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drugs individuals and life - versus pharmicutical companies.


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many of us can benefit from therapy - but insurance companies put limits on how well we are allowed to get in exchange for drugs.


we are individuals who carry a history - we are individuals that have personalities and spirit that must be honored - i encourage those with mental problems to solve them - not cover them.


solving problems is not something we can do on our own - go to the county if you cannot afford a good therapists - see what they have to offer.


honor your feelings - if you are uncomfortable with something - you may not be crazy - you may actually be dealing with an uncomfortable situation in a society that demands madison avenue standards.


for some church works for others excersie works others meditation - and some therapy by a good therapists - education does not matter - what matters is that you click and are willing to put forth the effort to change.


and then there is the physical - join a support group share information - surf the need - read - read and then read some more.


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