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Has anyone found therapy to be helpful for your depression, and/or your anxiety? My therapist wants me to try something called EMDR. It is used most frequently for people with PTSD. Not sure it will work, but I am having such deep, horrible depression and anxiety that i am willing to try it or almost anything within reason. I've also heard about something called neurofeedback (not biofeedback, although i've heard of that, too). This one's called neurofeedback, and I guess it's relatively new. Any thoughts? I've been trying cognitive behavioural therapy, which basically means good, positive thoughts lead to better emotions which lead to better behavior. But it is very, very hard for me now to keep positive thoughts in my head, I am trying very hard, but I am losing the battle. Please let me know if anything has helped you with your depression and anxiety. I'm really feeling like I can't make it. Thanks!!!!!
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Hi beachboy,


I am very, very sorry you are hurting so much.  EMDR is a therapy which somehow uses the eye movement of the patient.  I don't know much about it, but it is quite "popular".  I'd suggest googling it.  I am doing a therapy called Somatic Experiencing, and would highly recommend it.  It may be difficult to find a practioner in your area, however.  Google somatic experiencing or The Foundation for Human Enrichment to get more info of you're interested.


I wish you all the luck in the world, although I know luck is not exactly what you need.


I hope you can be *very* gentle and kind and loving to/with yourself.  Feel free to write me if you want to "talk" some more.



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