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Hi Cali  :hug: unfortunately healing an takes LOT longer where Benzo  and withdrawal/healing are concerned, and also makes you more prone to injury as well  :( I used to heal any wounds like a super human, even after major surgery now everything takes a LOT longer and I get injured doing  practically nothing as well  :sick: And yes its common too. ::) uggh!



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Thank you so much Nova  :-* :-*  He's been so overwhelmed by this knee injury and not understanding the healing process has made it so much harder.  Especially since it has compromised his hard-fought little bit of freedom!  We are going to stay the course with continuing rehabilitation and he's going to give this injury a wide margin for healing time.  Going to the doctor is now finally an option, but it will be our last resort, since they won't likely understand what he is going through.  Your words have brought much relief!  :smitten:

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I used to be a competive bodybuilder even on Clonazepam. Now I'm tapering off. I will hit the weights next week.
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Today, I have pictures:




From the top of the Volunteer Park water tower.




N and I kayaking up the Montlake Cut.


Love to all.

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Today, I have pictures:




From the top of the Volunteer Park water tower.




N and I kayaking up the Montlake Cut.


Love to all.



Today you have none  :-\ What's happened VEP? Did Some B'Stard rob them or wot? Or did the Cyber Monster eat them? Is it some new form of picture  technology that most of us haven't heard of yet? Ha!! Or have you deleted them from your account, as that takes the pictures away from anywhere you posted them or, were you naked in them and changed your mind about leaving them up? If so...... PUT THEM BACK NOW!!!  :D:Go on, tell me its my PC and everyone else can see you naked butt :laugh:



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


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I posted here about 5 weeks ago about injuries healing slowly...just wondering if this is happening/has happened to anyone else?  After some deep searches on the site, there is a little bit about people having problems with muscle injuries that heal very slowly, but has anyone had issues with joints as well?  My partner is trying to heal from a knee injury (he was finally able to start an exercise routine after nearly 4 years of being housebound/bedridden and now has an MCL injury) and it is going very, very slowly...almost no progress has been made in 5 weeks. 


Any information would be much appreciated!!


Absolutely! My muscles used to ache for a day after a heavy treadmill effort. Now it takes me 5 or 6 days to recover. As far as joints go, I'm in bizzarro land. I can feel perfectly fine and limber one hour and the next hour I can feel like I'm a candidate for a knee or hip replacement with cracking that I can hear in my head with each step. Then, just as suddenly, all is good again. I don't even try to figure it out!  BTW, I'm still tapering V right now at 4.5mg.

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Not working?


Stupid imgur. This is my Flickr pool: Jonnie



Cool  8) Their back again now :) Lovely pics and not a naked butt in sight :laugh:



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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New to group. I can't jog, but I can walk and do light exercises. I miss going all out and collapsing in exhaustion and ecstasy (runner's high).
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I had recently been with the proverbial pedal to the metal in regards to work. I must admit that it was taking its toll, I was in a worse mood than the usual benzo BS but man, for the past three days I have been returning back to running and light weight training. My God does it make such a huge difference.


I looked at my phone and sae that I had been jogging for an entire hour! Talk about pent up energy!


Creeping up on a year for me, some things are gone and never have returned and some things still linger. Gimpses of normality are a blessing so, I wish all of you fine folks tranquility.



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I've been doing pretty well with my diet and now I've finally gotten back to exercising again.  I rode 20 miles on a stationary bike and did some light weight training afterwards.  That's probably not a lot for a normal person but I'm guessing I'm going to be sore.  So that brings me to my question.  What are you supposed to eat for a post-workout recovery meal that won't interfere with the withdrawal process?
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been doing pretty well with my diet and now I've finally gotten back to exercising again.  I rode 20 miles on a stationary bike and did some light weight training afterwards.  That's probably not a lot for a normal person but I'm guessing I'm going to be sore.  So that brings me to my question.  What are you supposed to eat for a post-workout recovery meal that won't interfere with the withdrawal process?


Lean proteins and fruits and vegetables that are high in anti-oxidents. Berries are especially good post workout. Also, good fats like avacados and nuts. Avoid added sugars and MSG. Hope that works for you.

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Hey hey...


Seeing this group here the other day inspired me. And reading through the posts so thanks all.


Since this latest wave the fatigue has lifted a little, the adrenaline surges put a rocket up me!


For the last two days I have done some yoga in my room and today, this morning I went for a run. I am SO PROUD of myself, and I wanted to share that with this group. Wow!


I don't know what the aftermath will be like but i'll deal with that separately. If I can make it out again I'm gonna follow a podcast couch to 5k...all in all ran 8 minutes with 60 sec jogs and 90 second runs. I'm in my 40's - I can't remember the last time I ran, really, BUT I have gone from agoraphobic to running in the park with the birds. Just don't want to get too overawed unless its a one off.


So just for today, I am happy with that!


Kayaking looks amazing btw, would love to give that a go  :) :) :) :) :):thumbsup: 

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Ugh,  I did a pretty heavy workout yesterday including dead lifts which I haven't done in a few months.  It sent me into a bad wave.  I didn't sleep AT ALL last night.  Just laid there tossing and turning with a slightly elevated heart rate, general weird feeling, loud tinnitus, and some minor sweating.  I need to not do dead lifts for a while as last time I did them they sent me into a bad wave as well.  I guess it's too taxing on the CNS.  Today I feel like crap probably mostly because of the poor night sleep that I got.  I'm hoping that a good night sleep tonight will get me back to my current baseline.  Overall though I do feel positive and am going to continue to work out.. Cheers.  :smitten:
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Greentea, way to go with the exercise :thumbsup: How have you been since then.


Eric, most of us have had that happen--getting bitch slapped after working hard at something. Not sleeping is the worst! I hope you get some good sleep tonight.


I saw this article on the NY Times about benefits of exercise--lots of meta-analysis studies, so lots of data:




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I got POTS right off the bat (heart races when standing) which motivated me to exercise more than ever. After another week I got hit with fatigue and exercise intolerance. Has anyone experienced intolerance going away while tapering or is my only hope once I jump?
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What is POTs?


Ugh - MTfan...feel sheepish. Boyyy did I ache, hurt! And this neck pain moved down to between my shoulder blades and has not gone away. And I'm stiff. My w/d's kicked from anxiety wave with loads of more acute sx into fatigue wave. The latter doesn't get me hopping in fear and perhaps isn't quite as debilitating. But makes me very lazy! Or exercise intolerant?


day at a time !!

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Hi all! I have used exercise the whole taper. I depend on movement to sustain me. I am a hiker, of course, and then joined the gym in April. I began weight lifting and I absolutely love it. My son taught me dead lifts, bench press, and squats. My diet needs some attention though...now that Ive gotten lower in my taper, I tend to give in to my sweet tooth. I will address it after jumping!  :)
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Eric, most of us have had that happen--getting bitch slapped after working hard at something. Not sleeping is the worst! I hope you get some good sleep tonight.



You put it perfectly. I totally got bitchslapped. Last night was night 3 after the hard workout and I finally got some decent sleep and am starting to feel better today. I'm definitely going to take it a little slower to build up my exercise tolerance!!

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I feel zonked in the head after a mile long walk. It's like my brain is trying to cash a check that it can't. Any thoughts?
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Eric, I'm glad you were able to get some sleep and feel better.


Swickey, it happens to all of us (see Greentea's post). Sometimes it's from pushing too hard but I find it's a moving target (what's too hard, just right, too little) so it's almost impossible to nail it. Instead, don't beat yourself up, take care of yourself, and do what you can. Any amount of exercise is a victory. We can't compare ourselves to others who aren't in wd or even others on BB.



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I grew exercise intolerant around 5mgs. However, this week I've discovered swimming! Finally something my body can handle.  :)
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Eric, I'm glad you were able to get some sleep and feel better.


Thank you. I went to the gym again on Monday and didn't push myself as hard (no dead lifts) and it didn't seem to bitch slap me nearly as bad.  It was definitely easy to handle.  I'm hoping I can keep it going!

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I was pleased to make it through a 45 minute exercise class today with 7 minutes of hula hooping. I have no idea how others were doing the hula while simultaneously doing arm exercises! Something to aspire to. Anyone else finding exercise in hot weather harder than usual? I usually feel like I'm dragging a dead carcass around.
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A warm hello to everyone-


So, I am up to 5k runs every other day mixed with weight traning as well as a few miles on an eliptical. The excercise has been a godsend as it has helped me release all of my  pent up energy thus giving me some wonderful moments of endorphine highs.


Each person has to run their own proverbial race when it comes to withdrawal but moving around even if its for a little bit helps immensely. I could barely run a mile when I started now my body craves it.


There is life beyond withdrawal folks, please know this and co tine to soldier on...You are much stronger than you think you are.


God Bless you all.



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