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I just keep getting depressed when the tinnitus seems like it will be there forever. It really is a test of ones will power and adding in the other WD symptoms really is frustrating. I hope god carries me to safe ground one day.
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I don't know how long you've had it, but I've probably had tinnitus for about 15 years, and unless I

read a post like yours I don't even notice it anymore.


Amazing what the human body can adapt to.


I can tell you that until I came to grips with it (or my body did), I thought it would drive me crazy,

but it didn't (unless you ask my wife).


Not the most pleasant thing in the world to consider having for a long time, but...

It's just like every other symptom we have...try not to let your mind focus on it.


Distract yourself, and if you do begin to focus on it, get up and move around, and find something else to do for a while.

Try to keep a low level of background noise going to moderate it. 


Also, as you have likely found out, certain things can aggravate it to higher levels at times,

so be aware of what they are in your case (loud music, noises, some meds, high B/P, etc), and avoid or control

them if possible.  Unfortunately, my benzo amps it up, so I get to hear this symphony of crickets every night.




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Thanks for the tips WW. I got it on the CT.  Very frightening and triggering depression today. It is sure something Id rather live with then being on Klonopin. I have to learn not to concentrate on it. :'(
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I'm learning to live with tinnitus, too, Gman, but I still hope to wake up some day to silence again.  Sometimes it is really loud and I wonder how I will be able to stand it but I get busy doing something that keeps me focused if only for a few minutes at a time.  I also always have some kind of background sounds going, even (or especially) at night.
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Background noise is a savior beeper. I'm only 2 months with tinnitus and it already seems like a race between "habituate" or it "going away".
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Hey Gman7470,


    Most of the time when I visit the forum, I am updating my blog, and generally, I have tendency to post when I am feeling better.


    On this journey you have to adapt to so much pain and suffering before true healing comes.  I am so grateful that this pain and suffering is only temporary.  I was on klono for eight years.  February 2009 I got my first taste of tinnitus.  I went to all the specialists, but to no avail.  The last specialist suggested that I check my medication.  I later found out by visiting the forum that the klono caused the tinnitus.  As you and others who are suffering from this withdrawal symptom understand, this condition is very unnerving.  But like Beeper and others, my choices were to let the tinnitus control me or to take control of the tinnitus; I chose the latter.  After using an amplifier pillow, listening to music at night, having a humidifier going at all times, I found that I learned to habituate to the tinnitus - blessedly, that is what truly works for me.  I absolutely have to have dead silence while I am sleeping (I wear earplugs), and when I do sleep, I do not notice the tinnitus. 


      Gman7470, I am waiting for the day when I can exclaim on this forum that I have been healed of my tinnitus!  But in the meantime, God has given me peace with this withdrawal symptom.  As others have said, do not allow this to be the focal point of your life.  When I first heard the noise and found that it was not readily going away, I thought my God how can I live like this...but God designed us humans to adapt and overcome.  I have adapted to the tinnitus, and so will you, and one day we will overcome, and this noise in our head, will be a melody of peace.


    My prayer for you as you continue this healing journey is that you have peace in mind, body and soul. 


    GMAN7470, stay the course!


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Thanks for the words of encouragement retirement2010.


I haven't heard it for about a hour now. I have to look for it or be in total silence. It seems to be loudest when I have crash and burn WD symptoms from my really fast taper. I will learn to forget about it after i'm benzo free and the real healing begins. It is the only thing that creates depression at this point. All other symptoms I'm getting is easier to handle as the doses are getting reduced or I am learning to stay busy which settles the anxiety and doesn't let me go into full blown panic.

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Gman, I developed tinnitus shortly after c/t from klonopin during a short hospital stay. As I switched over to valium and then began to taper....it has disappeared. Maybe I'm just lucky.


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it might be the way I'm cutting my doses.


1 C/T and 3 50% cuts making my GABAs go GOO GOO. I know it will go away one day. It's up and down, and I have experienced none for brief periods. Fingers Crossed



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If I can stop dwelling into my thoughts, I should be fine Pam. I am doing my best but seems I'm like stuck in this klonofog of depression and panic.
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Hey gman,


How are you?  Has the depression given you a break at all yet?


I do hope this lets up soon for you.






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I had several days with short term depression in early Dec.  They have disappeared since then and not returned so far.


I am back to cutting again (very slowly) so we'll see if it returns, but don't let a bad day or 2 get out of control.

There are many, many good days ahead.  Focus on that.


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Yes Ladyh48. It has subsided for now. I never had depression till benzo WD so it is new to me.


Just don't let it freak you out too bad.  I had depression as one of my main symptoms while tapering.  It does like everything else and will hit you in waves of doom and gloom.  I'd try to sleep or just be a couch potato during those times.  It feels at the time like it's never going to go away, but it does pass as you've seen.


Hope you have a nice weekend.  :)





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