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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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Hi All


Been watching this group for awhile, and looking forward to joining it soon. I'm at 3.6 mg Valium coming down from 15. I crossed over from 1.5 mg xanax so probably should have crossed over to a higher amount by most equivalency sources. I've been cutting .2 mg once per week, however I might hold for the first time during my taper this week. It's been a long difficult taper but it is getting harder. I'm looking forward to learning from all of you who have gotten to this point and beyond.



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Quote by Southern Star


"I asked my neurologist who is very benzo wise  about this waves /windows pattern and he said that it's just conjecture that waves are the healing process, his opinion is that we are healing all the time, by healing he means growing new gaba receptors and rebalancing other neurotransmitters. He says what causes waves is excess glutamate that trickles out of the cells or comes in a storm (dependent on where we are in wd)    due to the injury from  bwd. Glutamate release is the normal response to any brain injury and in people who have normal gaba receptors gaba is utilised to put the brakes on it. With bwd our receptors aren't able to utilise enough gaba to do this job, they just do their best but it's not enough. After a while they are able mop up some of the extra cellular glutamate and we get a "window" but because we're still brain injured glutamate keeps trickling out until there is enough to bring on the sxs (a wave).


He believes that we are injured twice, the first injury is when we take the benzo and the second is when we stop. He says the point of tapering slowly is to reduce the amount of glutamate released because it's this glutamate that causes further damage. I'm not sure I've explained this as well as he did !!


Please note this is just me repeating what my health professional told me. It is not to be taken as anything other than that. I have no scientific research to back it up, it was purely a conversation..


Thanks for sharing, Mary!  Interesting!❤

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Hi All


Been watching this group for awhile, and looking forward to joining it soon. I'm at 3.6 mg Valium coming down from 15. I crossed over from 1.5 mg xanax so probably should have crossed over to a higher amount by most equivalency sources. I've been cutting .2 mg once per week, however I might hold for the first time during my taper this week. It's been a long difficult taper but it is getting harder. I'm looking forward to learning from all of you who have gotten to this point and beyond.



Hi Tom,

Welcome to the group!  Wow you have come a long way!  Congratulations!  Sorry to hear things are getting more difficult as you go!  If your body is telling you to do a hold then that is the best thing you should do!  Listen to your body! You've come so far!  I only started from 1.5 mg so my hat goes off to you and all the others who have made it down so far from such high numbers!  You are all amazing and truly know what perseverance means!!! For me, my journey has felt long, like time has been altered so slow! Then I read how high many of you have come from and I feel so thankful I fought to only take 1.5 mg when I was supposed to be taking 4mg.  I had been off all medication for 34 days and then had to reinstate.  I only ever took 1.5mg instead of the 4 mg and held for a month until I was deemed fit to taper.  It was hell what I went through but I fought to not go higher and eventually my body calmed and my taper began. You are in the home stretch now!!! Take the time you need and know you are almost there!  ❤

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It’s been a while since I posted in here. 10/17 I jumped from .48 mg V. Withdrawal symptoms hit me like a ton of bricks less than 48 hrs later. 10/22 I got in to see my doctor and reinstated. I took a rescue dose of 1 mg that night, and took .75 mg the next few nights. Last night I started up my taper again, dropping .01 mg per day. Hopefully this time goes better. I had been feeling pretty good from 8 mg until when I jumped. I’m surprised with how quickly it hit me, when I hear there’s typically a lag time for the onset of acute symptoms.  :-\

Hey Kitsune,

I'm so sorry your jump from .48mg didn't turn out the way you had hoped it to! The good news is you were able to reinstate and get those symptoms under control. I know it is frustrating to have to go down again! From my own experience, I waited too long before I sought help (34 days off everything) and finally had to go to the ER I was so bad physically and psychologically.  I had to do a month hold at the 1.5mg I got reinstated back on to, then started my taper.  You will be sucessful so continue to stay strong!🥊  What number do you think you will get down to this time?  I am thinking of going right down to 0, as I am scared from the time I crashed to ever feel that way again!  I am at .36 today and feel tempted the lower I go to jump, but I want to do this right the second time around! Thinking of you and wishing you all the best!❤

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Hi All


Been watching this group for awhile, and looking forward to joining it soon. I'm at 3.6 mg Valium coming down from 15. I crossed over from 1.5 mg xanax so probably should have crossed over to a higher amount by most equivalency sources. I've been cutting .2 mg once per week, however I might hold for the first time during my taper this week. It's been a long difficult taper but it is getting harder. I'm looking forward to learning from all of you who have gotten to this point and beyond.




Tom, I am no where near 3 mgs, but they are generous in letting me pop on, so I am sure you would be welcome at 3.6.  This is a great thread.  Mary 💜

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Hi All


Been watching this group for awhile, and looking forward to joining it soon. I'm at 3.6 mg Valium coming down from 15. I crossed over from 1.5 mg xanax so probably should have crossed over to a higher amount by most equivalency sources. I've been cutting .2 mg once per week, however I might hold for the first time during my taper this week. It's been a long difficult taper but it is getting harder. I'm looking forward to learning from all of you who have gotten to this point and beyond.





Tom, I am no where near 3 mgs, but they are generous in letting me pop on, so I am sure you would be welcome at 3.6.  This is a great thread.  Mary 💜



So true, the 3mgs is not mandatory! Everyone on here is 3mgs and under... in spirit  :laugh:

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PLEASE HELP. I’ve only had a few blips with my taper due to many holds. On September 25 I hit 2 mg for the second time  I had to updose .2 mg 2 months prior. I have had mystery symptoms since September 11


with viral symptoms and crushing fatigue since then. I functioned the first 4 and the last 3 bedridden . All blood work came back normal. Last 7 days I’ve gotten sicker and sicker. I hour ago, I became so sick, I thought I would have to go to the hospital. It dawned on me it could be the Valium so I took 1 mg and sickness went away. I’ve held at 2 mg the entire time. Is this tolerance withdrawal? Would .5 mg updose be enough?  Thanks for any feedback

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Thank you! I plan to taper all the way to 0 this time, I’m nervous too after the symptoms I had. I figure I’ll give my brain and CNS a little more time to ‘gently’ adjust.


It’s been a while since I posted in here. 10/17 I jumped from .48 mg V. Withdrawal symptoms hit me like a ton of bricks less than 48 hrs later. 10/22 I got in to see my doctor and reinstated. I took a rescue dose of 1 mg that night, and took .75 mg the next few nights. Last night I started up my taper again, dropping .01 mg per day. Hopefully this time goes better. I had been feeling pretty good from 8 mg until when I jumped. I’m surprised with how quickly it hit me, when I hear there’s typically a lag time for the onset of acute symptoms.  :-\

Hey Kitsune,

I'm so sorry your jump from .48mg didn't turn out the way you had hoped it to! The good news is you were able to reinstate and get those symptoms under control. I know it is frustrating to have to go down again! From my own experience, I waited too long before I sought help (34 days off everything) and finally had to go to the ER I was so bad physically and psychologically.  I had to do a month hold at the 1.5mg I got reinstated back on to, then started my taper.  You will be sucessful so continue to stay strong!🥊  What number do you think you will get down to this time?  I am thinking of going right down to 0, as I am scared from the time I crashed to ever feel that way again!  I am at .36 today and feel tempted the lower I go to jump, but I want to do this right the second time around! Thinking of you and wishing you all the best!❤

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PLEASE HELP. I’ve only had a few blips with my taper due to many holds. On September 25 I hit 2 mg for the second time  I had to updose .2 mg 2 months prior. I have had mystery symptoms since September 11


with viral symptoms and crushing fatigue since then. I functioned the first 4 and the last 3 bedridden . All blood work came back normal. Last 7 days I’ve gotten sicker and sicker. I hour ago, I became so sick, I thought I would have to go to the hospital. It dawned on me it could be the Valium so I took 1 mg and sickness went away. I’ve held at 2 mg the entire time. Is this tolerance withdrawal? Would .5 mg updose be enough?  Thanks for any feedback

Hi Magnolis,

Sorry you are feeling so awful!! If your bloodwork came back normal it could be that you have hit tolerance. It is hard to say.  Sounds like it is likely the case since the 1mg you took made you feel better.  I don't have much experience with tapering so would not know if a .5 updose is what you need to help you feel some relief.  Perhaps some of the more seasoned buddies can advise you on that.  I just wanted to send you my moral support! Let you know we are here for you and sending you get well thoughts and virtual hugs! ❤

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Yes I hit tolerance at 2 mg and updosed .75 mg Valium. It hurts on so many levels. I let it go on for 2 months not knowing these were wd symptoms. I just lost 6 to 7 months of past tapering. I feel a little better after 4 days but not functional. Does anyone know why 2 mg is such a danger zone?
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Yes I hit tolerance at 2 mg and updosed .75 mg Valium. It hurts on so many levels. I let it go on for 2 months not knowing these were wd symptoms. I just lost 6 to 7 months of past tapering. I feel a little better after 4 days but not functional. Does anyone know why 2 mg is such a danger zone?


2mg is not a danger zone.  It just happens to be where things caught up for you.  It has nothing to do with the dose you're at.

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Yes I hit tolerance at 2 mg and updosed .75 mg Valium. It hurts on so many levels. I let it go on for 2 months not knowing these were wd symptoms. I just lost 6 to 7 months of past tapering. I feel a little better after 4 days but not functional. Does anyone know why 2 mg is such a danger zone?


2mg is not a danger zone.  It just happens to be where things caught up for you.  It has nothing to do with the dose you're at.


I agree. Different people get hit at different points. Could be from tapering too fast or could be from tolerance. Either way, you will get off and you will heal when you are off. Don't give up!

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When I was nearing the 2mg mark, I noticed even when I lengthened the taper the monthly and daily percentages exceeded my typical norm. I read several times that as we go lower, the percentages have to be less relevant or we will never complete the taper. I usually am at 7 to 8% per month. So I ended up a 9 to 10%. At my current rate it is going to take several years more.
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When I was nearing the 2mg mark, I noticed even when I lengthened the taper the monthly and daily percentages exceeded my typical norm. I read several times that as we go lower, the percentages have to be less relevant or we will never complete the taper. I usually am at 7 to 8% per month. So I ended up a 9 to 10%. At my current rate it is going to take several years more.


I know its frustrating, but if you can get stable, feel decent , does the time really matter as long as you are doing pretty good?  That's what I tell myself, if I can just find the right combo of time and dose and feel better, I don't care how long it takes.  ;).  When you start tapering again, really take your time, watch your symptoms, 10% is high for a lot of people at such a low dose.  Good luck 🍀


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When I was nearing the 2mg mark, I noticed even when I lengthened the taper the monthly and daily percentages exceeded my typical norm. I read several times that as we go lower, the percentages have to be less relevant or we will never complete the taper. I usually am at 7 to 8% per month. So I ended up a 9 to 10%. At my current rate it is going to take several years more.


Here's a system I've heard recommended: Keep using the percents until you are at 98% of your original dose and you feel no symptoms when you make your cut. Then jump. This is for cut-and-hold, of course.


Personally, I stopped using percents when my daily cuts were very low and my symptoms were getting less and less severe to the point I felt I could live with them indefinitely. Then I made straight cuts every day until it was really too small to cut any more. Then I jumped. If you look at my signature, you will see it took a lot of patience to get to that point. I sort of had my learning patience forced on me. ;)

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Gard, that’s great advice that I will use. Why can’t that 98% guideline apply to dlmt?Now having some clarity, I think my problem was two fold. First, I was tapering too fast. My symptoms began around sep 1st and I continued to taper til Sept 25th. Had a hormone test and thought that was the issue. Got sicker and sicker so then I thought I had the flu. So many signs to the contrary that


I am shocked at my ignorance !!!

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Gard, that’s great advice that I will use. Why can’t that 98% guideline apply to dlmt?Now having some clarity, I think my problem was two fold. First, I was tapering too fast. My symptoms began around sep 1st and I continued to taper til Sept 25th. Had a hormone test and thought that was the issue. Got sicker and sicker so then I thought I had the flu. So many signs to the contrary that


I am shocked at my ignorance !!!


I think it could. If you need an end point to aim for, that would be a good option. Just still pay attention to how you are feeling toward the end and adjust. :thumbsup:

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I feel your pain! I had a hard time at 2mg and I ended up holding there for a loooooooong time. The long hold really helped me.

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540.gif"I am Walking Off" today, made it to 0. 534.gif it has been a long taper, but so worth each minute of it, to feel like I do and to be finished. Best to all of you, and if I can do it, you can too, make a Plan and if it works great, and if it doesn't make another plan. "Just never ever give up" It can get pretty tough at times, but there is "Hope always" for Healing. 💖 Peace and Healing For All. :smitten:


"A person doesn't realize how much he can stand until he is put to the test.

You can stand far more than you think you can.

You are much stronger than you think you are."~AU

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540.gif"I am Walking Off" today, made it to 0. 534.gif it has been a long taper, but so worth each minute of it, to feel like I do and to be finished. Best to all of you, and if I can do it, you can too, make a Plan and if it works great, and if it doesn't make another plan. "Just never ever give up" It can get pretty tough at times, but there is "Hope always" for Healing. 💖 Peace and Healing For All. :smitten:


"A person doesn't realize how much he can stand until he is put to the test.

You can stand far more than you think you can.

You are much stronger than you think you are."~AU

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You did do it!!! You must feel so relieved!  Way to go!!!🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻

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