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Miss Jen,


Good to hear about your friend that healed. From the Windows I get from time to time, I'd say this is correct. We will be super strong and more able to handle life's ups and downs without any sweat. Now if we can only get there. Locked in a wave of tinnitus and electric shocks at the moment. We are getting closer, but boy is this a slow process.

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She is still with you, even more so now. I lost my younger sister and dad within 3 months of each other and I believe my dad is supporting me all the time. My dad loved Robin Red Breast birds and everytime I'm struggling I see one or hear a bird singing loudly, look up and it's always a Robin. I know my sis is there too but she has 3 girls to keep an eye on. Our loved ones never leave us really  :smitten:


I'm so sorry to hear about your losses, marj.  So much loss... my heart goes out to you.  We are going to get well, and stay well.  We are going to live fully again and appreciate all the wonderful things in our lives... all the little things that are present in the moment... because they are the big things.  This is coming for us all because we have fought long & hard for it...  :smitten:

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Thanks, marj, for your kind words.  Yes... we WILL all get there in the end. 


Good to meet you, MissJen, and I appreciate what you're saying about my friend; I choose to believe she is with me still, supporting me throughout, as she's done in the past.


Hi to drew, siggy, et al.  :thumbsup:


Wow.  The fact that we can come in here and find such support from one another, with absolutely no judgement, well... I think it's actually kind of Divine.  :angel:


Hi Serenity, seems we all go through the bust and boom cycles. Feel good for a little while and then knocked down. Good to see you here.

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Miss Jen and Marj thanks for the hopeful words...I love BTP.  Well...I'd like to volunteer to be healed next if thats okay with everyone :laugh:


I just had a stupid sharp pain on the side of my head which spiked my health anxiety.  I did my CBT worksheet to show how stupid my imminent thoughts of death are :sick:    I alos have heavy DR/foggy feeling which is making me all feeling not here and my walking all boaty.  Almost time for my lunchtime meditation.  I am a hot mess :laugh: 

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Question for everyone! 


Does anyone else feel as if after a wave you have a bit more anxiety due to the stress of it. But, in the same sense you almost feel as if your baseline inches up a bit?  I think I am starting to see a small pattern?  Anyone else?  Don't get me wrong I hate them! They seem to mentally make me spiral down a bit hence the anxiety afterwards!    But, this last one and the one before that seemed to improve my baseline a bit after it was all said and done?  Idk if it's my fried brain or if anyone else has seen a small pattern?    :smitten:


Absolutely! while I would consider myself totally normal most of the time, the waves definitely set me back. I find myself constantly paying attention to every small thing that happens in my body which fuels the anxiety! It's a vicious cycle! But once the wave passes... I feel even better than before!


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I'm  a hot mess too. Came home from work with the worst headache and 'brain squeezing'. It's in my face and ears too. Might feel better after dinner. This is too much sometimes
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Drew, does your meditation help your symptoms?  I don't do it enough, but when I do, I often find it very difficult to settle down and keep at it because the inner restlessness really comes to the fore.  :-[
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Well wish me luck all,  I am putting on my big girl pants lol!  And driving out of the town I live in and down the interstate to see my naturopath for some acupuncture and this horrible pain I have had in my stomach!    I know it sounds silly but I really do NOT like leaving my town!  I never suffered from agoraphobia before this didn't even know it was a actual thing!  But hey during the first 6 wks I didn't leave my closet then another 6 weeks in my room!  By 6 months off I was able to leave my house but still don't like going far! Ughhhh :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:        This stuff is crazy!  You said it best Marj, I am a hot mess also!    I totally feel I am truly crazy from this stuff some days! :idiot:


Lots of Love to you All :smitten:

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Well wish me luck all,  I am putting on my big girl pants lol!  And driving out of the town I live in and down the interstate to see my naturopath for some acupuncture and this horrible pain I have had in my stomach!    I know it sounds silly but I really do NOT like leaving my town!  I never suffered from agoraphobia before this didn't even know it was a actual thing!  But hey during the first 6 wks I didn't leave my closet then another 6 weeks in my room!  By 6 months off I was able to leave my house but still don't like going far! Ughhhh :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:        This stuff is crazy!  You said it best Marj, I am a hot mess also!    I totally feel I am truly crazy from this stuff some days! :idiot:


Lots of Love to you All :smitten:


You can do it! I'm sure it will go smooth.


Back in April I drove half way to New Orleans from Atlanta with my wife while in a massive wave. Not only that, but it was one of the few times I've had D/P & D/R hit me. Not fun at all. She did end up taking over for the 2nd half since I was seriously having a hard time, especially after it started getting dark.

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Ok.....so I'm having head tightness.....really bad in the back of head...down neck....my head fills like it weighs soooo much....also all day had tight stomach couldn't get a good breath....all the pain makes my burning mouth worse.....

Does anyone recommend a good muscle relaxation ....that can be downloaded on iPhone?


Ya......another day.....coming to a end......



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Well wish me luck all,  I am putting on my big girl pants lol!  And driving out of the town I live in and down the interstate to see my naturopath for some acupuncture and this horrible pain I have had in my stomach!    I know it sounds silly but I really do NOT like leaving my town!  I never suffered from agoraphobia before this didn't even know it was a actual thing!  But hey during the first 6 wks I didn't leave my closet then another 6 weeks in my room!  By 6 months off I was able to leave my house but still don't like going far! Ughhhh :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:        This stuff is crazy!  You said it best Marj, I am a hot mess also!    I totally feel I am truly crazy from this stuff some days! :idiot:


Lots of Love to you All :smitten:



You'll be fine Jen. Good luck and let us know how it went. I'm going to bed as I'm awful, got benzo flu now ugh.

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TM try progressive muscle relaxation by Beth Salcedo on iTunes. 


Good luck Jen!


Okay..I'm home in bed.  I had the worst unreality in a long time.  The ride home from work was frightful.  I did check my tracker of symptoms and this symptom used to hit me way more.  Only 2nd time this month but it's awful. 

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Well Drew ... that's a bear ... and I suppose reassuring news in a way ...


And in the meantime not a good place to be ...


I have had some stomach, chest, neck and head tightness show up today ... not a wave thing it seems ... possibly a bit of rebound after being pretty relaxed for several days ... the pattern, as such, is the same ... initiates in my groin and moves upwards ... not a storm at all, more of a sense of malaise ...


If I were to exaggerate the explanation, it is as if I am being tugged forward curling downward, like I am trying to push my head into my navel ...


Perhaps an affect of navel gazing ...  ;D


Hope things settle out for you this afternoon and evening ...  :thumbsup:

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Hi Folks ... sounds like some yukky times for most of you ...


And I hear the resilience and determination in the voice of your posts ...


I seem to be moving along without any storms these last few days ... the longest storm free stretch I have had during these last four years ... 11 days now ... but who's counting ...  :laugh:


Hope everyone can have a quiet evening and get a good rest ...  :thumbsup:



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TM ... we certainly do heal ... no matter how we may feel in the moment ... it just can take more time than we think we can endure ...


And we can endure ... the resilience and fortitude of all of us is both a mystery and something to be celebrated as often as we can ...


And ... nobody gets left behind ... we just keep shuffling onward ...  :smitten:

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Glad you're still feeling pretty good Nova, even with some slight issues. Drew, sorry you're getting hit too. I've been in a bad wave since last Friday. My wife says she can almost tell when I'm about to go in a wave because my body gets hot. I have terrible head pressure and burning down my spine since this last wave started. I usually have the head pressure and some burning, but it's been off the charts this last week.


Anybody seen green or coop? Are they just taking a break for a while?

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We all have our signs. Mine is ear hissing that tells me I'm in trouble.  I had such a feeling of being disconnected from reality today.  Think it's lessening but I recently started getting a headache. We having fun yet?
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Siggy, I can't believe you just said your wife notices when your body gets hot!  My husband and I just noticed this!  Well, I feel first my whole body feels hot like really really hot, it's not to touch except my cheeks they get so red almost purple and my husband says they feel like they are on fire!  It comes and goes sometimes lasts a few minutes sometimes hours!  It was really starting to freak me out! As, I haven't found anyone else who has anything really like it!  I am so sorry you experience something similar!  Thanks for sharing! 


Drew, I think I am a 2/3 months further than you?  I hit 20 months on the 1st. Anyways, a few months back I got hit huge with the spaciness again!  Like super bad!  I constantly felt high and like nothing was real, it was horrible but when that big wave ended that feeling went from 24/7 for about 4/6 wks to almost never!  I have had a few moments here and there but nothing like before or during that monster wave!  So hold on hopefully yours will end with this wave!




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Thx Jen....it actually lifted and is now a headache.  :crazy:    I knew I was in trouble when I woke up at 2am and both ears were hissing along w a weird rolling vibration on my skull.  You can't make this shit up!


How was your big outing?

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I made it well mostly lol!  I made it 30 miles out and my hubby met me right before the interstate and drove with me!  I drove but knowing someone was with me helps!  Idk exactly why! But, it's way less stressful when I know I can pull over at anytime and jump in the passenger set lol!  Baby steps I guess!   


My naturopath suspects a stomach ulcer so I guess aloe Vera juice is going to be my new best friend. I may have to give up my morning cup of coffee! Ugh :tickedoff:        I know we are suppose to stay away from caffeine but it's the only thing That seems to clear out the brain fog!  Not that I have brain fog daily but it helps when I do and boy those headaches without my am cup of coffee :tickedoff:  It's also the only time I have sugar everyday, in the shot of creamer!   


Sorry for the rant everyone! I have went on a strict gluten free diet! Lean meat, fruit, and fresh veggies is all I eat in very small quantity!  And other than water and some ginger tea I don't drink anything so it's my special treat everyday!  1 cup with a shot of creamer!  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:


Hope we all get a good night sleep and wake to calmer waters and a sunny day!  :smitten:


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My headache was so intense today I caved in and had a soda with caffeine......it really helps...its so weird but caffeine works better then any other over the counter meds.....Advil did nothing....

So wondering if I'll sleep tonight....but at least the head pressure is 80 percent better...

Sweet dreams.......ya....all...




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