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I was wondering if anyone took this at bedtime. I heard insomnia was a side effect. I am taking 22.5 mg of mirtazipine at night and sometimes I fall asleep right away and sleep the whole night and sometimes it is a struggle. On the nights that I struggle, I have bad anxiety and that's the reason I do not sleep. I take 5 mg of propranolol and them eventually I do sleep but awake often early in the morning with a heavy chest (physical anxiety). I would like to try 10 mg but was scared that it might keep me up further. I also don't want to take propranolol every day as I don't want to wean off another drug. Any advice would be helpful. I noticed that the 5 mg does take away the jolting awakenings and racing heart.
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Hello Kate.  There is a lot of dose variation between individuals who take propranolol.  However 5mg is relatively low by most standards.  It can cause insomnia but this usually improves over a few weeks.  Perhaps you could take it in the morning. 


I found I got rebound effect from regular propranolol (such as yours) when it wore off and found that a long lasting version was better.  I tried starting and stopping in the way you seem to suggest but it didn't work for me.  Maybe you are not getting a rebound effect and don't need to consider this.


The beta blockers vary and others (such as atenolol) may have less effect on your sleep.


By the way, I am sure you have been told by your doc that you must come off any beta blockers taken regularly in a gradual way over a few weeks.



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What is a rebound effect? Just curious


Hello Kate.  Sorry if I wasn't clear.  By rebound effect I mean a flare up of the symptoms you originally took the med for.  For example, if you experienced headache and took the propranolol then a rebound effect would be a re-appearance of the head pains (perhaps occurring more strongly) after the propranolol wore off. 


There is more at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebound_effect



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Propranonol is a beta blocker used for many things. it is often prescribed for social anxiety. I take 80 mg 3 times a day. It helps me with my blood pressure and headaches. 5 mg is a very large dose and in my opinion would not adversely effect sleep.
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Propranonol is a beta blocker used for many things. it is often prescribed for social anxiety. I take 80 mg 3 times a day. It helps me with my blood pressure and headaches. 5 mg is a very large dose and in my opinion would not adversely effect sleep.


I hope that is a typo.


5 mg is a very large dose yet you take 80 mg x 3 a day?


Sorry, can you clarify benzosrcruel... I think you meant to say 5 mg is not a very large dose.



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Hi Kate,


              5 mg propranolol is VERY low dose, I am surprised it does anything at all really. I was prescribed 10 mg propralol to be taken every morning upon waking for palpitations.


My doc said not to take it before bedtime as it can cause nightmares / bad dreams.


It is not a med to take before bed, it seems to work for me, it's not a super drug but as far as palpitations go, it has stopped them, I have not had them at all since.


I have been advised to take an extra 10 mg for anxiety when it gets bad, I have done this a couple of times, can't say it helps that much but maybe it does a little.


10 mg is very low dose, so 5 mg is pretty tiny I would assume, some are on much, much higher doses but getting off a low dose should not be a problem later on... or at least that's what I am lead to believe, stopping abruptly at higher doses is potentially dangerous but at 5 mg - 10 mg it's fine to stop but always ask your doctor of course.


Hope this helps.



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My doctor was hesitant to put me on this because my blood pressure is normally low. But since I have been going through withdrawal, I have a higher blood pressure 127/77. My norm is 90/60! I can take 10 if needed but so far, I haven't needed to yet. I think I will as I go lower in my taper, so I'll wait.
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Do glad I found this thread. I was started on 10 mg of propanolol ( 1/2 ...at am ...1/2 at pm)...I have been taking it for 3 days for b/p spikes...I am out of my mind with anxiety and all day dizziness. I am hoping it is the med. I was told by my physician that I could take it as needed for b/p spikes after a day or two trial. The first day my b/p came down to 105/68.. and stayed there pretty nicely.. but the next day ( today) my b/p is bobbing around and my anxiety has not been this bade for weeks. I don't think I can handle this drug. I was taking 6-12 mg of atenolol but that one seemed to increase depression and head pressure. ...I had better luck with the atenolol prn.  even though it took longer to kick in...any thouggts
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Do glad I found this thread. I was started on 10 mg of propanolol ( 1/2 ...at am ...1/2 at pm)...I have been taking it for 3 days for b/p spikes...I am out of my mind with anxiety and all day dizziness. I am hoping it is the med. I was told by my physician that I could take it as needed for b/p spikes after a day or two trial. The first day my b/p came down to 105/68.. and stayed there pretty nicely.. but the next day ( today) my b/p is bobbing around and my anxiety has not been this bade for weeks. I don't think I can handle this drug. I was taking 6-12 mg of atenolol but that one seemed to increase depression and head pressure. ...I had better luck with the atenolol prn.  even though it took longer to kick in...any thouggts


Hello Cooperten. Your propranolol is the regular short acting version and will cut in and out as it wears off.  A beta blocker should reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety.  Maybe you are getting the psychological symptoms of anxiety.


Your doses of propranolol and atenolol are both at the very low end of the scale.  However a number of people do not tolerate beta blockers well and perhaps you are one of them.  It is said the side effects improve over time and maybe they will be manageable if you can stick it out for a week or two.



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Thanks Branan...the anxiety is coming from the dizziness...My worst w/d s/x is irrational health fears and the dizziness is fodder. I am sure that you are right..psychological anxiety...absolutely miserable...is all day dizziness. common for propanolol ? I would rather have the depression from the atenolol I think. ....thanks for the reply....coop
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After 2 days of unbearable anxiety...2 sleepless restless nights filled with weird awake dreams and dizziness that kept me down I went off the propanolol. ...Within 8 hours...anxiety ...just above a whisper...restlessness...quit.....cog fog....better....head pressure ...almost gone..no panics...b/p acceprtable ( 120-130/ 70-80.): but still bobbing around. ...dizziness ..I know propanolol is used for various reasons very successfully by many people. For me it was petty awful even at 10 mg split ( am, pm) I weigh. 105-110 so that seemed like an appropriate dose. My doctor has agreed to go back to 6-12 mg of atenolol for as needed for spikes and panics. It takes longer to kick I , but he advised letting it dissolve under the tongue to speed it up Naomi little...so I will see how that goes...

....good luck to everyone ...coop

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When I was dx with thyroid Graves disease in 2011, I was put on Propranolol to decrease very high heart rate (pulse). My Bp was fine...my resting heart rate was far from fine. I was on 10mg bid, am & pm daily for oh... about 7-8 months. It never lowered my bp, only my heart rate. I still have to take it occasionally if in a Graves flare (bad day). I was tapered off my initial Prop dose, I don't recall it being difficult to taper or jump, or any w/d sx.


At that time...I already had severe insomnia & anxiety from the Graves disease, Propranolol neither helped nor made those worse that I recall. But then I was also given a shit load of other meds then...Benzo X being one of them. That time frame in my life is still kinda  a blur...one sick sick pup. Menopause was a cake walk compared to Graves disease both physically and emotionally, I kid you not.


Since Graves is not curable...I keep Propranolol (10mg tabs) at all times. Now starting my Benzo taper....I haven't a clue how my body may react.  I expect some possible increased HR episodes with X taper...hope not but I'm prepared. I do not have insomnia issues atm, we shall see how long before that starts up again for me.


Long story short...most likely none of that hx story helped anyone. :laugh:

Propranolol helped me tremendously before...with no increased, new, or long term issues.  I hope it is the same IF I need to take it during my X taper & jump.

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When I was dx with thyroid Graves disease in 2011, I was put on Propranolol to decrease very high heart rate (pulse). My Bp was fine...my resting heart rate was far from fine. I was on 10mg bid, am & pm daily for oh... about 7-8 months. It never lowered my bp, only my heart rate. I still have to take it occasionally if in a Graves flare (bad day). I was tapered off my initial Prop dose, I don't recall it being difficult to taper or jump, or any w/d sx.


At that time...I already had severe insomnia & anxiety from the Graves disease, Propranolol neither helped nor made those worse that I recall. But then I was also given a shit load of other meds then...Benzo X being one of them. That time frame in my life is still kinda  a blur...one sick sick pup. Menopause was a cake walk compared to Graves disease both physically and emotionally, I kid you not.


Since Graves is not curable...I keep Propranolol (10mg tabs) at all times. Now starting my Benzo taper....I haven't a clue how my body may react.  I expect some possible increased HR episodes with X taper...hope not but I'm prepared. I do not have insomnia issues atm, we shall see how long before that starts up again for me.


Long story short...most likely none of that hx story helped anyone. :laugh:

Propranolol helped me tremendously before...with no increased, new, or long term issues.  I hope it is the same IF I need to take it during my X taper & jump.




Your story sounds quite similar to mine as I, too, have Graves', and was initially given Propranolol. I'd say the beta was given to me for 4 weeks before it was switched to a calcium channel blocker call Cartia. Upon returning home from first hospitalization, I automatically stopped sleeping (this was on the 8th of May). Since then, I've been trying to find the culprit of my insomnia, doubting it was the benzo as I was sleeping perfectly the night before. Afterwards, my Klonopin was even increased and I'm still experiencing insomnia.

Trying to research any negative interactions between the beta and the benzo but nothing yet. I know the beta does cause insomnia, and add Graves' to the conglomeration and it's a recipe for disaster but I'm wondering how long the effects of a beta taken 4 weeks max would aggravate insomnia.

I definitely agree with you, Graves' is tough and Graves' with TW is hell on earth.

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I agree. Insomnia from Graves was horrendous!!! I didn't try to connect the Propranolol with insomnia...after a thyroid storm, I had to have it. 250 resting heart rate was scary as hell !! 


I would go days with NO sleep at all. I was so sleep deprived my Endo threatened to hospitalize me for IV sedation saying it was dangerous with my Graves so severe at the time, afraid I would have another thyroid storm. My Endo tried various oral sleep meds on me and nothing worked. Melatonin might as well have been a baby asprin, nothing. I did some research and found a combo of low dose meds (2 diff meds) that finally gave me relief. That first night of restful REM sleep was amazing. I won't list them because both are addictive and talked about here at BB. I had no problem stopping them though once I had my TT. No w/d symptoms from stopping them.  And haven't taken any of them since.


Right now I am sleeping pretty well, taking 1mg X at bedtime. Some occasional waking up is starting but I'm still able to fall back to sleep fairly fast. I know it is X tolerance doign it. I just have to now kick X...and wait for insomnia to rear it's ugly head again. I hope not! I am one to prepare for the worst though, & breath relief when it doesn't happen. I dislike being blind sided. lol. If I know something is or could be coming, I'm better able to cope with it. Call me crazy. ;)

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Wow, unbelievable, you had a thyroid storm, too! I am so sorry, that's absolutely deadly!!

That's exactly what happened to me too. I had 253 resting rate!

Yes, I spent 2.5 weeks with NO sleep. At all. I must have been micro-sleeping, but other than that... nothing.

They gave me every pill in the psych book for sleep, nothing worked. Haven't been able to rest properly since. They even increased my Klonopin by 1 mg. Still have not been able to sleep even though my thyroid is now regulated, so say the numbers.




I agree. Insomnia from Graves was horrendous!!! I didn't ry to connect the Propranolol with insomnia...after a thyroid storm, I had to have it. 250 resting heart rate is scary as hell !! 


I would go days with NO sleep at all. I was so sleep deprived my Endo threatened to hospitalize me for IV sedation saying it was dangerous with my Graves so severe at the time, afraid I would have another thyroid storm. My Endo tried various oral sleep meds on me and nothing worked. Melatonin might as well have been a baby asprin, nothing. I did some research and found a combo of low dose meds (2 diff meds) that finally gave me relief. That first night of restful REM sleep was amazing. I won't list them because both are addictive and talked about here at BB. I had no problem stopping them though once I had my TT. No w/d symptoms from stopping them.  And haven't taken any of them since.


Right now I am sleeping pretty well, taking 1mg X at bedtime. Some occasional waking up is starting but I'm still able to fall back to sleep fairly fast. I know it is X tolerance doign it. I just have to now kick X...and wait for insomnia to rear it's ugly head again. I hope not! I am one to prepare for the worst though, & breath relief when it doesn't happen. I dislike being blind sided. lol. If I know something is or could be coming, I'm better able to cope with it. Call me crazy. ;)

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Are your Graves antobodies still high? My Graves is in remission. If the Graves antibodies are still high, perhaps that could be your sleep problem. Right....ot so the lab numbers say. lol. It's not a one size fits all thing. My optimal may not be your optimal thyroid numbers wise. I still keep Propranolol on hand. Graves can flare any time. I have occasional bad days that I have to take a low dose, not often, but still. After a thyroid storm, I am literally afraid not to have them on hand. I keep them by my bed, & in my purse. Always close by.


I was given Propranolol and X at the same time, or close to same time. I never connected the two.

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Are you still vulnerable to a thyroid storm even after a TT? Also, I had a thyroid panel performed 3 weeks ago, but other blood work as well. What is the term for Graves' antibodies that I should be checking?

Mine is supposedly regulated but I'm taking PTU and the dose has been reduced. I find it precarious how my thyroid can wax and wane in that sense. So if you're taking Propranolol and it's not causing insomnia, then I should be thinking it wasn't necessarily the beta...


I was given Klonopin when my thyroid was first found to be abnormal, in my early 20s, now I'm in my 30s. Still on Klonopin because I didn't research benzos back then. Scared of thyroid turning against me during w/d, so it might not be a bad idea to keep some Propranolol handy.


Are your Graves antobodies still high? My Graves is in remission. If the Graves antibodies are still high, perhaps that could be your sleep problem. Right....ot so the lab numbers say. lol. It's not a one size fits all thing. My optimal may not be your optimal thyroid numbers wise. I still keep Propranolol on hand. Graves can flare any time. I have occasional bad days that I have to take a low dose, not often, but still. After a thyroid storm, I am literally afraid not to have them on hand. I keep them by my bed, & in my purse. Always close by.


I was given Propranolol and X at the same time, or close to same time. I never connected the two.

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I have a low thyroid that is being treated with 88 mcg of levothyroxine and it is supposed to be now "within range." But I never heard the term thyroid storm before. What is it please?
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Oh, it's when the Graves' people turn into iodine burning goblins, paralyzed with masks and tanks as they pump IV antithyroid meds into us and bam! we rise from the dead.


Thyroid storm is just a life threatening, pretty rare (although I have now 'met' a second person other than me) condition that exacerbates hyperthyroidism. Think of it like hyperthyroidism only 10X worse. So BP is dangerously high and we can die, go into a coma, all that.


edit: don't worry, benzogirl, you're hypo, chances are unlikely that it'll happen to you.

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High thyroid levels can cause a thyroid storm, hyPERthyroid.  I still have to be careful, even with no thyroid. If I over medicate allowing my thyroid levels to go too high...I could storm. It's not really the Graves that causes a thyroid storm. The thyroid is the victim, thyroid levels are the cause. Or so explained to me.


Even though I am considered surgical hypOthyroid (eurothyroid...normal levels..yada yada)...I still have to watch and monitor my levels...for the rest of my life. ANd for me...that's okayyyy!

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Aactually, Benzo Fuzz is absolutely right, I had forgotten about overly high thyroid levels caused by meds. But I dont think benzogirl needs to worry as long as she keeps her check-ups and frequents her doc. Again, thyroid storm is actually quite rare. It's QUITE the coincidence that we both have experienced it.


Well, the thyroid is the victim in the entire thing. Really, it's the victim of a weakened immune system. if only they'd sort us out properly instead of removing our organs. though if i had to choose between RAI and TT, I'd definitely do a TT.


If you can survive thyroid storm during tolerance w/d, you can do anything! no joke.

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Agreed.  :)


No, she should not need worry about a thyroid storm being hypO. Its is good to know what it is and what causes it. Being hypO in itself can cause issue of it's own. The more hypO, the more serious the health issues that can develop. But I don't think she is there either.  :thumbsup:


I actually know quite a few ppl that have had a thyroid storm. One close good friend of mine had one DURING her TT (they operated on her when she was still in very high levels, it was a emergency, they could not wait any longer). It's not a rare as reports claim it to be, imo.





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Yes, I definitely have a rebound effect after taking it. When it wears off the anxiety symptoms return.


Agree on that, and also,could not tske this after like 4pm, interfered with already bad sleep.

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