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Dr. David Healy - Raising Awareness of Inappropriate or Harmful Deprescribing Practices ×

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I think I need need help badly. My name is Mike. I started to get Panic and anxiety back in 9/06. I was under a a lot of stress and depressed. It felt like I wanted to jump out of my skin. The docor prescribed Ativan to take (up to 1.5 mgs) at bed to sleep. I took that dose or around there for about four and half months. As well I was taking xanax during the day as needed (.25s or .5s ) never a steady dose. When Ativan stopped working I got a little scared and asked the doctor what  to do. She said increase the dose or try: and she started perscribing other things for me, Valium, Xanax Er, Remeron, Ambien. The valium I only took twice and didn't like it.


Here is my major problem. I got so scared at my tolerance of the ativan that I stopped it cold turkey, while still taking xanax and Ambien (not so regularly) as needed. Now I feel there is a problem. I seem to have lost the ability to nod off. I can be extremely tired, I mean extreme and my mind won't nod off. If I try and take nothing like I did this weeken I just stay up no matter how tired I am. I have had chronic insomnia before but this is different. I didnt know about Ativan'sand benzos etc when I did all this. Am I introuble now. My brain is not functioning the way it used to. I literally cant nod off if tired and need to take Ambien if I want to sleep at all. I no longer take the Ativan and I take xanax in low doses now .25 one or twice a day but I am still having those horrible feelings. Not being able to nod off or sleep. Band around my head. Pain behind my eyes.

MY QUESTION IS: Is this withdrawal? If I stopped cold turkey and then resumed not at the dose I was at, but just sporadically, how do I get my self normal again? I amreally scared because I have hread cold turkey can really screw you up. I need sleep. When I try and sleep with nothing my brain stays on despite my body being exhausted!




(PS I am also in Effexor 75mg)

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