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i have depression and insomnia is it wise to go back on anti depression again

this is my log http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=16755.0

i am sitting at home did not help and when i go out i had a meltdown today i had one the phone with every one i can. i thought i will be better with less activities but the anxiety and depression still on .i can not take it any more

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No one can tell you if you should go on an anti-depresssant. It is a very personal decision to make. I would not judge you for taking an anti-depressant. It is your life and you deserve to feel good and be able to live your life in the manner for which you feel is best for you. There are many members who are on A/D's...I do not think any less of them either. I hope you find some peace with this and can make a decision that is best for you.


Just Breathe :smitten:

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just breath i do not think it will help at all i briatty sure it increase my anxiety and in my situation it bring to me suicide thoughts .i do not know what to do i can not live like that more month and even after that i still have kind off mental handycabe


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You posted this in your progress log(just so you know, no one can reply to your there):


i want to give up but i do not now how i am losing my fight really i think i will never be better  .i thank i am like my late 90 years grandmother told me i am defeated man.i do not see a future free of mental illness really i can not .i believe i always be broken to my self and every one around me. what a waist


How can you expect to feel good when all you do is tell yourself negative things and allow people around you to tell you hurtful things...and more importantly, why do you believe them? There are many anti-depressants available and not all cause anxiety; if they do, it is a temporary side effect that usually lessens and then goes away after your body adjusts to the medication.


I do not know your history. What I do know is what we tell ourselves over and over, we start to believe. I believe it is possible to change our thought patterns and in turn, change our state of mind.


I hope you find your balance, see that you can move past this and that you are a good person who is stuck in negativity....you can change that.



Wishing you the best.


Just Breathe

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Alexander, do you have a good doctor who is aware of your benzo situation and knows that you are withdrawing, and is also supportive of the whole process in general? If you do, maybe you should discuss your depression with him/her? As JB said there are many a/d's and there is a good chance that not all of them will rev up your w/d symptoms. Although everyone has a different philosophy, my own belief is that if depression gets to the point where you are unable to live a remotely normal life, you may want to consider and even try an a/d. However, this doesn't fly with everyone. Some people are firm advocates of pills, and others are not. The one thing we do know is that benzo's, although they may help, are not drugs that you want to be on, as they end up just causing more harm then good. A/d's have much more favorable outcomes then benzo's. I know TONS of people who are on, have been on, and frequently get on and off a/d's in very smooth manners.


In the end it's your body, and your choice. But talking to a supportive doctor about your depression and how its inter-woven with your w/d could potentially be a very good thing.

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hi hotalyorba

i tried medication in the last 12 year it did not get me any good i in general not against medication but SSRI is not good for me at all  . doctors where i live you take an appointment after a month to find a person  who is knowledge  is very little and gives a medication and tell you came after a month and says i am sorry it is not an exact science i can not try any more i need to expect what ever i am GAD ,OC, social anxiety and work with it. but at first i have to reach 18 month priod to now exactly what really i have  not withdrawal effects and then see like in the move as good as it gets ,what will be the good like  and try to live with it.

but really is there is supplement or something i can do because i am losing it here.

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Hi Alexander,


I'm sorry to see your suffering so greatly. Is it only ssri's that make you feel worse? I can take certain ones and feel fine but others make me feel 100 times worse. The doctor is right, it isnt an exact science, no one can predict how someone reacts to a medication. There is something out there that can help you but sometimes that means finding 20 that make you feel worse first.

I think you should talk to your doctor about what other meds will help. There's no shame in getting help when you need it.


Hang in there!



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hi amanda,

i tried while tapering some thing could stablon (french not approved by FDA )for a year i felt better on it i think because i was taking a lot of other medication .this medication has no side effects compered to SRRI  but it works  .but really i need to get of the medication and see how i am with out it . i used to be in a group could benzo Friends and i like there methods  (that get off all the medication and i will be almost good in 18 month)but the waiting and the suspense is killing me


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The only two supplements that I know of that (usually) work for depression are 5-htp and St. Johns Wort.

From a personal standpoint, I would recommend the 5-htp. You can usually find it in stores with a wide variety of supplements.

However, I can't promise you that it will work. If you chose too, they usually say 200-300 mg a day is what works, but I would start much lower. Since they come in 50mg capsules (usually), I would try one of those in the morning and see what it does after a few hours. Unlike prescription a/d's, 5-htp doesn't need weeks to "kick in". 5-htp is simply the building block of serotonin, so when you take it, your body produces more serotonin. I have actually heard some people say that 5-htp is better for their depression then an SSRI.


Just a suggestion, and again, I can't promise that what works for me will work for you, but I have found promising results with it.

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The only two supplements that I know of that (usually) work for depression are 5-htp and St. Johns Work

hi hotelyarbo and thank you

i google the two supplements i understand that  5 -htp is more effective and less complication with other elements

i bought today fish oil omga 3 .i know it will not will be effective but i need to try.

i believe  that natural supplement are also are drugs especially if it active supplement an can have side effects like any chemical medication ,as you know  :) most of the illegal drugs are  100%natural and that did not make more nice or safe.so in theory i will try to hold until may it will be my  one year anniversary.i can do is set and Wait

please if you have any advice on fish oil it will be helpful

than you and best regards


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