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Attorney Tells All: How the U.S. Courts Shield Big Pharma from Liability


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I just read this. Thank you for posting. I was interested after having called a legal firm which takes on big pharma. (I still have my moments when I think I can get back at that monster, or a least fight for some justice)  I had a long conversation with their intake person. She informed me of a ruling by the Supreme Court in 2011 which states that makers of generic drugs cannot be sued. That's right.


The system is rigged and highly corrupt.  It's all about money, and if someone can make money from ANYTHING in this country, good luck with the "greater good" .....there is NO regard for the greater good in this culture in decline.


We just have to be grateful we have survived, and continue to believe in the ability of the body to heal. (I have to tell myself this, over and over)  "Most drugs are essentially dangerous chemicals that have benefits that outweigh their risks." is something most of us now understand all too well. 


I continue to have a problem with a "system" that does this to "patients", and I'm not sure how to come to terms with the reality of our corporatocracy and consumer driven society. How much bull shit do we have to uncover before this whole nightmare is over? Or will it ever be over?



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Yes, who-am-i, I also feel grateful to have survived. I feel like we're surviving an enormous epidemic that is unfolding silently, the numbers rising in the disability rolls, the bodies piling up in the morgue.


This part of the article stuck out to me:


There’s also the pill-popping culture that causes an additional barrier. Many injuries occur after a person has been prescribed a number of drugs. Separating out one drug’s effect from another adds another level of complication. Thus, many law firms and courts will reject cases unless it is clear that the likely culprit is one particular drug.


And I have to wonder if there's a culture of this kind of liability awareness within the medical community.


Does that make me a conspiracy theorist or, dare I say, a realist?


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Good point. Are you familiar with Peter Joseph and the "Culture in Decline" series? He says it's not a conspiracy; it's how the "system" is set up, and that human greater good does not figure in to the equation.


We have to just be grateful that our eyes are now open, and try and hang on to the hope that we will heal. (I must admit though that I can't help but feel permanently damaged, often) We are really lucky to have this forum, and the ability to now clearly see this whole illusion for what it really is.


Speaking to the multi-drug effect: it's interesting that this is acknowledged if a law suit is involved, but somehow it's rarely on the radar of providers.....


Stay strong....


Keep on keeping on. Keep healing. Life is waiting for us all..... :smitten:

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I hadn't heard of Peter Joseph.  I'll have to google and read up on this. The fact that "human greater good does not figure into the equation" is incredibly scary, especially for healthcare.


Yep, let's keep on keeping on.  :smitten:

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