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i know every single workd to every sing in Jesus Christ Superstar too! i also love Les Miserable and have seen in over 5 times as well as Jesus Christ Superstar. here is the link to Glenn Carter's Gethsamane.





i can't wait to watch and listen to The Mission again. i am so glad that everyone loves Ennio Morricone, he's music is bone chilling. i would love to write like him one day but for now it's just the little songs. i am going to check out Mr. Anderson's MAN WITH A HARMONICA! then later the Dulce Pontes.


Hey prettydaisys, I just watched Glen Carter singing "Gethsemane" and I have to say it's good, but I'm still a huge Ted Neeley fan. He embodies the role so well and just belts out those high notes. Love it! Thanks for reminding me of this passionate song. Other than Jesus Christ Superstar and Les Miserables, my other favourite musicals are Godspell, Fiddler on the Roof and The Sound of Music. I can probably recite the words to all of the songs in these ones! The Lion King has some excellent music too, but I'm not as familiar it as these other oldies.

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I love Diana Krall and so glad she sings "A Case Of You" by Joni. Joni has always been a hero of mine. so has Tori Amos who also has a beautiful rendition of A Case Of You.


i can't stop thinking of how beautiful that Man With The Harmonica is. there is this one part that is bone chilling with the Orchestra! i was thinking that the only healing things for benzo withdrawal is beautiful music and nature. that's all i've come up with so far and good diet and sleep of course.


Hi Pretty

I just listened again last night to Diana Krall sing "A Case of You" - she is such an amazing performer and singer.

I'm going to listen to Tori Amos' rendition of this song.  Thank you for sharing that.

For me also, Joni is very much a part of my life.

Many of her songs I memorized years ago; what a magnificent songwriter.

I agree with you about The Man with the Harmonica - so beautiful.

Music, nature and I add solitude to the healing list.  Without solitude I would be so unwell.

Sending hugs to you, Pretty





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i know every single workd to every sing in Jesus Christ Superstar too! i also love Les Miserable and have seen in over 5 times as well as Jesus Christ Superstar. here is the link to Glenn Carter's Gethsamane.





i can't wait to watch and listen to The Mission again. i am so glad that everyone loves Ennio Morricone, he's music is bone chilling. i would love to write like him one day but for now it's just the little songs. i am going to check out Mr. Anderson's MAN WITH A HARMONICA! then later the Dulce Pontes.


Hey prettydaisys, I just watched Glen Carter singing "Gethsemane" and I have to say it's good, but I'm still a huge Ted Neeley fan. He embodies the role so well and just belts out those high notes. Love it! Thanks for reminding me of this passionate song. Other than Jesus Christ Superstar and Les Miserables, my other favourite musicals are Godspell, Fiddler on the Roof and The Sound of Music. I can probably recite the words to all of the songs in these ones! The Lion King has some excellent music too, but I'm not as familiar it as these other oldies.



oh absolutely! i was going to even say that to you about Glenn vs Ted. no one can sing Gethsemane like Ted Neely. i had the pleasure of seeing him and Carl Anderson at the Universal Ampitheatre when they were here in 1994. me and my boyfriend at the time went 5 nights in a row it was so awesome! i just posted Glenn because my mother has a crush on him. you know, he does a good job but he doesn't have that same power that Ted does. he's a gentler version of it but he sure is easy on the eyes. ::)


one of my favorite Les Mis song is "Star's" -- that one part toward the end where the Orchestra comes in with the melody "Star's in their Multitude" while he's holding that long note. it's just so awe inspiring! i am convinced that these melodies are from within the "theta" state. i am just starting to hear melodies, structure's and see lyrics before me in that "twilight" state -- i'ts beyond brilliant and magical!! :smitten:

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I love Diana Krall and so glad she sings "A Case Of You" by Joni. Joni has always been a hero of mine. so has Tori Amos who also has a beautiful rendition of A Case Of You.


i can't stop thinking of how beautiful that Man With The Harmonica is. there is this one part that is bone chilling with the Orchestra! i was thinking that the only healing things for benzo withdrawal is beautiful music and nature. that's all i've come up with so far and good diet and sleep of course.


Hi Pretty

I just listened again last night to Diana Krall sing "A Case of You" - she is such an amazing performer and singer.

I'm going to listen to Tori Amos' rendition of this song.  Thank you for sharing that.

For me also, Joni is very much a part of my life.

Many of her songs I memorized years ago; what a magnificent songwriter.

I agree with you about The Man with the Harmonica - so beautiful.

Music, nature and I add solitude to the healing list.  Without solitude I would be so unwell.

Sending hugs to you, Pretty







yes Joni has always been a big part of my life too. i listened to Court & Spark every single minute for a whole summer. i will never forget that summer or the clothes i was wearing. i almost made the second record with her ex-husband Larry Klein but he was way too expensive. but it was so awesome to meet him and i did ask him about Joni. i think you'll enjoy Tori's version of A Case Of You -- and i'm going to listen to Diane's a little later this evening. do you like Sarah Maclachlan? i love her and Fumbling Toward Ecstasy is one of my very favorite records.





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prettydaisys, we're on the same wavelength when it comes to musicals! Here's my all-time fave -- Philip Quast as Javert, singing "Stars":




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I love Diana Krall and so glad she sings "A Case Of You" by Joni. Joni has always been a hero of mine. so has Tori Amos who also has a beautiful rendition of A Case Of You.


i can't stop thinking of how beautiful that Man With The Harmonica is. there is this one part that is bone chilling with the Orchestra! i was thinking that the only healing things for benzo withdrawal is beautiful music and nature. that's all i've come up with so far and good diet and sleep of course.


Hi Pretty

I just listened again last night to Diana Krall sing "A Case of You" - she is such an amazing performer and singer.

I'm going to listen to Tori Amos' rendition of this song.  Thank you for sharing that.

For me also, Joni is very much a part of my life.

Many of her songs I memorized years ago; what a magnificent songwriter.

I agree with you about The Man with the Harmonica - so beautiful.

Music, nature and I add solitude to the healing list.  Without solitude I would be so unwell.

Sending hugs to you, Pretty







yes Joni has always been a big part of my life too. i listened to Court & Spark every single minute for a whole summer. i will never forget that summer or the clothes i was wearing. i almost made the second record with her ex-husband Larry Klein but he was way too expensive. but it was so awesome to meet him and i did ask him about Joni. i think you'll enjoy Tori's version of A Case Of You -- and i'm going to listen to Diane's a little later this evening. do you like Sarah Maclachlan? i love her and Fumbling Toward Ecstasy is one of my very favorite records.






Hi Pretty

Oh yes, the clothing and jewelry that went along with those years of listening to Joni.    Beautiful memories.

I had a failed attempt at playing acoustic guitar, Pretty.  I'd still like to pursue that. 


Court and Spark, a great album.  I love "Raised on Robbery" and "Help Me" 

I also love the albums "Blue" and "Clouds"      all of her work is magical.


Pretty, what an amazing life you have!    You are so very gifted.      How exciting to have met Larry Klein.

Oh, I do hope you are still writing and singing.  You have everything in the world going for you, Pretty.


Sarah McLachlan is magnificent.  "I Will Remember You" is one of my favorite songs she sings.    She's a marvel to listen to and watch.


I will definitely check out Tori Amos.  Do you enjoy Shawn Colvin's music?  she has a unique voice. 

Also enjoy Lizz Wright - who is stunningly beautiful with a voice like silk.    Her "Hit the Ground" is stunning.


Hugs for you, my talented friend.





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I love Diana Krall and so glad she sings "A Case Of You" by Joni. Joni has always been a hero of mine. so has Tori Amos who also has a beautiful rendition of A Case Of You.


i can't stop thinking of how beautiful that Man With The Harmonica is. there is this one part that is bone chilling with the Orchestra! i was thinking that the only healing things for benzo withdrawal is beautiful music and nature. that's all i've come up with so far and good diet and sleep of course.


Hi Pretty

I just listened again last night to Diana Krall sing "A Case of You" - she is such an amazing performer and singer.

I'm going to listen to Tori Amos' rendition of this song.  Thank you for sharing that.

For me also, Joni is very much a part of my life.

Many of her songs I memorized years ago; what a magnificent songwriter.

I agree with you about The Man with the Harmonica - so beautiful.

Music, nature and I add solitude to the healing list.  Without solitude I would be so unwell.

Sending hugs to you, Pretty







yes Joni has always been a big part of my life too. i listened to Court & Spark every single minute for a whole summer. i will never forget that summer or the clothes i was wearing. i almost made the second record with her ex-husband Larry Klein but he was way too expensive. but it was so awesome to meet him and i did ask him about Joni. i think you'll enjoy Tori's version of A Case Of You -- and i'm going to listen to Diane's a little later this evening. do you like Sarah Maclachlan? i love her and Fumbling Toward Ecstasy is one of my very favorite records.






Hi Pretty

Oh yes, the clothing and jewelry that went along with those years of listening to Joni.    Beautiful memories.

I had a failed attempt at playing acoustic guitar, Pretty.  I'd still like to pursue that. 


Court and Spark, a great album.  I love "Raised on Robbery" and "Help Me" 

I also love the albums "Blue" and "Clouds"      all of her work is magical.


Pretty, what an amazing life you have!    You are so very gifted.      How exciting to have met Larry Klein.

Oh, I do hope you are still writing and singing.  You have everything in the world going for you, Pretty.


Sarah McLachlan is magnificent.  "I Will Remember You" is one of my favorite songs she sings.    She's a marvel to listen to and watch.


I will definitely check out Tori Amos.  Do you enjoy Shawn Colvin's music?  she has a unique voice. 

Also enjoy Lizz Wright - who is stunningly beautiful with a voice like silk.    Her "Hit the Ground" is stunning.


Hugs for you, my talented friend.






yes i love Shawn Colvin. and in fact Larry Klein produced her "Fat City" record where Shawn says a quite to Joni "you master, me wimp" which is just such an amazing thing to say to another songwriter and how i will always probably feel about Joni and Tori too. i love Tori, she is probably my favorite for the longest time.


"Poloroids" on Shawn's "Fat City" record is a gem. another Artist that i love is Joan Armatrading. and especially her "Love & Affection" song. do you know that one? i will post "Love & Affection" and little later and also listen to Lapis' "Philip Quast as Javert, singing "Stars" -- going to have some lunch and be bacl a little later. :)

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prettydaisys, we're on the same wavelength when it comes to musicals! Here's my all-time fave -- Philip Quast as Javert, singing "Stars":




AAAAAUUUUCCCCUUUUAAAAA! not really sure how to spell by AWE my Goodness! Philip is the BEST! oh my God. i'm crying! so beautiful! my favorite part is "And if you fall as Lucifer fell -- you fall in flames"

Les Mis is another one that i've seen over 5 times and will continue to go and see it.



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Joan Armatrading was interviewed this morning on CBC Radio and they played some of my favourite songs of hers -- Love and Affection, Willow, Drop The Pilot, Me Myself I, Down To Zero....Love her! I believe she's currently on tour for her last big long one. She said that she's not going to stop touring, but she won't do any long ones anymore, now that she's in her mid-60s. The other good news is that she said she'll continue to write songs until she dies! No retirement for this fab songwriter!


Down To Zero:



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prettydaisys, we're on the same wavelength when it comes to musicals! Here's my all-time fave -- Philip Quast as Javert, singing "Stars":




AAAAAUUUUCCCCUUUUAAAAA! not really sure how to spell by AWE my Goodness! Philip is the BEST! oh my God. i'm crying! so beautiful! my favorite part is "And if you fall as Lucifer fell -- you fall in flames"

Les Mis is another one that i've seen over 5 times and will continue to go and see it.


I second that emotion! I'll watch it a few more times tonight, I'm sure, since it's stuck in my brain. And I'm also watching some Ted Neeley and Carl Anderson from JC Superstar. So, so good!  By the way, I agree that Glen Carter is easy on the eyeballs, but no one tops Ted Neeley in that role.

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One last today! Promise :)

"...home's where I want to be..."


See Yoo tmr BBs!


Gorgeous song.

Love the lyrics ...




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I love Diana Krall and so glad she sings "A Case Of You" by Joni. Joni has always been a hero of mine. so has Tori Amos who also has a beautiful rendition of A Case Of You.


i can't stop thinking of how beautiful that Man With The Harmonica is. there is this one part that is bone chilling with the Orchestra! i was thinking that the only healing things for benzo withdrawal is beautiful music and nature. that's all i've come up with so far and good diet and sleep of course.


Hi Pretty

I just listened again last night to Diana Krall sing "A Case of You" - she is such an amazing performer and singer.

I'm going to listen to Tori Amos' rendition of this song.  Thank you for sharing that.

For me also, Joni is very much a part of my life.

Many of her songs I memorized years ago; what a magnificent songwriter.

I agree with you about The Man with the Harmonica - so beautiful.

Music, nature and I add solitude to the healing list.  Without solitude I would be so unwell.

Sending hugs to you, Pretty







yes Joni has always been a big part of my life too. i listened to Court & Spark every single minute for a whole summer. i will never forget that summer or the clothes i was wearing. i almost made the second record with her ex-husband Larry Klein but he was way too expensive. but it was so awesome to meet him and i did ask him about Joni. i think you'll enjoy Tori's version of A Case Of You -- and i'm going to listen to Diane's a little later this evening. do you like Sarah Maclachlan? i love her and Fumbling Toward Ecstasy is one of my very favorite records.






Hi Pretty

Oh yes, the clothing and jewelry that went along with those years of listening to Joni.    Beautiful memories.

I had a failed attempt at playing acoustic guitar, Pretty.  I'd still like to pursue that. 


Court and Spark, a great album.  I love "Raised on Robbery" and "Help Me" 

I also love the albums "Blue" and "Clouds"      all of her work is magical.


Pretty, what an amazing life you have!    You are so very gifted.      How exciting to have met Larry Klein.

Oh, I do hope you are still writing and singing.  You have everything in the world going for you, Pretty.


Sarah McLachlan is magnificent.  "I Will Remember You" is one of my favorite songs she sings.    She's a marvel to listen to and watch.


I will definitely check out Tori Amos.  Do you enjoy Shawn Colvin's music?  she has a unique voice. 

Also enjoy Lizz Wright - who is stunningly beautiful with a voice like silk.    Her "Hit the Ground" is stunning.


Hugs for you, my talented friend.






yes i love Shawn Colvin. and in fact Larry Klein produced her "Fat City" record where Shawn says a quite to Joni "you master, me wimp" which is just such an amazing thing to say to another songwriter and how i will always probably feel about Joni and Tori too. i love Tori, she is probably my favorite for the longest time.


"Poloroids" on Shawn's "Fat City" record is a gem. another Artist that i love is Joan Armatrading. and especially her "Love & Affection" song. do you know that one? i will post "Love & Affection" and little later and also listen to Lapis' "Philip Quast as Javert, singing "Stars" -- going to have some lunch and be bacl a little later. :)



Fascinating info about Shawn's quote and you bring such insight re all of this.

Larry Klein produced Fat City -- love, love that album.  "Object of My Affection" is a favorite, along with "Polaroids"


I was introduced to Joan Armatrading on this thread by I believe Lapis!  This was several months ago, and I was blown away.


I'll have to listen to Phillip Quast as Javert singing "Stars" - I love Les Miserables.  Have not seen the play, have read the book

numerous times & only seen the movie.    This is one play on my list to see.




Joan Armatrading was interviewed this morning on CBC Radio and they played some of my favourite songs of hers -- Love and Affection, Willow, Drop The Pilot, Me Myself I, Down To Zero....Love her! I believe she's currently on tour for her last big long one. She said that she's not going to stop touring, but she won't do any long ones anymore, now that she's in her mid-60s. The other good news is that she said she'll continue to write songs until she dies! No retirement for this fab songwriter!


Down To Zero:





I just listened to this ...


What a voice

Thank you!



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prettydaisys, we're on the same wavelength when it comes to musicals! Here's my all-time fave -- Philip Quast as Javert, singing "Stars":




AAAAAUUUUCCCCUUUUAAAAA! not really sure how to spell by AWE my Goodness! Philip is the BEST! oh my God. i'm crying! so beautiful! my favorite part is "And if you fall as Lucifer fell -- you fall in flames"

Les Mis is another one that i've seen over 5 times and will continue to go and see it.


I second that emotion! I'll watch it a few more times tonight, I'm sure, since it's stuck in my brain. And I'm also watching some Ted Neeley and Carl Anderson from JC Superstar. So, so good!  By the way, I agree that Glen Carter is easy on the eyeballs, but no one tops Ted Neeley in that role.


Beautiful, beautiful.


chilling performance.

thank you for sharing this


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Joan Armatrading was interviewed this morning on CBC Radio and they played some of my favourite songs of hers -- Love and Affection, Willow, Drop The Pilot, Me Myself I, Down To Zero....Love her! I believe she's currently on tour for her last big long one. She said that she's not going to stop touring, but she won't do any long ones anymore, now that she's in her mid-60s. The other good news is that she said she'll continue to write songs until she dies! No retirement for this fab songwriter!


Down To Zero:



oh i am so glad you love Joan Armatrading!! :smitten:  Love & Affection was the song that pulled me through that c/t in detox. for some reason it was the only song i wanted to listen to and i played it the minute i got home. it really helped me. i saw her all by myself at The Wiltern Theatre i am so glad to hear that she will write songs until the day she dies. that's how i feel too but unfortunately my music career got cut short just as i was starting it. i hope they will want to see someone start touring in their 50's and 60's because i guess that is what may have to happen. ::)


thanks for the Down To Zero!


here's a little Love & Affection!




you guys are really helping me through this wave. i am so happy that you all have such fantastic taste in music! :smitten:

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John Lennon...What a peaceful song. Imagine

Only in my my dreams.  :P


Peace to all.  :)




Beautiful, Snowy

Thank you, sweet friend.




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here's a little Love & Affection!




you guys are really helping me through this wave. i am so happy that you all have such fantastic taste in music!



This is beautiful

She has such an amazing voice

Hope you have a peaceful night

Music has such a calming effect





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John Lennon...What a peaceful song. Imagine

Only in my my dreams.  :P


Peace to all.  :)




Beautiful, Snowy

Thank you, sweet friend.





Thanks Ins. You're one of the kindest people, I have ever met.  :angel:  :) I've been praying for you. I hope its working.  ;)  :smitten:


God bless you friend.


Snowy :)

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here's a little Love & Affection!




you guys are really helping me through this wave. i am so happy that you all have such fantastic taste in music!



This is beautiful

She has such an amazing voice

Hope you have a peaceful night

Music has such a calming effect





i'm glad you like it. this song pulled me through in the detox. i put it on the minute i got home hearing whipping sounds inside my brain. music is so calming for the brain. so is Nature.

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John Lennon...What a peaceful song. Imagine

Only in my my dreams.  :P


Peace to all.  :)




Beautiful, Snowy

Thank you, sweet friend.





Thanks Ins. You're one of the kindest people, I have ever met.  :angel:  :) I've been praying for you. I hope its working.  ;)  :smitten:


God bless you friend.


Snowy :)



Thank you so much for the prayers

That means so much to me

I'm also praying for you and think about you so often

May we find comfort in our days and nights, Snow

Sending love to you,





i'm glad you like it. this song pulled me through in the detox. i put it on the minute i got home hearing whipping sounds inside my brain. music is so calming for the brain. so is Nature.



Music connects us to memories

and can bring such a sense of peace and wholeness

Nature, lately more than ever, seems more vibrant and beautiful

More precious than ever in my life

Have a sweet evening,my gifted friend

Love, Ins






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thank you so much for telling me about Tori Amos and her rendition of "A Case of You"


Just listened to this:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzWw9CrIPMg


So beautiful


Thank you, my friend.



Ins :smitten:




so glad you liked it. Tori was sorta a catalyst for me to finally get off the benzo's. i met her in Dec 2011 and that was the last day i had taken 3mg klonopin and then i did a cross over to valium of which i couldn't get lower than 30mg. did a c/t from that amount plus some xanax and lot's of soma. but when i met her i told her about the benzo's and not being able to get off or taper for 9 years. she took my arms and shaked me and said "you must get off the benzos". i hope it wasn't the reason i did the c/t and i'm sure it wasn't since i had been trying for so long. i had also asked her if it was too late for me to have a music career. all she said was "wellness before anything else must be achieved" i have what she said on a yellow post it right besides me that i look at everyday. when i met her i wanted to just fall into her arms and her energy was so hot, a good hot. the lady is a shaman for sure. :)


love, Pretty

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