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Knackered Seeks the Divine Feminine with Benzos




Knackered Seeks the Divine Feminine with Benzos

   Hey there.  Knackered here.  My own mother was indeed a force to contend with.  While like all mothers of her time, she never worked outside our home until my brother and I were well on our way. The lessons she taught and the qualities she imparted have left an everlasting imprint.

   My wife and mother to our own children taught the personal and powerful life lessons that served our kids well when they ventured out into the world.  Her influence left such an impressions that, to this day, she is still referred to as the ‘Mother Ship’.

  Mothers Day will soon be upon us.  Begun by Ann Jarvis and in honor of her own mother, a long time peace activist, it began as a church service in West Virginia.  Both mother and daughter were sick of men being hauled off to battle in the Civil War, only to come home in a casket or not at all.  Woodrow Wilson made it an official event in 1912 by signing a proclamation declaring it so.  It quickly fell out of favor with Ms. Jarvis when it was relegated to a “Hallmark Holiday”.  She protested and abhorred the commercialization of it on a large, national scale.

   Today, the decision to become a mother at all is a deeply personal one, but we can employ the lessons taught by the ‘Divine Feminine’ in all our lives.  The divine feminine is the emotional and intuitive energy found in all of us.  It is the divine yin to our masculine yang regardless of our choice of gender.  Used wisely, it is the solution to overall balance.  It can ground us to both the Earth and ourselves.

   It’s a receptive energy that is both protecting and caring.  It allows us to rest, and have space and time in our lives.  While the masculine yang forces us to succeed, produce more and try harder, the feminine yin allows us to be wounded and imperfect but whole and complete at the same time. Used in concert with both sides of our nature, it produces a much needed balm to the wounded community of which we are a part of.

    The feminine supports, allows for healing, and embraces compassion and empathy.  It implies all that is needed in a supportive community we are all members of.  We live in what has often been described as a society of patriarchal entitlement dominated by those who want to overpower and control what they encounter.  It is the exact opposite to the balance of divinely feminine qualities that are needed to bring us back together and live as equals. “When we talk about healing trauma, the Divine Feminine offers a caring and complete approach. It teaches us to reconnect with our emotions, showing ourselves kindness and love. It also encourages us to trust our instincts and inner wisdom, helping us navigate the healing journey with grace and authenticity.”  (bryjaimea.com)

   For the sake of all of us, this needs to be the driving force behind what we embrace, write and use to support one another.  This experience is a life changing one for all of us.  Let’s be careful along the way.


Edited by [kn...]


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