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MTHFR gene mutation making W/D process worse?


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I knows Bets I only got the two genes tested and bam heterogeneous for both. I can only imagine the rest. I had decided against getting the 23andme done until after this is over, however if it can tell me if I'm a slow or fast metabolizer of a certain benzo it could tell which way to go with this taper. But I really don't even want the results, got enough health anxiety at the moment.....  ??? Ya know I wouldn't doubt that probably near everyone has these gene mutations expressed that's why we are part of the lucky percentage that have problems coming off benzos....  Just a thought


I thought the exact same thing. I'm just getting the basic test too right now. I think I'm just going to let my symptoms determine how fast I take it. I often wonder if a post Benzo gene mutation or mutation from alcohol abuse could be possible for the reason why I'm having so much difficulty the 3rd time. Maybe I did some damage along the way.

yea I know me, I think doing the 23andme right now would cause me more issues. And if you get those two genes tested and your vitamin b12 and Homocysteine levels and they are fine, I wouldn't even worry about it. I'm a recovering alcoholic, I've been clean 10 years. Then in came klonopin and the problems started. I don't know if alcohol past has something to do with alternating the genes. I know a geneticist said don't worry about these genes, almost 50% of the population have them, genes load the gun and diet, stress and lifestyle pull the trigger. This klonopin pulled my trigger in my opinion.
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Since a dose of Valium seems to last me 50 hours, I'm not gonna take that test. Why rock my boat? I think this is something rather uncommon, though I may be wrong about that.
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The point of the test would be to look at how you can improve your diet in order to make your wd easier. It can only be a good thing. You don't have to dig into the genes that show you what diseases you can get - just don't look at that part.
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Theres no such thing as a one size fits all good diet. Based on your genetics and health, you may only be able to utilize certain foods and supplements. Based on your current nutrient and methylation status, you may have to supplement something you are deficient in or stop something you have too much of or change the form of that nutrient
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  • 1 month later...
I just got tested and I have the 677CT/ 1298AC.  I have an appt about the results tomorrow.  I dont want to added any supplements right now, but I dont mind adjusting my diet a little.
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I just got tested and I have the 677CT/ 1298AC.  I have an appt about the results tomorrow.  I dont want to added any supplements right now, but I dont mind adjusting my diet a little.


It's really great that you know about the mutation, your genes aren't your destiny however they can be the cause of anxiety and depression or some people, after taking methylfolate and methylb12 in high doses for abou a month I felt like my anxiety totally lifted. It's definitely worth getting tested for vitamin levels too like d and b12 because deficiencies in those can definitely cause anxiety or depression

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I just got tested and I have the 677CT/ 1298AC.  I have an appt about the results tomorrow.  I dont want to added any supplements right now, but I dont mind adjusting my diet a little.


It's really great that you know about the mutation, your genes aren't your destiny however they can be the cause of anxiety and depression or some people, after taking methylfolate and methylb12 in high doses for abou a month I felt like my anxiety totally lifted. It's definitely worth getting tested for vitamin levels too like d and b12 because deficiencies in those can definitely cause anxiety or depression


Thanks for the info.  Did you have any negative side effects from the supplements.  I had my B12 tested last year and my D just recently.  D was a tiny bit low.  B12 was fine.

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I just got tested and I have the 677CT/ 1298AC.  I have an appt about the results tomorrow.  I dont want to added any supplements right now, but I dont mind adjusting my diet a little.


It's really great that you know about the mutation, your genes aren't your destiny however they can be the cause of anxiety and depression or some people, after taking methylfolate and methylb12 in high doses for abou a month I felt like my anxiety totally lifted. It's definitely worth getting tested for vitamin levels too like d and b12 because deficiencies in those can definitely cause anxiety or depression


I didn't have any side effects  but I didn't feel the difference from taking the supplements until I reached 15 mg of methyl folate at lower doses I did not really seem to work for me but it's very individualistic based on your own body chemistry so definitely start low and go slow I'm trying to find the dose that works for you vitamin D3 should be taking along with vitamin K for maximum absorbency and I highly recommend it if you're suffering from any sort of depression or if you live in a place where there is not a lot of sun and you're not getting a lot of natural sunlight can really help clear up things like brain fog,  Best of luck!


Thanks for the info.  Did you have any negative side effects from the supplements.  I had my B12 tested last year and my D just recently.  D was a tiny bit low.  B12 was fine.

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  • 1 month later...

The leading Authority on methylation is Dr. William Walsh He wrote a book called Nutrient Power in which he describes the four types of methylation issues of depression. Last June I tried to take l-methylfolate and it fried my glutamate receptors so severely that my benzo Temazepam, became ineffective caused dependency  and withdrawal. There are four types of methylation imbalances that you can be tested for . Each one  require specific supplements  and  to take the wrong supplement  is poisonous  for the problem .The main two types are undermethylation and folate deficiency. If you have undermethylation and take l methylfolate you will ruin your nervous system. This is what happened to me TAKING TINY DOSES OF LMETHYFOLATE FOR 4 DAYS. Only people with folate deficiency should take l methylfolate. I know there is a website called mthfr.net that blindly tells people to take l methylfolate .This is what has caused my  tolerance to temazapa m.

To take these supplements to cure your methylation issues without knowing what your true deficiency is is playing Russian roulette with your glutamate, Gaba and neurotransmitters. I caution everyone to be very careful in trying to treat this. Functional doctors are not even aware of the different types of imbalances cause by methylation. This is a brand new science if you're serious about curing this depression you need to be tested specifically for your type of deficiency and the only Clinic that does that is this Walsh Institute In Chicago.

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I can't tell you how sick the mthfr.net made me with the wrong advise to blindly supplement if one has the homozygous mthfr gene which i do.

In spite of all the research ive done thru the years i wasn't able to come up for an explanation of why i reacted to m folate. 


Thank you so much for naming the lab in chicago.

R u currently taking anything to address your mthfr and have you been tested by that lab?



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This is not a lab. Its a clinic.  If you have undermethation ( resulting from genetic testing ) and take l methyfolate, you will get violently sick.  I had blinding headaches, sensitivity to light, compete insomnia, benzo stopped working. It was a nervous breakdown. It was 3 months before I realized what the real problem was. I sufferered horribly June, July, August. Lightbulb went off. Started crossover in September and here I am today. I still deal with the depression, sense of doom and dread, crying at times. All travel stopped for me. Havent seen my son in a year. This mistake greatly impacted my life. The blessing:  will one day be off benzos. 


L methylfolate is good for The low folate form of methylation issues. This is the only place that can identify the 1 in 4 possibilities of the MYTHFR defective gene. Please pass this information on about the dangers of L methyfolate. I pity the person that takes DEPLIN- 75mg of L methylfolate and they are undermethylated. I took probably 1/150th of that dose and it ruined me.

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Im not touching one supplement. I have PTSD.  When this taper ends, and I can sleep, I will make the necessary life changes to be a happier person organically.


I do take Zoloft 75mg. which Im resigned to take indefinitely.


If I did anything, it would be , go to this clinic. It does cost thousands.


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I'm sorry you have PTSD which i think will be gone once you're done with your taper.  You successfully crossed over to v which is huge and great news.  Nicely taking it down, slow and steady.  You'll be just fine. 

Wishing you a nice landing and i know you'll be having a great future once benzo leaves.


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There s a new group here. Functional medicine helping our misery. It has tons of great info on mthfr. Thank you for the positive future outlook.  That helps alot.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I had the Genecept Assay test done a couple of years ago and it showed that I have the MTHFR gene with the C/T allele gene.


Does anyone know how this affect benzo and antidepressant withdrawal?  I'm new to this thread and don't know much.  Thanks for any advice.

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Very few legitimate health professionals, much less uneducated people understand this gene mutation. The damage that can be done to the very same receptors,especially glutamate, that you are trying to heal,can have serious detrimental ramifications.


My experience in June is an example of this. In a genetic test ,I was given this information and quickly jumped to unfounded conclusions ,assumed that treating this disorder with l-methylfolate was the answer. I got all of my information from the website of a non MD from Mthfr.net. I knew I was sensitive so I proceeded to take extremely tiny doses of a combo of l-methylfolate and methyl B. From Thorne. I took a 1/2 of a mcg. NOT mg dose. This is tiny. After 4 days I could no longer sleep ,I had intense migraine headaches,sever heart palps and anxiety. I thought was having a nervous breakdown .In reality  this suplementation collided with my dependency on the benzo Temazepam. All receptors were in hyper excite tivity and I descended into a living hell for three months before I realized what my real problem was and what it had become. I was already reaching tolerance and this pushed me over the edge . Taking 30 mg sometimes more I could not sleep more than 2.  2 hrs shifts.


There seems to be one main professional Dr in the United States ,in the chicago-based area ,who is well-versed in this. Beware of others who probably took a weekend course and are"prescibing" these . please do not self experiment with these supplements. It can cause serious damage to your cns. Up to 40 % of the population have 1 or more copies of the defective Mthfr genes. METHYLATION is serious stuff. Once you mess with this in addition to trying to recover from the damage done by benzos you may screw yourself .


Your story sounds similar to mine. However, my doses were much much larger. Before I even knew what methylation was my accupuncturist, without warning, sold me a B complex with 1600mcg of methylfolate and 2000mcg of methylcobalamin.  I find it very hard to believe that you were truly damaged by 0.5mcg. This is because food contains methylfolate, in much larger amounts. Have you ever eaten a piece of Spinach?

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Hi, I was given the prescription for the test but have yet to go. My symptoms are horrible and I can't do much. I can go to labCorp but just put it off. I'm almost positive I have some kind of malfunction there, and my Dr. Was the first to suggest the test.


Am I really screwing myself over not getting it done. Not sure why I'm putting it off. I guess I just don't want more pills or supplements.


Has anyone found this to be a major deal? A life saver?


Thanks for any help, pretty lost and also brain impaired on the subject. It seems this group knows a lot. Thanks in advance... Jill

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Functional medicine is good. A doctor who tests your nutrition or a Chinese medicine man working with 10,000 year old techniques could probably help you.


MTHFR on the other hand is a really nascent science that only ben lynch and his disciples are promoting. Meanwhile the rest of the scientific and medical community has backed off because studies have not proven that methylfolate is any more helpful than folic acid, even with the mutation. They've put MTFHR on a do not test list.


Your body has been compensating for your use of folic acid as long as you've been alive. It's probably upregulated your MTFHR. There are also 2000 other enzymes regulating folate metabolism.


If you throw in Methylfolate suddenly you've changed the whole game and anything in these other pathways can get stuck, and you could get a paradoxical folate/b12 deficiency, or you could be loaded with toxins. It's akin to us deciding to start an antidepressant, and possibly getting serotonin syndrome. Methylfolate and methylcobalamin screwed me up big time.

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Thanks Magnolis for talking about Dr. Walsh's book.  I've just started reading it.  I have MTHFR issues too and tried the prescription Deplin (just a tiny amount of the "recommended" dose) and it was waaay too strong.  I tried methylfolate and B-12 and can only tolerate a tiny amount but, now don't even do that.  Seems we have to be so very careful with supplements, medicines and even foods going through withdrawal...ugh.  Thanks again!
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I have bad MTHFR genes too. Deplin was too strong for me. With my therapist's help, I started on 30 mcg. hydroxy-B12 (from Pharmax - it's a liquid and I take only three drops per day = 30 mcg.) and 1800 mcg L-methylfolate (from Walgreens). These are in micrograms, not milligrams. This dosage helps my depression, but doesn't cure it.


Methyl B12 messed me up.


Inositol is good for depression too, but caused too much diarrhea.


I saw a functional medicine doc who is a quack; to be a functional medicine specialist you only need to take a five-day course, mostly in nutrition. He didn't know nearly as much as I did.


Good luck


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I want to add another warning about b12, methylated supplements, and methylcobalamon. If you have mercury or other metals then they MOVE METALS into your BRAIN.  If you have an amalgam especially.  If you take a sublingual methylcobalamon tablet and it gets on the amalgam  and BOOM. I think this is what happened to me and I'm not even in wd.
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I am compound heterogeneous for 677 and 1298, my functional doctor put me on methylated b complex. I took it for four days, and went into SEVERE acute withdrawal. I have researched and apparently it caused some kind of glutamate reaction that was so strong, I have not been the same since. On merry joyous and free. Com there is a video that explains what could happen to people in benzo withdrawal when taking a methylated vitamin. I would strongly advise researching before you take it. It made me have a severe nervous breakdown. Don't just listen to Ben Lynch. There's still a lot of research to be done on these mutations.
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  • 1 month later...

That was a typo. I took 1/2:tablet of Thorne methylfolate measured in mcgs. I don't remember the amount except

That one 75 mg pill of Deplin equaled 1/2 the entire contents of this  bottle.

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