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Warning: Depression and vitamin D/thyroid


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I have suffered terrible depression throughout this process and have recently discovered that I have a hypothyroidism issue and severe vitamin D deficiency (vitamin D is actually a hormone).  Since medicating/supplementing these I have noticed a vast improvement in my depression issues and in fact most of the time dont suffer with it anymore.  Both of these issues is known to cause depression.  So a word of caution to all those suffering with depression - dont assume its all benzos.  It may well be and certainly year one off, I suspect a lot of my depression issues were benzo related, but if it goes on and on or gets worse, please get other causes checked out!

Good luck

Spring :smitten:

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I second the Vit D.  I noticed a big difference in my mood when I went on Vit D.  I think it is common with people on benzos, but they don't even know it.  have your Vit D checked.  It is an easy test and well worth it. 
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