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The Gut...our second brain.


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In recent years, the link between the nervous system and the digestive system has been recognized. There is a constant exchange of chemicals and electrical messages between the two systems. In fact, many scientists often refer to them as one entity – the brain-gut axis. Therefore, what affects the stomach will directly affect the brain and vice versa.


Medications designed to target the brain can also cause nausea, diarrhea, constipation or abdominal upset because the body actually has two brains – one encased in the skull, and a lesser known but vitally important one found in the human gut. Fat-soluble drugs penetrate the gut wall, thus injuring the natural balance of the digestive system. Antidepressants, benzodiazepines and sleeping pills are fat-soluble.


SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) are believed to ease depression by enhancing levels of Serotonin to the brain. But 95% of the Serotonin in the body lies in the digestive system, and diverting the supplies of Serotonin can increase anxiety, alter sleep patterns and cause sexual dysfunction as well as adversely affect the cardiovascular region. Balancing the hotbed of Serotonin production in the gut is critical to restoring the balance.


Some scientists believe that SSRIs boost Serotonin in the gut and change the signals to the brain, since antidepressants prevent the uptake of Serotonin by cells that should be using it. But Serotonin is calming to the digestive tract. This helps to explain why a large percentage of people experience nausea, stomach upset, constipation and diarrhea, which in turn can cause depression, anxiety, insomnia and fluctuations in appetite.


GABA receptors for Benzodiazepines and Sleeping Pills are also located in the gut and depress gastrointestinal movement, which causes constipation. But the continued use of medications that target GABA also increase the level of stress on the body. And in many ways, the connection between stress and the gut may be the most visible brain-gut connection.  Chronic stress can result in indigestion, ulcers and a host of uncomfortable symptoms, including colon spasms. This may explain why the gut naturally produces benzodiazepines.


Nearly every chemical that controls the brain is also located in the stomach region, including hormones and neurotransmitters such as Serotonin, Dopamine, Glutamate, GABA and Norepinephrine. The gut contains 100 million neurons – more than the spinal cord. But there are also two-dozen small brain proteins; major cells of the immune system; one class of the body’s natural opiates; and native benzodiazepines. The gut, known as the enteric nervous system, is located in sheaths of tissue lining the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon, and plays a key role in human emotions. But few know the enteric nervous system exists, and therefore gut health is often overlooked. Symptoms from the two brains can get confused, and just as the brain can upset the gut, the gut can also upset the brain.


The brain signals the gut region by talking to a small number of command neurons, which in turn signal relay neurons that carry messages and control the pattern of activity in the gut. The term Solar Plexus simply refers to the nerves in the abdomen. But these plexuses also contain cells that nourish neurons and are involved in immune response and the protection of the “blood brain barrier” to keep harmful substances away from the important neurons. There are also sensors for sugar, protein, acid and other factors that monitor the progress of digestion, determining how the gut mixes and handles it’s contents.


During sleep, the head’s brain produces 90-minute cycles of slow wave sleep, followed by periods of rapid eye movement (REM) where dreams occur. During the night, when it is empty, the gut’s brain produces 90-minute slow wave muscle contractions, followed by short bursts of rapid muscle movement. These two brains are linked even in sleep. Individuals with bowel problems have been shown to also have abnormal REM sleep.


When the central brain encounters severe tension, it releases stress hormones that prepare the body to either flee or fight. The stomach in turn contains many sensory nerves that are stimulated by this chemical surge – thus the feeling of butterflies. Fear also causes the Serotonin circuits in the gut to increase their intensity, resulting in diarrhea.


Both stimulation and inhibition are important to the normal transmission of messages. GABA neurons selectively slow the excited responses, which is why benzodiazepines are known to dampen experiences. GABA enhancing drugs such as benzodiazepines and sleeping pills perform a sedative force on the GABA receptors. But GABA is meant to only periodically regulate the excited transmissions, and the long-term intensification of GABA can decrease the receptor’s ability to reduce excitation – thus creating increased anxiety, insomnia and depression.


Sleep and waking is regulated by many neurotransmitters including Noradrenaline, Serotonin, Acetyl-Choline, Dopamine, GABA, the pituitary hormones and Melatonin. Any drugs that alter the balance of these neurotransmitters can also affect sleep. The answer is not to add more GABA, Serotonin or other chemicals, but to restore the equilibrium of chemical production.


There is a natural symphony of chemicals in the stomach region that balance our emotions, sleep, pain and energy. Benzodiazepines cause profound alterations throughout the brain and gut and an eventual reduction in GABA levels. Dose tolerance and abrupt withdrawals may be accompanied by uncontrolled release of Dopamine, Serotonin and other neurotransmitters. Lower GABA levels cause an increase in Norpinepherin that encourages quick emotional responses such as anger, and discourages deliberate logical thinking. High Norpinepherin causes adrenalin to be released, which can cause the heart to beat faster and harder. This also causes red corpuscle reserves to be placed in the bloodstream, which in turn causes energy sources, nutrients and oxygen to be diverted from organs and into the muscles. This is where high blood pressure occurs.


But low GABA also causes a decrease in Serotonin, which makes sleep difficult and causes depression, irritability and a lack of rational emotion. The benzodiazepine receptors are also involved in the regulation of pain perception, modulation of the immune and inflammatory systems, and the protection of cells from damage by free radicals. This helps to explain why continued use of benzodiazepines can increase pain and cause a breakdown of the immune system, while also inducing anxiety and insomnia.


Often a painkiller is added. But pain medication lowers natural Opioid levels, resulting in abnormal pain perception - causing an increase in Dopamine release that leads to anxiety. Continued Dopamine release causes emotional fatigue. But low Opioid levels also cause the lowering of GABA, which can increase anxiety, insecurity, unexplained panic and depression.  And low GABA causes a decrease in Serotonin, which makes sleep difficult and causes irritability and a lack of rational emotion. The Serotonin reduction further decreases Opioid levels, and the Stress Cycle repeats with increasing intensity. Every time one neurotransmitter is altered, it starts a chain reaction in the remaining chemicals.


Because many medications stimulate sensory nerves in the stomach, they can also cause nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Even some antibiotics act on gut receptors, causing cramps and nausea. Drugs like morphine and benzodiazepines attach to the gut’s GABA receptors and produce constipation. SSRIs work by redistributing neurotransmitters such as Serotonin and Norepenephrine, which can also cause constipation or diarrhea. Therefore, a healthy stomach is essential to keep the precise balance of chemicals for optimal mental and physical health.


Various chemicals in the stomach also work to breakdown food. They include the digestive enzymes pepsin, rennin and lipase, but also the production of hydrochloric acid to establish a suitable environment for the enzymes and assist in digestion.


Often additional medications are added to stop the production of stomach acid in an attempt to ease gas, bloating and pain. But without adequate acid, the entire sequence of digestion can become compromised, since gastric acid is necessary for optimal digestion and nutrient assimilation. Hydrochloric acid is the prevalent stomach acid that is secreted naturally and is necessary to breakdown and absorb protein; activate enzymes; and for the absorption of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. The presence of acid also assists in muscle contractions thatpush food through the intestines while destroying parasites, bacteria, fungi and other invaders. Without sufficient acid, microorganisms that are normally destroyed can proliferate, raising the risk of gastrointestinal infections. Additionally, the acid coming from the stomach tells the pancreas and gall bladder to pour alkaline juices in the small intestine. Without the alkaline release, a systemic acid level can build to dangerous levels, and has been associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. And of course, an imbalance in the stomach adversely affects the brain, resulting in increased anxiety, depression and insomnia.


The digestive tract should have 400 types of healthy bacteria that reduce the growth of harmful bacteria and promote a healthy digestive system. Antibiotics not only kill the harmful bacteria, but also destroy beneficial bacteria essential to a healthy digestive tract. This in turn impairs digestion and the assimilation of nutrients. But stress, medications, poor diet and even treated city water that contain chlorine and sodium flouride all contribute to the breakdown of the healthy stomach bacteria. Therefore, it is important to replenish the friendly bacteria to maintain good health.


A healthy lower intestine should contain at least 85% friendly bacteria to prevent the over colonization of microorganisms like E. coli and salmonella. Our bodies can sustain healthy states with 15% bad bacteria, but unfortunately most have the balance inverted.  The human body should have 20 times more beneficial bacteria than cells to maintain a healthy intestinal tract and help fight illness and disease.


Probiotics are carefully prepared friendly bacteria that replenish the microbial balance. Probiotics enhance the immune system by protecting the body from unfriendly organisms, while preventing the overgrowth of yeast and fungus. Poor intestinal flora can contribute to depression by altering the immune system and the natural production of enzymes that assist with the absorption of nutrients. While excessive harmful bacteria byproducts can interfere with the production of neurotransmitters, beneficial bacteria eases gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea, while supporting the production of chemicals that are inherent to life.


Good health fundamentally depends upon the friendly, symbiotic bacteria that inhabit the digestive tract and promote health. Gut health is an essential component of our general wellbeing, and Probiotics contain millions and millions of live beneficial bacteria that bolster and replenish the body. We strongly recommend daily intake of probiotics and digestive enzymes to help maintain good gut and digestive health.


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  • 1 year later...
About a year ago I started eating a lot of sauerkraut.  I don't know if it was the probiotics or the cabbage itself, but it eased my symptoms significantly.  My intolerance to caffeine actually let up entirely.  After a couple of weeks, however, the effect wore off and I became intolerant to suaerkraut.    :-\
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  • 3 years later...

In recent years, the link between the nervous system and the digestive system has been recognized. There is a constant exchange of chemicals and electrical messages between the two systems. In fact, many scientists often refer to them as one entity – the brain-gut axis. Therefore, what affects the stomach will directly affect the brain and vice versa.


Medications designed to target the brain can also cause nausea, diarrhea, constipation or abdominal upset because the body actually has two brains – one encased in the skull, and a lesser known but vitally important one found in the human gut. Fat-soluble drugs penetrate the gut wall, thus injuring the natural balance of the digestive system. Antidepressants, benzodiazepines and sleeping pills are fat-soluble.


SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) are believed to ease depression by enhancing levels of Serotonin to the brain. But 95% of the Serotonin in the body lies in the digestive system, and diverting the supplies of Serotonin can increase anxiety, alter sleep patterns and cause sexual dysfunction as well as adversely affect the cardiovascular region. Balancing the hotbed of Serotonin production in the gut is critical to restoring the balance.


Some scientists believe that SSRIs boost Serotonin in the gut and change the signals to the brain, since antidepressants prevent the uptake of Serotonin by cells that should be using it. But Serotonin is calming to the digestive tract. This helps to explain why a large percentage of people experience nausea, stomach upset, constipation and diarrhea, which in turn can cause depression, anxiety, insomnia and fluctuations in appetite.


GABA receptors for Benzodiazepines and Sleeping Pills are also located in the gut and depress gastrointestinal movement, which causes constipation. But the continued use of medications that target GABA also increase the level of stress on the body. And in many ways, the connection between stress and the gut may be the most visible brain-gut connection.  Chronic stress can result in indigestion, ulcers and a host of uncomfortable symptoms, including colon spasms. This may explain why the gut naturally produces benzodiazepines.


Nearly every chemical that controls the brain is also located in the stomach region, including hormones and neurotransmitters such as Serotonin, Dopamine, Glutamate, GABA and Norepinephrine. The gut contains 100 million neurons – more than the spinal cord. But there are also two-dozen small brain proteins; major cells of the immune system; one class of the body’s natural opiates; and native benzodiazepines. The gut, known as the enteric nervous system, is located in sheaths of tissue lining the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon, and plays a key role in human emotions. But few know the enteric nervous system exists, and therefore gut health is often overlooked. Symptoms from the two brains can get confused, and just as the brain can upset the gut, the gut can also upset the brain.


The brain signals the gut region by talking to a small number of command neurons, which in turn signal relay neurons that carry messages and control the pattern of activity in the gut. The term Solar Plexus simply refers to the nerves in the abdomen. But these plexuses also contain cells that nourish neurons and are involved in immune response and the protection of the “blood brain barrier” to keep harmful substances away from the important neurons. There are also sensors for sugar, protein, acid and other factors that monitor the progress of digestion, determining how the gut mixes and handles it’s contents.


During sleep, the head’s brain produces 90-minute cycles of slow wave sleep, followed by periods of rapid eye movement (REM) where dreams occur. During the night, when it is empty, the gut’s brain produces 90-minute slow wave muscle contractions, followed by short bursts of rapid muscle movement. These two brains are linked even in sleep. Individuals with bowel problems have been shown to also have abnormal REM sleep.


When the central brain encounters severe tension, it releases stress hormones that prepare the body to either flee or fight. The stomach in turn contains many sensory nerves that are stimulated by this chemical surge – thus the feeling of butterflies. Fear also causes the Serotonin circuits in the gut to increase their intensity, resulting in diarrhea.


Both stimulation and inhibition are important to the normal transmission of messages. GABA neurons selectively slow the excited responses, which is why benzodiazepines are known to dampen experiences. GABA enhancing drugs such as benzodiazepines and sleeping pills perform a sedative force on the GABA receptors. But GABA is meant to only periodically regulate the excited transmissions, and the long-term intensification of GABA can decrease the receptor’s ability to reduce excitation – thus creating increased anxiety, insomnia and depression.


Sleep and waking is regulated by many neurotransmitters including Noradrenaline, Serotonin, Acetyl-Choline, Dopamine, GABA, the pituitary hormones and Melatonin. Any drugs that alter the balance of these neurotransmitters can also affect sleep. The answer is not to add more GABA, Serotonin or other chemicals, but to restore the equilibrium of chemical production.


There is a natural symphony of chemicals in the stomach region that balance our emotions, sleep, pain and energy. Benzodiazepines cause profound alterations throughout the brain and gut and an eventual reduction in GABA levels. Dose tolerance and abrupt withdrawals may be accompanied by uncontrolled release of Dopamine, Serotonin and other neurotransmitters. Lower GABA levels cause an increase in Norpinepherin that encourages quick emotional responses such as anger, and discourages deliberate logical thinking. High Norpinepherin causes adrenalin to be released, which can cause the heart to beat faster and harder. This also causes red corpuscle reserves to be placed in the bloodstream, which in turn causes energy sources, nutrients and oxygen to be diverted from organs and into the muscles. This is where high blood pressure occurs.


But low GABA also causes a decrease in Serotonin, which makes sleep difficult and causes depression, irritability and a lack of rational emotion. The benzodiazepine receptors are also involved in the regulation of pain perception, modulation of the immune and inflammatory systems, and the protection of cells from damage by free radicals. This helps to explain why continued use of benzodiazepines can increase pain and cause a breakdown of the immune system, while also inducing anxiety and insomnia.


Often a painkiller is added. But pain medication lowers natural Opioid levels, resulting in abnormal pain perception - causing an increase in Dopamine release that leads to anxiety. Continued Dopamine release causes emotional fatigue. But low Opioid levels also cause the lowering of GABA, which can increase anxiety, insecurity, unexplained panic and depression.  And low GABA causes a decrease in Serotonin, which makes sleep difficult and causes irritability and a lack of rational emotion. The Serotonin reduction further decreases Opioid levels, and the Stress Cycle repeats with increasing intensity. Every time one neurotransmitter is altered, it starts a chain reaction in the remaining chemicals.


Because many medications stimulate sensory nerves in the stomach, they can also cause nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Even some antibiotics act on gut receptors, causing cramps and nausea. Drugs like morphine and benzodiazepines attach to the gut’s GABA receptors and produce constipation. SSRIs work by redistributing neurotransmitters such as Serotonin and Norepenephrine, which can also cause constipation or diarrhea. Therefore, a healthy stomach is essential to keep the precise balance of chemicals for optimal mental and physical health.


Various chemicals in the stomach also work to breakdown food. They include the digestive enzymes pepsin, rennin and lipase, but also the production of hydrochloric acid to establish a suitable environment for the enzymes and assist in digestion.


Often additional medications are added to stop the production of stomach acid in an attempt to ease gas, bloating and pain. But without adequate acid, the entire sequence of digestion can become compromised, since gastric acid is necessary for optimal digestion and nutrient assimilation. Hydrochloric acid is the prevalent stomach acid that is secreted naturally and is necessary to breakdown and absorb protein; activate enzymes; and for the absorption of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. The presence of acid also assists in muscle contractions thatpush food through the intestines while destroying parasites, bacteria, fungi and other invaders. Without sufficient acid, microorganisms that are normally destroyed can proliferate, raising the risk of gastrointestinal infections. Additionally, the acid coming from the stomach tells the pancreas and gall bladder to pour alkaline juices in the small intestine. Without the alkaline release, a systemic acid level can build to dangerous levels, and has been associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. And of course, an imbalance in the stomach adversely affects the brain, resulting in increased anxiety, depression and insomnia.


The digestive tract should have 400 types of healthy bacteria that reduce the growth of harmful bacteria and promote a healthy digestive system. Antibiotics not only kill the harmful bacteria, but also destroy beneficial bacteria essential to a healthy digestive tract. This in turn impairs digestion and the assimilation of nutrients. But stress, medications, poor diet and even treated city water that contain chlorine and sodium flouride all contribute to the breakdown of the healthy stomach bacteria. Therefore, it is important to replenish the friendly bacteria to maintain good health.


A healthy lower intestine should contain at least 85% friendly bacteria to prevent the over colonization of microorganisms like E. coli and salmonella. Our bodies can sustain healthy states with 15% bad bacteria, but unfortunately most have the balance inverted.  The human body should have 20 times more beneficial bacteria than cells to maintain a healthy intestinal tract and help fight illness and disease.


Probiotics are carefully prepared friendly bacteria that replenish the microbial balance. Probiotics enhance the immune system by protecting the body from unfriendly organisms, while preventing the overgrowth of yeast and fungus. Poor intestinal flora can contribute to depression by altering the immune system and the natural production of enzymes that assist with the absorption of nutrients. While excessive harmful bacteria byproducts can interfere with the production of neurotransmitters, beneficial bacteria eases gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea, while supporting the production of chemicals that are inherent to life.


Good health fundamentally depends upon the friendly, symbiotic bacteria that inhabit the digestive tract and promote health. Gut health is an essential component of our general wellbeing, and Probiotics contain millions and millions of live beneficial bacteria that bolster and replenish the body. We strongly recommend daily intake of probiotics and digestive enzymes to help maintain good gut and digestive health.

bumped up

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  • 1 month later...
Wonderful article..unfortunately, I am unable to take probiotics...causes depression/crying....is  the damage done to our digestive system able to be healed as we get further off from the drugs?  I had no digestive issues for 4.5 years off Klonopin and six months off of Prozac...but six months ago, reflux started and now am experiencing bloating, pain, etc.  thought I was going to escape the digestive issues, but looks like I am in the midst of it now.  How do we help ourselves heal?  Is it truly "just time?"
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Wonderful article..unfortunately, I am unable to take probiotics...causes depression/crying....is  the damage done to our digestive system able to be healed as we get further off from the drugs?  I had no digestive issues for 4.5 years off Klonopin and six months off of Prozac...but six months ago, reflux started and now am experiencing bloating, pain, etc.  thought I was going to escape the digestive issues, but looks like I am in the midst of it now.  How do we help ourselves heal?  Is it truly "just time?"


Hi , wish I could help, but I have no experience. I've done a lot of research

and know that Prozac might be the cause of it......


you might want to contact 88freedom88, she suffered badly when getting

of Paxil which is similar......


here is her profile.( she calls herself Iggy)



all the best to you, no fun for sure. :)




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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

wish someone could come on and reassure that the gut issues do heal..the length of time etc.


mine was just waiting this far out to slam me!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am convinced in my mind that there is, at least, a degree of benefit from taking probiotics.  I'm taking three different kinds.  One is a multi strain with rhamnosus, one is bifido complex, and the other is the Lacto GG which is Culturelle.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Can't tolerate probiotics? Bubbie's sauerkraut and/or pickles have live probiotics in it. I eat both along with Udo's Choice Super 8 probiotic. 8)
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No I cant tolerate anything antifungal from garlic to a probiotic and Kefir too so im pretty much stuck


any advise or similar expereince??



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Yep, they turned on me too shania. Going to have to wash out histamine and I'm doing it with bentonite clay. Look into it. Also sprouting peas for DAO to wash it out. 8):thumbsup:
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HIT is all about our bodies having lost the ability to breakdown histamine (in the gut) and get rid of it. I'm using bentonite clay, starting black cumin seed again, sprouting peas for DAO as well. DAO or Diamine Oxidase is what we need in conjunction with the methylation cycle function to keep everything running smoothly. Psych meds screw that up.

I'm thinking that flushing out excess histamine should give histamine-producing probiotics a real chance to show their true support. I've put my sauerkraut and probiotics back on the shelf for now until I can wrangle this HIT once and for all. I'm experiencing my "anniversary wave" right now and it's TRYING to dodge my every move. NOPE! This shit isn't taking me down this time!

Look deep into these things, they should help you. 8)

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Excellent information.  I wonder if drinking kefir daily is helpful.


In my case it is....one has to try it out.....for some folks its not, very odd

I would say. :)

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I have been drinking kefir and it helps my gut issues but I wonder if it's enough.


I also take this... :)

Bifidobacteria help decrease other organisms, such as the bacteria that cause diarrhea, from growing in the intestinal tract. Treatment with bifidobacteria seems to promote the correct balance of friendly bacteria and other organisms in the intestine.


I take this one...but if you google there are more good products...


If you want a simple probiotic formula that has only bifido species in it, a good supplement choice is Primadophilus Probifia Pearls by Nature's Way.



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