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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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Thanks BLL! Yeah, it was a long hold! I didn't have a set length in time, I was just going through some really hard stuff personally (Break up, moved to a different state, realized a phobia that I have had my whole life) So my Dr even suggested I hold for awhile, and *poof* a year and a half went by! Now that I'm tapering again and it has been relatively easy, I feel that a long hold is very stabilizing.

Much love to all of you!

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It can be heartbreaking to get down so low and then have to up-dose and hold.  I was down to .03 mg Klonopin (about .6 mg vallium) and had to up-dose to 2.5 equivalent-all because I went too quickly. I'm hopeful that I now know how to better pace the taper near the end.  I hope you do as well and that you'll be successful this time.  Best of luck!
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One way I have dealt with the "waste of time" feeling when up-dosing is to remind myself that I was probably never stable at the lower dose in the first place.  And that in reality I'm where I should be.  I also learned from another time when I had to do a long-hold that tapering after this is easier. 

The body is adapting and healing.  Even with an up-dose, we are (almost always) lower than where we started.  I'm thankful for that. 

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Let's hope my experience rings true this next taper.  I am waiting for a few things to settle but plan to reduce in the next couple of weeks. 


Let's continue to share our experiences.  Maybe we can prevent each other from reducing/jumping too quickly!

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I hear you guys!! It is so hard when you want off so badly!!! Do either of you know what number or the equivalent in Valium you are thinking of jumping at?  Today I am at .66 mg but I will not be going anytime soon, as my first ever attempt, which were doctor's directions, had me crash really badly.  I am going to go as low as I can just to prevent ever feeling like I did!  It was pretty bad! I am so scared now of jumping, even though people say to go at .50 or even .25, that I may feel super sick and won't be able to cognitively function like before.  I just want my body to have as smooth a jump at it can since it was put into shock from the first time!!!
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Great idea Monray! I am so totally ready to be off that I have had thoughts of rushing it, so good to stay accountable. I am currently at 1.75 and have been for the last 2 weeks, my plan is to taper by .25 every 3 or 4 weeks, and monitor how I am feeling. So far I have been feeling good so I will taper in a week or 2.


BLL, I plan on jumping at .25, which is what I did a year and a half ago, but I just was not ready at that time and started getting bad sxs maybe 7 or 8 days after I jumped, which caused me to reinstate. This time I have held at 2mg for a year and a half and really feel like this time it is going to work! And also, if I get sxs this time then I can handle them a little better because I have spent the last couple of years coming to terms with my sxs. But to answer your question, I think for us sensitive folx, .25 is a good place to jump from.


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Great idea Monray! I am so totally ready to be off that I have had thoughts of rushing it, so good to stay accountable. I am currently at 1.75 and have been for the last 2 weeks, my plan is to taper by .25 every 3 or 4 weeks, and monitor how I am feeling. So far I have been feeling good so I will taper in a week or 2.


BLL, I plan on jumping at .25, which is what I did a year and a half ago, but I just was not ready at that time and started getting bad sxs maybe 7 or 8 days after I jumped, which caused me to reinstate. This time I have held at 2mg for a year and a half and really feel like this time it is going to work! And also, if I get sxs this time then I can handle them a little better because I have spent the last couple of years coming to terms with my sxs. But to answer your question, I think for us sensitive folx, .25 is a good place to jump from.

Thanks for the input.  I will see as I get lower how I feel.  This dang withdrawal just follows no path.  Some ok moments then, Wham!!!! So unpredictable!!! I think this is one of the few drugs out there that progress doesn't happen in a stable way where each day you made improvements.  So frustrating!!! Hang in there friends!!!❤

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I can't answer the jump-off question until I get lower.  Since I have held at (equivalent of) 2.5 mg for so long I am going to try a 25% reduction.  If it doesn't work I'll go back up some until I find a place where I can hold for 2-4 weeks.  Fortunately, i learned from my first attempt to get to the end that it buys one no time to go too fast.  I stuck with an impossible reduction for a month which put me back 6 months.  I now know the signs and won't try to hold too long at an unrealistic level.


So, the plan is to go down as my system allows.  The same with jump-off.  It I jump-off too much, I'll go back to where I can hold.  If it turns into a  step-off, that's OK.  Just going to see!


I'm here for everyone, let's get off this stuff!       

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Does anyone knows of a board for acutes?  I'm at .8v now and starting to get nervous about jumping.  Maybe it wouldn't be helpful to read that?


I've been DLMT tapering for over a year.  My depression and anxiety has been unbearable, but I can't handle side effects from psych drugs. I've tried so many meds. 


I started taking kratom because it worked immediately and my psychiatrist was kinda out of ideas on what to do with me.  It helped for a long time. I wanted a break to use it again during benzo acutes.  So, I stopped kratom 2 weeks ago and I've had withdrawals this time that are pretty harsh.  I'm not sure how long that'll take to settle out.  I seem to react strongly to everything now. 


I got sick/bedridden for a few months about 18 months ago and haven't recovered.  I stopped tapering for 4-5 months then. My concept of time got really messed up with that and I feel like a lot of memories were erased. I have a new normal in that regards now.


I do think .5mg V or lower is in my best interest since kratom caused me so many problems.  I need sleep to be restorative again, I'm tired of hurting.


I've been pretty much agoraphobic since I started Valium.  I was never like that before.  Valium just seems to magnify my depression so much, but I switched back and forth so much that I had to pick something and stay with it.


Today is a rough day.  Just wanted to jump in.

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Hi Sunshines,

Glad you posted with us! Congratulations on getting to .80 as I know this has been and continues to be a long and difficult taper for you! I am not sure if there is an acute Board or not. There are quite a lot of people on this site who are experiencing agoraphobia as well.  I have read that many people who are now free of benzos and did develop agoraphobia while withdrawing from them, have had their fears leave and they are now able to lead productive lives.  I'm sorry your anxiety, depression and other symptoms are so bad right now. As well, I'm sorry to hear you were bedridden and have never recovered from that! You are getting close to the end now and have made the journey this far!  Hang in there and know I am sending you get well wishes and supportive hugs!! ❤, BLL

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I had very bad agorophobia and was pretty much bed ridden from about 5mg-2mg. Doing much better now, I get out and about for errands and sometimes even social things. Hang in there!
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I am currently down on 2 mg of Valium/day. I have been taking my dose three times a day, but now it's just 1 mg in the morning and 1 mg in the evening. I have been cutting 0,25 mg per week and it has been awful, but manageable(maybe not for someone who hasn't been tapering bensos for the last two years, but for me). I realized that if I continue to cut 0,25 mg per week, that now it will be more than 10 %. Is that too much? How slow should I taper the last 2 mg? Jumping from 1 mg is not an option for me. I was thinking maybe at the highest when I am down on 0,25 mg. I want to be able to get out of this nightmare the best way possible. Anyone with experience of Valium taper that would like to share their method when tapering the last 2 mg?


Any help is appreciated!



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Hey Gardie,

I have no idea how this slipped past me.............. :-[  CONGRATULATIONS ON TAPERING OFF!!!!  i am beyond thrilled for you and the several others who have joined us in reaching that mile stone. I look forward to the others joining as soon as their body and brain allow for that last dose.  HOTDOG!!! Girl we have really plugging along together. Now onto the final phase of this healing process.  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


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Hey Gardie,

I have no idea how this slipped past me.............. :-[  CONGRATULATIONS ON TAPERING OFF!!!!  i am beyond thrilled for you and the several others who have joined us in reaching that mile stone. I look forward to the others joining as soon as their body and brain allow for that last dose.  HOTDOG!!! Girl we have really plugging along together. Now onto the final phase of this healing process.  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:



Thanks, kasey. :smitten: I think back to when we met, wow, a lot of water under the bridge!  My memory is so bad I don't know if I said  :yippee: to you when you jumped.


:yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: to you and to all the summer jumpers!


And  :hug: to those who are close behind us. :smitten:

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I am currently down on 2 mg of Valium/day. I have been taking my dose three times a day, but now it's just 1 mg in the morning and 1 mg in the evening. I have been cutting 0,25 mg per week and it has been awful, but manageable(maybe not for someone who hasn't been tapering bensos for the last two years, but for me). I realized that if I continue to cut 0,25 mg per week, that now it will be more than 10 %. Is that too much? How slow should I taper the last 2 mg? Jumping from 1 mg is not an option for me. I was thinking maybe at the highest when I am down on 0,25 mg. I want to be able to get out of this nightmare the best way possible. Anyone with experience of Valium taper that would like to share their method when tapering the last 2 mg?


Any help is appreciated!



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Hi Mavo, and welcome,

I only started to taper from 1.50mg V and am 90 days in, so I don't have much experience to give you.  It is hard to say how each person will react or how much their body can take.  I can only tell you what I am doing which is following the Ashton manual.  I am doing a DMLT and a compounding pharmacy makes my solution for me so I can't screw it up!! But many people here do it on their own.  I'm guessing you have been doing cut and hold?  Anyhow, I am doing a 10% reduction every 2 weeks by taking out .01 mg a day.  My doctor at a major hospital here in Toronto and my pharmacist have created a spread sheet for me which tells me what each of my doses will be, 3x a day.  Even that small reduction if .01 mg can knock me off my feet for a few days with bad SX'S.  Is a doctor recommending 25% a week?  I know for me that would be too much.  You mentioned you are having some bad times so it is really up to you to decide if this is too much.  As you get lower the % cuts get steeper and as I learned from my doctor suggested taper the first time around, cuts can grow on cuts until you can't function.  I was told to go to 0mg in 6 weeks when I was on Libroum and it all caught up with me to the point I had to go to the E.R.  But some people can taper off at faster rates.  I say listen to your body.  If it is getting to be too much slow down.  I know it is hard as we all want off so badly but make sure you are taking care of your body and your mind!!! Wishing you all the best with whatever you decide,


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It's great to see that 2 of you have tapered off, wonderful!  I'm currently at 2.25 valium equivalent of clonazepam and going down.  I love reading posts like yours.


To MAVO, can you ask whoever is directing your taper?  The Ashton Manual recommends staying at your reduction dose for 2-4 weeks.  You may want to review that resource. 


Hope that helps.

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Gardie I hope I am close behind you!! I'm at 1.5 but I have been taking the smaller half of the half the last few days --dry cutting is imprecise, I usually take the bigger side of the quarter when I first cut  and graduate to the smaller side halfway through the hold.. benzo logic  Haha. Anyway, I hope to cut to  1.25 very soooooon!

I watched the Lisa Ling special last night. So powerful! I want to send it to my mom but I don't want her to worry. I'm nowhere near suicide (anymore) but I think I will send it to her anyway and tell her that. She actually already gets it because I stayed with her for a month when I was trying to jump last year and she finally realized how serious this was when I would not leave bed for days on end.  :sick:

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I am now in week 4 of windows. Sleep is crap but all else is diminishing all the time. At around 0.35 , I may jump after my 4,000 k trip which I am starting today..me being the driver. Pretty nervous remembering my horrible CT in June 2017. Suspect jumping will be nothing like that but it plays on my mind
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Gardie I hope I am close behind you!! I'm at 1.5 but I have been taking the smaller half of the half the last few days --dry cutting is imprecise, I usually take the bigger side of the quarter when I first cut  and graduate to the smaller side halfway through the hold.. benzo logic  Haha. Anyway, I hope to cut to  1.25 very soooooon!

I watched the Lisa Ling special last night. So powerful! I want to send it to my mom but I don't want her to worry. I'm nowhere near suicide (anymore) but I think I will send it to her anyway and tell her that. She actually already gets it because I stayed with her for a month when I was trying to jump last year and she finally realized how serious this was when I would not leave bed for days on end.  :sick:


OKitty, I am going to buy 5 copies and send them to friends and family I know want to understand but don't.  Who could?  I think this will really help.  ;). Mary

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Gardie I hope I am close behind you!! I'm at 1.5 but I have been taking the smaller half of the half the last few days --dry cutting is imprecise, I usually take the bigger side of the quarter when I first cut  and graduate to the smaller side halfway through the hold.. benzo logic  Haha. Anyway, I hope to cut to  1.25 very soooooon!

I watched the Lisa Ling special last night. So powerful! I want to send it to my mom but I don't want her to worry. I'm nowhere near suicide (anymore) but I think I will send it to her anyway and tell her that. She actually already gets it because I stayed with her for a month when I was trying to jump last year and she finally realized how serious this was when I would not leave bed for days on end.  :sick:

I hear ya. Dry cutting is tricky. But it sounds like you're doing well with it. And you are very low! Just wait until you hit 1 mg. Then you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. :thumbsup:
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Gardie I hope I am close behind you!! I'm at 1.5 but I have been taking the smaller half of the half the last few days --dry cutting is imprecise, I usually take the bigger side of the quarter when I first cut  and graduate to the smaller side halfway through the hold.. benzo logic  Haha. Anyway, I hope to cut to  1.25 very soooooon!

I watched the Lisa Ling special last night. So powerful! I want to send it to my mom but I don't want her to worry. I'm nowhere near suicide (anymore) but I think I will send it to her anyway and tell her that. She actually already gets it because I stayed with her for a month when I was trying to jump last year and she finally realized how serious this was when I would not leave bed for days on end.  :sick:


OKitty, I am going to buy 5 copies and send them to friends and family I know want to understand but don't.  Who could?  I think this will really help.  ;). Mary


How do you buy copies and send them? I can't even figure out how to buy my own iTunes copy.:crazy: Can't blame that on the benzos. I have always been techno-challenged.

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Gardie I hope I am close behind you!! I'm at 1.5 but I have been taking the smaller half of the half the last few days --dry cutting is imprecise, I usually take the bigger side of the quarter when I first cut  and graduate to the smaller side halfway through the hold.. benzo logic  Haha. Anyway, I hope to cut to  1.25 very soooooon!

I watched the Lisa Ling special last night. So powerful! I want to send it to my mom but I don't want her to worry. I'm nowhere near suicide (anymore) but I think I will send it to her anyway and tell her that. She actually already gets it because I stayed with her for a month when I was trying to jump last year and she finally realized how serious this was when I would not leave bed for days on end.  :sick:


OKitty, I am going to buy 5 copies and send them to friends and family I know want to understand but don't.  Who could?  I think this will really help.  ;). Mary


How do you buy copies and send them? I can't even figure out how to buy my own iTunes copy.:crazy: Can't blame that on the benzos. I have always been techno-challenged.


I will get my husband to do it and let ya know :D. I am TC also  :laugh:

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