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am..can't get going..


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do any of you ever just sort of sit and look into space..sort of like you are sitting on glue and find it hard to move?

having a bad case of tingles this am and just can't get going.. i did manage to make the bed.. i am tring to care about

anything..my dogs keep me going. i don't understand this not being able to move thing..and my skin can get very cold

when it is 99 outside..then so hot when it is 70..don't understand this process...some days i feel like i have moved forward...other days like today..i feel like i just took 2 steps back..

linda777 :idiot:

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Only two steps back?  Some days I'm sure it feels like three or four!  >:(  I had cold skin too, I had to put blankets on my couch because the cool of the fabric would make my skin sting.  I hope you can force yourself to do something each day, I know it's hard, but you'll feel better if you can maintain at least a part of your normal life.


My dog helped me get through this too, animals are the best.

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I've had days wehre I couldn't get out of bed at all and I'm scared it will happen again soon.  I hope somehow I am stronger and it won't happen this time.  It never happened since I've been on the benzo really. Maybe 1 or 2 days.  People always tell me to stay active, but I still think just as hard about my problems when active.
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