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I need a tritation schedule off of .75 clonazepam


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Doing a titration will probably test you a bit.  Anxiety is pretty common.  Being stressed before you begin your taper is probably not the best place to start from.  Are you able to get comfortable (not anxious/stressed) with some dose of benzos? 


The actual act of doing a liquid taper is not difficult.  You simply crush and dissolve your pill in 100 mls of some liquid (whole milk seems to work well for klonopin).  Then you remove a small amount each day.  You could, for example, remove 1 ml the first day, 2 mls the 2nd day and so on.  And in 100 days, you will have tapered all the way to zero.  If that turns out to be too fast, then remove 1/2 ml the first day, 1 ml the second day, 1.5 mls the third day and so on.


Before you remove any, be sure that you are stable (comfortable) taking your dose as a liquid formulation.  Be stable with the liquid dose for a week or two before you start removing.

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