dont think it´s much and wont be hard to taper off of later.


in hope of better days, Elke

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