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need input on lorazepam to diazepam substitution taper


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I'm looking at giving this a shot using a substitution taper in going from lorazepam to diazepam.  I realize everybody's body is different but and have read a lot of topics but just wanted some thoughts from others on about a million questions I have.  I currently take .5mg of lorazepam 4 times a day six hours apart cause that is about how long it lasts in my system.  Should I try to get this to 8 hours apart and then go to diazepam or just introduce diazepam and then it will be easier to spread the dosage because of the longer half-life?  I am trying to get some ideas before going back to the doc.


1.  How "accurate" is the equivalent dosage table for example 1 to 10 on lorazepam.

2.  Does diazepam cause depression or more fatigue than some other benzos?

3.  I noticed some people are reducing diazepam by like a .5 or .25mg increment...is there some smaller dosage pill or are you getting compounded medicine or titrating or cutting a 2 mg tablet into very small pieces?


Thanks for any input.

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1. It's a guideline, but individual physiologies vary, so it doesn't always work perfectly.  It's probably reasonably close most of the time.


2. It's not supposed to, but changes in meds can do a lot of things.  The subsequent taper can too.  Did you take Ativan for depression?  Might want to put that kind of info into your signature.


3. You can make very small cuts by using a milligram balance.  A lot of people buy a Gemini-20 from Amazon.  It's a decent scale for the money (20-ish dollars).  There are several in the forum who can help you with how to do these very small cuts using the balance.

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