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depressed-physical and mental pain


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i am 3 months out (klonopin) and am dealing with joint pain, headaces, stomach burning etc...etc...and mental issues

which make my head hurt...which gives me stomach pain..you know,,,...it's like being a hampster on a little wheel..Does anyone else feel this way....

Sometimes i can't tell if i am just sad that this all happened..meaning withdrawal...and the dr. who maybe could have told me what the symptoms would be in lieu of writing a prescript for another year..then another year..then another year...i keep trusting she was really trying to help me in her own way...as i do not like to think the worst of people..but are people doctors?...

Sometimes i want to cry more..my mom passed away last Sept. and then going off benzos..it has been a rough road.

One i never thought i would drive down...speaking of driving...it wasn't until a few months ago that i felt good about driving my car..now i am dealing with driving on the freeway...i try not to go that route unless i have to...i feel like

everyone is going 500 miles an hour.

It seems I get the blues at night and in the early am..i seem to wake to at a silly..silly hour..watch the sun come up through the bedroom window...it would be nice to be able to go back to sleep..but...ahhh not yet i guess.  If some one is going thru similar oddness and ouch's i am truly sorry..stay the course.  linda777 :o :o

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hi, i am heading for ten months out after c/t off ativan and my joints hurt also.. for five months my stomach was in agony but that got better at 6 months. the mental battery hell yes my worst symptoms and i cry alot too some days hopelessness takes over... i just wanted to share this with you so you know you are not alone in this fight.
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You took 20 mg?  I'm all panicky coming off half a mg!


Well I've felt that level of depression before, but probably not related to a benzo.  I don't know how to help really though.  It apparently just takes time.  I feel really depressed lately and am having horrible thoughts and it's reminding me toow ell how bad it can be when depressed.

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Hi, Linda.  :therethere:


I really think it is a combination of everything you've been through and are going through.  Just the physical pain alone after enough time makes me depressed; it becomes hard to remember what it feels like to be without it. The hamsger on a wheel is a good analogy (or is it a metaphor?) 


I tapered of lorazepam 7 months after my Dad died and when it was out of my system and my feelings came back, I was overwhelmed with sadness.  I needed to grieve for him and my mother who both died while I was still sedated on lorazepam.  When I allowed my sadness full reign, eventually it dissipated and I could just be normally sad again.  Do you take anything for the joint pain, like a NSAID?  I hope you get some relief soon. 

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Linda, I am going through something similar. Have been horribly depressed, with lots of crying and hopelessness, for last three weeks. Don't know whether this is just normal course of benzo w/d, the fact that I also withdrew from Prozac two months ago, culmination of being in physical pain since the day I went ct from Ativan, or something else. You are not alone and hopefully knowing that helps a little. We have to try to take this a day at a time but it isn't easy. All we can do is try. Hang in there. Michaelp
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