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How to Even Out All L/T Xanax doses


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If I even out all my L/T doses at this point, do I start dividing all 4 doses equally, or add a little to the daytime doses in a stepwise fashion, or does it matter? 


Currently I'm adding 0.75mg Xanax (start dose) to 200ml water. I'm down to 0.648mg daily total.


I divide solution in half (100ml) for my larger bedtime dose, and divide the other half (100ml) into 3 daytime doses:


7am ------>  0.108mg

12:30pm--> 0.108mg

5:30pm ---> 0.108mg

11pm ----->  0.324mg


If I divide my current daily total (0.648mg) into 4, each dose = 0.162mg with each taper dose 50ml each.

I know how to calculate the doses. Not sure about the sudden change to my CNS, though. 


Folks ask me why my doses aren't equal. I was taking Xanax mainly for sleep last year, and "prn" prior to that. I added the other smaller doses because BBs told me this would help prevent interdose w/d. (No way was I gonna updose larger amounts to equal my bedtime dose).


So if I decide to even them out, how disruptive will this be to my CNS/sleep?



VCharis  :smitten:


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I did not taper Xanax, but when I changed my V doses around I used to just do it all at once and never really felt much.  FWIW, I think it's a good idea to even your doses like this.  .162mg every six hours.  See how that goes as your baseline and you can tweak from there as needed, but I wouldn't stray too far from it.
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Valium is long acting, though. Would switching Xanax all at once be a problem?


I'm having daily irregular heartbeats. Adding extra day doses never solved this. Maybe it's the Xanax itself, and not interdose w/d. I'd hate to even out my doses, only to find I can't sleep at ALL with the lower bedtime dose.






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All I can say is try it and see.  I really don't know how you will react, but what makes most sense to me is to keep your blood levels even around the clock.  You can always go back, right?
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They are both lousy, that's for sure.  I used to get a floppy fish feeling in my heart that would come and go.  I hated it.  And I still struggle with sleep, although I have come a long way.


I wouldn't assume your sleep will get worse.  Mine improved when I evened out.  I think you need to try to find out.  Even blood levels seem important to me.

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Okay, one last thought. Someone else said they think if I divided evenly, I need to go very slowly, not all at once. Don't know how to gradually take from my bedtime dose to carry it over to the other 3 smaller doses. I wish the Xanax L/T peeps would chime in, too.


Thanks, SG57!


V :smitten:

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IDK about this slow change.  Seems like overkill to me as you will still be getting the same dose each day.  My approach is to just do it and leave some time to adjust if needed.
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