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Builder , if I am going to make 2 days worth would it be

2 tablets of 0.5 mg of Ativan

2 ml of vodka

98 ml of wAter

Is that correct ?

Thank you


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bob per your sig, you say you take your zinc before bed, is there a reason for this? i also take zinc, 50 mg every other day, and magnesium lysinate glycinate 100mg 3x daily for anxiety help. the zinc for help w/healing.


love to know if there's a more efficient way or timing to take my supplements!


thx in advance

Yes there’s a very good reason taking before bed.


By taking zinc with a B complex before bed I sleep better.  I only take about 20% of the recommended daily allowance for each of these by breaking up the pills.


The science behind it is as follows. You need zinc and B vitamins to convert glutamate into GABA.  You need to reduce glutamate and increase GABA in order to sleep.


Like I say I only take about 20% of the recommended daily allowance of each of these supplements before bed. I will repeat it if I to wake up like in 3 hours.  It takes about 30 minutes to feel the effect-it also helps to take magnesium Glycinate.


My biggest problem is sleep so I feel like this is really helping.




Hi Bob, sleep is still a massive issue for me. I'd like to try your suggestion. Can you tell me about what size mg tablet you have of each (Mg, zinc and B vitamins)? And then, how many times do you break each tablet? Do you just break them in half, etc.?


B Complex sent me through the roof in the past (I'm mega sensitive to everything on the planet), but I'm sure those were much higher doses than what you use at night time. If you can tell me specifics on pill/dosage size for each, I'd really appreciate it.


Many thanks!





I'll try again......Bob? You there? :)


Here is a link to the 3 supplements.  Each pill I divide into 1/3 parts.  I take 1/3 of each about 45 minutes before bed and each time I wake up at night.








Thanks, Bob!! :)

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Just in case he reads this thread: Hi, SG57! I will never forget all the help you gave me. I will be jumping this summer. :yippee:


Gard :)

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Hey Gard! I just "talked" to him!!! Amazing that I jump on here and see your post.


Don't leave us after you jump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hugs to you, sister :)



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bob per your sig, you say you take your zinc before bed, is there a reason for this? i also take zinc, 50 mg every other day, and magnesium lysinate glycinate 100mg 3x daily for anxiety help. the zinc for help w/healing.


love to know if there's a more efficient way or timing to take my supplements!


thx in advance

Yes there’s a very good reason taking before bed.


By taking zinc with a B complex before bed I sleep better.  I only take about 20% of the recommended daily allowance for each of these by breaking up the pills.


The science behind it is as follows. You need zinc and B vitamins to convert glutamate into GABA.  You need to reduce glutamate and increase GABA in order to sleep.


Like I say I only take about 20% of the recommended daily allowance of each of these supplements before bed. I will repeat it if I to wake up like in 3 hours.  It takes about 30 minutes to feel the effect-it also helps to take magnesium Glycinate.


My biggest problem is sleep so I feel like this is really helping.




Hi Bob, sleep is still a massive issue for me. I'd like to try your suggestion. Can you tell me about what size mg tablet you have of each (Mg, zinc and B vitamins)? And then, how many times do you break each tablet? Do you just break them in half, etc.?


B Complex sent me through the roof in the past (I'm mega sensitive to everything on the planet), but I'm sure those were much higher doses than what you use at night time. If you can tell me specifics on pill/dosage size for each, I'd really appreciate it.


Many thanks!





I'll try again......Bob? You there? :)


Here is a link to the 3 supplements.  Each pill I divide into 1/3 parts.  I take 1/3 of each about 45 minutes before bed and each time I wake up at night.








Thanks, Bob!! :)



Oh, one other thing, Bob....I may have mentioned that B Complex really sends me through the roof with anxiety. It's rare for most people, but it happens. Anyway, I got a multivitamin last week that has only the daily RDA of all B's (among others), but I still got jumpy after I took it. So, I broke it in half, and that helped. My question is, do you think this could be a problem when I take the B vitamin you recommended? I'm just wondering if taking only the zinc and magnesium would help with my sleep, or is the B complex part very important in the mix of things? Thought I'd ask you before I order all three supplements.


Thanks, Bob!!!



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Hey Gard! I just "talked" to him!!! Amazing that I jump on here and see your post.


Don't leave us after you jump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hugs to you, sister :)




Hi, Jeff!  :yippee: How's he doing? How are you doing? I'm finding I feel better and the taper can go faster at the lower dose. I think the benzo beast is finally loosening its grip. KNOCKING WOOD!

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Hi, Jeff!  :yippee: How's he doing? How are you doing? I'm finding I feel better and the taper can go faster at the lower dose. I think the benzo beast is finally loosening its grip. KNOCKING WOOD!


My experience exactly.


You eventually taper down to a level where the benzo no longer has any real effect.  At that point, your dependency has has been overcome.

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Hi, Jeff!  :yippee: How's he doing? How are you doing? I'm finding I feel better and the taper can go faster at the lower dose. I think the benzo beast is finally loosening its grip. KNOCKING WOOD!


My experience exactly.


You eventually taper down to a level where the benzo no longer has any real effect.  At that point, your dependency has has been overcome.


:thumbsup: I'm going to test my dependency by tapering even faster this coming week and see what happens. Going by Ashton's charts, I'm at equivalency of .65mg V. Not without symptoms by any means, but still able to manage them by pacing myself and distracting and just accepting them. So different from the early days and the great Xanax disaster.

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Hi Gardener, I’m feeling the same way although I hope I’m not speaking too soon. After a bit of a wave  I’ve had two very good days where I actually had some energy and less cog fog. I truly hope it’s losing its grip as Builder says. 19 more days unless I speed things up but I may just ride this out as graceful as possible and step off at zero. All the best to you and hope this continues for you.
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Hi Gardener, I’m feeling the same way although I hope I’m not speaking too soon. After a bit of a wave  I’ve had two very good days where I actually had some energy and less cog fog. I truly hope it’s losing its grip as Builder says. 19 more days unless I speed things up but I may just ride this out as graceful as possible and step off at zero. All the best to you and hope this continues for you.


Wow, you're so close. Congratulations! And let's hope we're not jinxing ourselves. ;):laugh:

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Hi Gardener, I’m feeling the same way although I hope I’m not speaking too soon. After a bit of a wave  I’ve had two very good days where I actually had some energy and less cog fog. I truly hope it’s losing its grip as Builder says. 19 more days unless I speed things up but I may just ride this out as graceful as possible and step off at zero. All the best to you and hope this continues for you.


Wow, you're so close. Congratulations! And let's hope we're not jinxing ourselves. ;):laugh:

Jinxing rules dont apply on BB...


Best wishes work wonders though..!! -You both have many..!!




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Hey Gard! I just "talked" to him!!! Amazing that I jump on here and see your post.


Don't leave us after you jump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hugs to you, sister :)




Good for you! I'm super glad that you're making it over the hill of benzo life. You deserve it! And, SG is doing much better. He's an empty nester now, so he's getting involved in projects around the house and getting out some. Sleep is still an issue but he's making slow strides forward and he's got a good attitude about it all. My situation isn't too positive, but I'm doing the best I can. My job is the biggest stressor by far, and I'm desperately trying to find another one so I can get out of this abusive situation. I can't even describe my job situation, but shoot up a prayer for me to get out of there soon!! A small beach community is a hard place to find something legitimate that pays anything much. Long long way to go on the taper since I haven't been able to cut since starting this job (11 months). Still hoping though :)  Catch ya soon!




Hi, Jeff!  :yippee: How's he doing? How are you doing? I'm finding I feel better and the taper can go faster at the lower dose. I think the benzo beast is finally loosening its grip. KNOCKING WOOD!

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Is anyone in this group willing to figure a DLMT for me. I am mathematically disabled. I have a pharmaceutical compound of klonopin. I have tapered to a level of 1.8cc twice daily. I think that is .036mg. Please correct me if I miscalculated. My compoundis 100MCG/ML I have been doing cut and hold at a rate of 5% remaining dose every 7-10 days. It was suggested to me that this type of taper might be smoother. I was hesitant because I could not imagine how I would figure out the doses. I was also wondering how easy it is to read the syringe, even with reading glasses. I would be very grateful if anyone would help. Thank you, Esperanza
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Hey Gard! I just "talked" to him!!! Amazing that I jump on here and see your post.


Don't leave us after you jump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hugs to you, sister :)




Hi, Jeff!  :yippee: How's he doing? How are you doing? I'm finding I feel better and the taper can go faster at the lower dose. I think the benzo beast is finally loosening its grip. KNOCKING WOOD!


Good for you! I'm super glad that you're making it over the hill of benzo life. You deserve it! And, SG is doing much better. He's an empty nester now, so he's getting involved in projects around the house and getting out some. Sleep is still an issue but he's making slow strides forward and he's got a good attitude about it all. My situation isn't too positive, but I'm doing the best I can. My job is the biggest stressor by far, and I'm desperately trying to find another one so I can get out of this abusive situation. I can't even describe my job situation, but shoot up a prayer for me to get out of there soon!! A small beach community is a hard place to find something legitimate that pays anything much. Long long way to go on the taper since I haven't been able to cut since starting this job (11 months). Still hoping though :)  Catch ya soon!




Thanks for the update, Jeff. I'm so sorry about your job. I can see how that would mess with your taper. I will pray you find something else so you can move forward. Better yet, I will ask my daughter to pray. She's much more spiritually with-it than I am. My emotional/spiritual life has been flat-lined by these drugs. Curious about what will be on the other side of this. I hope I get my brain back! I like to read success stories of people who did.  ;D


You hang in there. Some day you will be writing a success story! We will all beat the benzo beast.

Gard :smitten:

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Is anyone in this group willing to figure a DLMT for me. I am mathematically disabled. I have a pharmaceutical compound of klonopin. I have tapered to a level of 1.8cc twice daily. I think that is .036mg. Please correct me if I miscalculated. My compoundis 100MCG/ML I have been doing cut and hold at a rate of 5% remaining dose every 7-10 days. It was suggested to me that this type of taper might be smoother. I was hesitant because I could not imagine how I would figure out the doses. I was also wondering how easy it is to read the syringe, even with reading glasses. I would be very grateful if anyone would help. Thank you, Esperanza


100mcg/ml is the same as .1mg/ml.  So if your taking 1.8ml X2  (3.6ml) , your daily dose is .36mg


Don't worry about reading the syringe and measurement errors.  1)  A microtaper is about making gradual reduction, NOT precise reductions.  2)  And the dilution (.1mg/ml) dramatically reduces the error factor.  A .01ml measurement error is only .001mg.

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Is anyone in this group willing to figure a DLMT for me. I am mathematically disabled. I have a pharmaceutical compound of klonopin. I have tapered to a level of 1.8cc twice daily. I think that is .036mg. Please correct me if I miscalculated. My compoundis 100MCG/ML I have been doing cut and hold at a rate of 5% remaining dose every 7-10 days. It was suggested to me that this type of taper might be smoother. I was hesitant because I could not imagine how I would figure out the doses. I was also wondering how easy it is to read the syringe, even with reading glasses. I would be very grateful if anyone would help. Thank you, Esperanza


100mcg/ml is the same as .1mg/ml.  So if your taking 1.8ml X2  (3.6ml) , your daily dose is .36mg


Don't worry about reading the syringe and measurement errors.  1)  A microtaper is about making gradual reduction, NOT precise reductions.  2)  And the dilution (.1mg/ml) dramatically reduces the error factor.  A .01ml measurement error is only .001mg.


But Builder, wouldn’t a .001 error be rather large in some cases? For example .001 is the full amount I’m taoering each day. If I were to make an error and double that I think I’d have significantly increased symptoms.

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But Builder, wouldn’t a .001 error be rather large in some cases? For example .001 is the full amount I’m taoering each day. If I were to make an error and double that I think I’d have significantly increased symptoms.




Your tablets have always varied 10% or more from dose-to-dose, and no one ever notices that.  Small dose-to-dose variances just average out.


As I said, (and can't stress strongly enough) the goal is gradual reduction, NOT precise reduction.

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Hey Gard! I just "talked" to him!!! Amazing that I jump on here and see your post.


Don't leave us after you jump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hugs to you, sister :)




Hi, Jeff!  :yippee: How's he doing? How are you doing? I'm finding I feel better and the taper can go faster at the lower dose. I think the benzo beast is finally loosening its grip. KNOCKING WOOD!


Good for you! I'm super glad that you're making it over the hill of benzo life. You deserve it! And, SG is doing much better. He's an empty nester now, so he's getting involved in projects around the house and getting out some. Sleep is still an issue but he's making slow strides forward and he's got a good attitude about it all. My situation isn't too positive, but I'm doing the best I can. My job is the biggest stressor by far, and I'm desperately trying to find another one so I can get out of this abusive situation. I can't even describe my job situation, but shoot up a prayer for me to get out of there soon!! A small beach community is a hard place to find something legitimate that pays anything much. Long long way to go on the taper since I haven't been able to cut since starting this job (11 months). Still hoping though :)  Catch ya soon!




Thanks for the update, Jeff. I'm so sorry about your job. I can see how that would mess with your taper. I will pray you find something else so you can move forward. Better yet, I will ask my daughter to pray. She's much more spiritually with-it than I am. My emotional/spiritual life has been flat-lined by these drugs. Curious about what will be on the other side of this. I hope I get my brain back! I like to read success stories of people who did.  ;D


You hang in there. Some day you will be writing a success story! We will all beat the benzo beast.

Gard :smitten:


:smitten: Look for my brain while you look for yours :)



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bob per your sig, you say you take your zinc before bed, is there a reason for this? i also take zinc, 50 mg every other day, and magnesium lysinate glycinate 100mg 3x daily for anxiety help. the zinc for help w/healing.


love to know if there's a more efficient way or timing to take my supplements!


thx in advance

Yes there’s a very good reason taking before bed.


By taking zinc with a B complex before bed I sleep better.  I only take about 20% of the recommended daily allowance for each of these by breaking up the pills.


The science behind it is as follows. You need zinc and B vitamins to convert glutamate into GABA.  You need to reduce glutamate and increase GABA in order to sleep.


Like I say I only take about 20% of the recommended daily allowance of each of these supplements before bed. I will repeat it if I to wake up like in 3 hours.  It takes about 30 minutes to feel the effect-it also helps to take magnesium Glycinate.


My biggest problem is sleep so I feel like this is really helping.




Hi Bob, sleep is still a massive issue for me. I'd like to try your suggestion. Can you tell me about what size mg tablet you have of each (Mg, zinc and B vitamins)? And then, how many times do you break each tablet? Do you just break them in half, etc.?


B Complex sent me through the roof in the past (I'm mega sensitive to everything on the planet), but I'm sure those were much higher doses than what you use at night time. If you can tell me specifics on pill/dosage size for each, I'd really appreciate it.


Many thanks!





I'll try again......Bob? You there? :)


Here is a link to the 3 supplements.  Each pill I divide into 1/3 parts.  I take 1/3 of each about 45 minutes before bed and each time I wake up at night.








Hey Bob, today I received all the supplements. Question...the zinc came in capsules while the other is hardcap (one is gummie). I can see how to break two of them into thirds, but the zinc is a capsule with "powder" on the inside. Is there a special way to break the powder into thirds? I don't have any scales or anything. Just thought I'd ask.


Thanks yet again!



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bob per your sig, you say you take your zinc before bed, is there a reason for this? i also take zinc, 50 mg every other day, and magnesium lysinate glycinate 100mg 3x daily for anxiety help. the zinc for help w/healing.


love to know if there's a more efficient way or timing to take my supplements!


thx in advance

Yes there’s a very good reason taking before bed.


By taking zinc with a B complex before bed I sleep better.  I only take about 20% of the recommended daily allowance for each of these by breaking up the pills.


The science behind it is as follows. You need zinc and B vitamins to convert glutamate into GABA.  You need to reduce glutamate and increase GABA in order to sleep.


Like I say I only take about 20% of the recommended daily allowance of each of these supplements before bed. I will repeat it if I to wake up like in 3 hours.  It takes about 30 minutes to feel the effect-it also helps to take magnesium Glycinate.


My biggest problem is sleep so I feel like this is really helping.




Hi Bob, sleep is still a massive issue for me. I'd like to try your suggestion. Can you tell me about what size mg tablet you have of each (Mg, zinc and B vitamins)? And then, how many times do you break each tablet? Do you just break them in half, etc.?


B Complex sent me through the roof in the past (I'm mega sensitive to everything on the planet), but I'm sure those were much higher doses than what you use at night time. If you can tell me specifics on pill/dosage size for each, I'd really appreciate it.


Many thanks!





I'll try again......Bob? You there? :)


Here is a link to the 3 supplements.  Each pill I divide into 1/3 parts.  I take 1/3 of each about 45 minutes before bed and each time I wake up at night.








Hey Bob, today I received all the supplements. Question...the zinc came in capsules while the other is hardcap (one is gummie). I can see how to break two of them into thirds, but the zinc is a capsule with "powder" on the inside. Is there a special way to break the powder into thirds? I don't have any scales or anything. Just thought I'd ask.


Thanks yet again!



Hi Jeff,

It’s easier than you think. The capsules come apart with a simple twist action and then you just dribble some on your tongue and put the capsule back together .

It’s actually pretty easy.  I do no more than 1/4 of the capsule at a time.

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I am going down each day by 0.0001 started at 28.6 now at 27.5 is this too slow for 2 weeks should I be dropping by 0.0002 each day?

Thanks Lisa


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I am going down each day by 0.0001 started at 28.6 now at 27.5 is this too slow for 2 weeks should I be dropping by 0.0002 each day?

Thanks Lisa


Not sure whether that's mgs or mls, but either way, I'm sure its wrong.  Even if it's  mls, and you were using a .01mg/ml solution, it would have taken 1100 days go from 28.6mg to 27.5mg.


And I'm sure you don't have a syringe that reads to 4 decimal places.  That would be 1/100,000.


If you dropped from 28.6 to 27.5 in 2 weeks, that's about .08mg/day, or 4%/14 days.  That's probably a good rate.

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Builder my solution is 0.5 mg of ativan , 1 ml of vodka , 49 ml of water I use the 10 ml syringe and the 1 ml syringe and drop only on the 1 ml syringe just one every day .

Can I stay at that rate it would take me until sep to finish .

Thank you lisa

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