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Inside of all of us there is the need and the desire to be heard, to have our innermost thoughts, feelings and desires expressed for others to hear, to see and to understand.

We all want to matter to someone, to leave a mark. 

― Vicktor Alexander




width=500 height=409http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-iO6E7yBt5WQ/UZKFAgcp5KI/AAAAAAABX9A/hQvUvj-eN_c/s1600/Yvonne+Olgers+17.jpg[/img]

Yvonne Olgers




Meeting a stranger can be totally fleeting and meaningless, for example, unless you enter the individual's world by finding out at least one thing that is meaningful to his or her life and exchange at least one genuine feeling.

Tuning in to others is a circular flow: you send yourself out toward people; you receive them as they respond to you.

― Deepak Chopra





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I have seen the sea when it is stormy and wild;

when it is quiet and serene;

when it is dark and moody.

And in all its moods,

I see myself.



- Martin Buxbaum








"Ever Changing Moods" - Style Council




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I have seen the sea when it is stormy and wild;

when it is quiet and serene;

when it is dark and moody.

And in all its moods,

I see myself.



- Martin Buxbaum








"Ever Changing Moods" - Style Council





Great music by Style Council, ABCD

Thank you for always having a positive influence on my mood

You are such a sweetie

Much love to you


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INSOM, doing ok here just day by day and trying to keEp getting work done! Like yourself been on this junk a long time so i need to accept the fact i will take a long time to get healed if i even do! Thanks all who post on here it means alot to me to read these great Quotes . All have a decent Monday ~ CD  ~Peace & Love !
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INSOM, doing ok here just day by day and trying to keEp getting work done! Like yourself been on this junk a long time so i need to accept the fact i will take a long time to get healed if i even do! Thanks all who post on here it means alot to me to read these great Quotes . All have a decent Monday ~ CD  ~Peace & Love !


Good Morning, CD


My belief is that healing is already occurring


Not trying to be Miss Mary Sunshine

Just trying to keep a positive mindset

'Cause the day I go in the other direction, I'll be on a much rockier path


Cliches and platitudes make one weary

And words are inadequate when trying to convey the height, width and depth of this . . .

But, Thank You for the daily encouragement



You are appreciated


Everyone on this thread is appreciated 







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Eagles come in all shapes and sizes,

but you will recognize them chiefly by their attitudes.

-Charles Prestwich Scott





Mary Cassatt



Two men look out the same prison bars;

one sees mud and the other stars.

- Frederick Langbridge







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Love the quotes. 


Have to admit, I've had some real struggles trying to stay on the positive side of things today


Thank you for the encouragement 


Hope your day has not been too trying







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Ah, Ins, it's very "trying" to be trying all the time....trying not to fall down! But


I'm glad you found a bit of positive in these quotes. I'm sending out a massive hug to you and to all who need it, just in case the words aren't doing the trick today. Hugs are pretty cool, in that you can give and receive one at the same time.  :-*

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Let's talk about hugs...what, exactly are they? Expression of companionship incapable of being put into words? A physical reminder that the soul is not physical? A means of conveying love that isn't overtly sexual? A cool sip of water on a hot, dry day? A fire in the stove when it's single-digits outside?

Just a few thoughts...thanks to you all for the pause...and,mof course, ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) tex

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Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you cannot bear the pain.

But you have already borne the pain.

What you have not done is feel all you are beyond that pain.

― Kahlil Gibran

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Yet another great image which brings me in by ignoring me!!! Yet, i am a partcipant in this group...a voyeur innocent of innocence...

Ins, thank you for the compliment...i wish I could be so deserving...as for a book, it is in serial form, and to be found scattered amongst the forums threads...a work in progress, as are we all...

The quotes and pics of pics to be found in this thread are a wonderful pastime to be tasted as needed...like an old friend or an old shoe...time tested and comfortable...

Y'all have a terrific Tuesday...shake those dark clouds loose from the lobes, fold up the fog and stick it on the top shelf, take the aches/pains/cramps/creepy-crawlies/eclectic electrics and toss 'em in the other side of your brain...we are gonna have us a day to play. Walking past a playground??? Go sit in the swing! Passing a fountain? Put yer hand in it and make a splash! Got a tune in yer head? Hum it!

Tinnitus? Nope, mental orchestra just tuning up! Lemonade time!

  My all time favorite??? Feeling just too damn serious about things??? Go into the bathroom, close and lock the door, take off all yer clothes, turn around and look at yourself in the mirror...NOW, try to look serious...please do not leave your smiles at the door...tex

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Goodmorning all and once again thanks for sharing all this your all such great people caught up in this! Just wanted to say hi and all be Blessed with Peace and Healing today ! ~ CD
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Yet another great image which brings me in by ignoring me!!! Yet, i am a partcipant in this group...a voyeur innocent of innocence...

Ins, thank you for the compliment...i wish I could be so deserving...as for a book, it is in serial form, and to be found scattered amongst the forums threads...a work in progress, as are we all...

The quotes and pics of pics to be found in this thread are a wonderful pastime to be tasted as needed...like an old friend or an old shoe...time tested and comfortable...

Y'all have a terrific Tuesday...shake those dark clouds loose from the lobes, fold up the fog and stick it on the top shelf, take the aches/pains/cramps/creepy-crawlies/eclectic electrics and toss 'em in the other side of your brain...we are gonna have us a day to play. Walking past a playground??? Go sit in the swing! Passing a fountain? Put yer hand in it and make a splash! Got a tune in yer head? Hum it!

Tinnitus? Nope, mental orchestra just tuning up! Lemonade time!

  My all time favorite??? Feeling just too damn serious about things??? Go into the bathroom, close and lock the door, take off all yer clothes, turn around and look at yourself in the mirror...NOW, try to look serious...please do not leave your smiles at the door...tex


Good Afternoon, Tex


What is this about being ignored.     


Did you not recognize yourself in that painting?  We're all there giving each other a hug while contemplating  . . .


Thank you for bringing a smile to my face


Please keep writing, sharing, and spreading joy




Goodmorning all and once again thanks for sharing all this your all such great people caught up in this! Just wanted to say hi and all be Blessed with Peace and Healing today ! ~ CD




Hope you collected your hug and that your Tuesday is coming along nicely


See you 'round these parts soon, I hope :)




Ah, Ins, it's very "trying" to be trying all the time....trying not to fall down! But


I'm glad you found a bit of positive in these quotes. I'm sending out a massive hug to you and to all who need it, just in case the words aren't doing the trick today. Hugs are pretty cool, in that you can give and receive one at the same time.  :-*




Thank you so much for the understanding


and for the massive hug


Sending one right back to you.







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I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life -

and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.






I decided to start anew, to strip away what I had been taught.


Georgia O'Keeffe




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Some days, I really feel like this guy!



There's a page of cartoons like these here, if you need a few chuckles:







thank you for the funnies


don't think it's possible to survive this without a sense of humor


not possible





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Darn right, my dear Insomniac! Humour is serious business when it comes to benzo withdrawal survival. I don't know how many times I've joked about removing my head! I guess I'm not alone on that one.


This one's a gem:



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I always see the absurdity in most situations. It's my experience of how life works.


- Natasha Lyonne




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I always see the absurdity in most situations. It's my experience of how life works.


- Natasha Lyonne

















Psssst ... Duckie, where are you?  8)



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