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About this blog

Narratives derived from personal experiences while tapering benzos.  Real life scenarios instilled with satire, humor, and a 'different and interesting way of looking at things.  

Entries in this blog

Knackered Waits to Pay with Benzos

Knackered Waits to Pay with Benzos    Hey there.  Knackered here. Tomorrow morning, Knackered heads back to the dentist.  He has to do it.  They’ve got one of his teeth and he wants it back.      Actually, it’s not a tooth.  It’s the shiny, new, personally molded,  gold crown that he’s paying nearly two K for.  That’s a lot of tooth money for Knackered to shell out.      Knackered does not have pretty, white teeth.  And they’re not properly aligned.  The only kids he knew who wore


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Knackered Follows the Crowd with Benzos

Knackered Follows the Crowd with Benzos    Hey there.  Knackered here.  Knackered recently spent some time following a large spiritual gathering in the DC area.  The purported reason for this event was to emphasize their belief that their hopeful candidate has been sent forth by the almighty.  In the interest of human sanity, a few points need to be made.                      The founder of their faith is the antithesis of what they claim to profess.  Though most attest to be intereste


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Knackered's Dogs are Barking with Benzos

Knackered’s Dogs are Barking with Benzos    Hey there.  Knackered here. Knackered lives in a neighborhood of barking dogs.    Some of them bark at night.  And the rest seem to do it all day long.  He suspects that the night barkers go in sometime early on, so the daytime ones can take over.  They do a very good job of it (the barking that is).      This all seems of great concern to those who are not dog people. Just underneath the concerns people have about their barbecue missing


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Knackered Envisions the Scope of Time with Benzos

Knackered Envisions the Scope of Time with Benzos    Hey there.  Knackered here.  While he sleeps, Knackered goes places and does things.  He has conversations, stays in different homes and visits with a host of different people.      Usually they’re friendly, but sometimes not.  When he’s hanging out with them, he walks, talks aloud, and gets up to all kinds of crazy things.      Sometimes he has to yell and scream. He’s been known to argue with them, run for cover, and fall out


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Knackered Does Transitions with Benzos

Knackered Does Transitions with Benzos    Hey there.  Knackered here.  Just the other day, Knackered was introduced to a person who happily announced that she created content for a living.     Not quite sure what this was all about, he leaned in to gather more information.  Apparently this sort of thing was not new, and was all the rage.  People with phones taking selfies and propping it all up online in an interesting way.   He thought influencers were tasked with this, but maybe they


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Knackered Needs Justice with Benzos

Knackered Needs  Justice with Benzos    Hey there.  Knackered here.  When the mail arrived the other day, Ms Knackered discovered that she had, yet again, received another jury summons.      This sort of thing is supposed to be random among registered voters who happened to cast a ballot in the last election.  Yet, between the two of them, it seems to have become a regular occurrence in the last few years.     Knackered is unsure as to the meaning of the word ‘random’ as it’s appl


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Knackered in the Woods with Benzos

Knackered in the Woods with Benzos    Hey there.  Knackered here. As the Knackered brothers gradually evolved into something the parenthood called ‘a state of decency’, afternoon drives turned into actual overnight trips.        The first of these was an ill-fated camping trip during which  it rained for forty eight hours continuously.  During that  time our mother taught us three ways to play poker inside the new rain proof tent.  This allowed the much Knackered Father time to dig tre


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Knackered Takes the Back Seat with Benzos

Knackered Takes the Back Seat with Benzos    Hey there.  Knackered here. Growing up in the much Knackered household, the brothers, one and two, lived for the weekends.  Free from the shackles of the school day, they were glad for the opportunity to run amok.     Those were the real days of the boom years and kids seemed to be squirting out the front doors of each household.      Most parents did little to rein them in (the kids that is), and the streets were nearly impassable on S


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Knackered Sorts Add on Disorders with Benzos

Knackered Sorts Add on Disorders with Benzos    Hey there.  Knackered here.  Most of us are all too familiar with add on medications.  Sometimes they help with the hell we’re going through.  All too often they become just one more ingredient in the casserole of crud we have to escape from.      We may be surprised though that unknown to lots of us, there are also add on disorders that are sure to crop up as we endure this ongoing trial of life.      Knackered’s not referring to th


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Knackered Goes Organic with Benzos

Knackered Goes Organic with Benzos    Hey there.  Knackered here. Knackered will admit that he’s not much of a foodie.  He does know that there are things that you should not eat while on the Benzo trail.     But he doesn’t always play by the rules.  It always comes back to haunt him and not just during the Halloween season.       Knackered does groceries.  Every Friday morning.  Ms Knackered goes along of course.  Just to make sure they get the good buys and he doesn’t wander off


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Knackered Weighs In On DIY with Benzos

Knackered Weighs In On DIY with Benzos    Hey there.  Knackered here.  Some of the information revealed here may be disappointing; perhaps even disturbing to others.  But in the interest of full public disclosure, it needs to be said.     I’m referring, of course, to the nonsense portrayed on home improvement shows in regard to DIY projects.      As I’m sure you’ll want to know by what authority I speak, I  refer you to the fact we have owned, lived in and constantly been ‘up dati


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Knackered's Seen but Not Heard with Benzos

Knackered’s Seen but Not Heard with Benzos    Hey there.  Knackered here.  We start with a question for the audience today.  Have you had a conversation with anyone recently?  Secondly, did they listen and respond appropriately?    Before we go any further, I should probably tell you that I’ve been working on my communication skills recently.  I’ve been told by those close to me that I tend to hear what I want to hear and disregard the rest.(🎶 Paul Simon).    So, I walked into the


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Knackered's On Stakeout with Benzos

Knackered’s On Stakeout with Benzos    Hey there.  Knackered here.   It’s been nearly five days and it’s still there.  Knackered first noticed it late Saturday night; mid-dawn really.      He’s not sure how it arrived or who brought it, but it’s highly suspicious.  And it’s sitting right across the street.      The thing’s a rolling wreck.   It’s certainly not going any place right now.  And, by the looks of it, it won’t be doing so any time soon.      These things usually ge


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Knackered Comes of Age with Benzos

Knackered Comes of Age with Benzos   Hey there, Knackered here. The Knackered brothers one and two grew up in their father’s barber shop.  The often knackered mother was required to keep the family land line ablaze in the interest of maintaining the neighborhood gossip group.  Attired in her uniform of hair curlers and housecoat, she could not be bothered with the shenanigans of two boys who ‘drove her crazy!’ So the order went out to ‘go see your father for god sakes!’  Not needing t


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Knackered Has Chronic Pain with Benzos

Knackered has Chronic Pain with Benzos    Hey there, Knackered here. Knackered hurts. All day. At night.  It just keeps happening to him.  If you’re reading this, you really don’t need anybody telling you that.  No doubt it’s happening to you as well.  Of course it is. It’s that damn central nervous system.  The Benzos have done a total number on the entire thing.    When he has a clear moment, he’s spent some time sussing the whole thing out.  Apparently pain signals travel the neural


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Knackered Sleuths it Out with Benzos

Knackered Sleuths It Out with Benzos    Hey there, Knackered here.  Knackered is on the job right now.  He’s seen a number of suspicious things going on and it’s up to him to figure it out.  Today, he’s all about private investigations. He’s all over this stuff and plans on sleuthing it out.      Although his work may be self serving, others need to know.  He plans on getting the secrets out.  It’s up to him.  Don’t get scared now, but he’s going in.     On a nearby front porch st


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Knackered Evades Birthday Travels with Benzos

Knackered Evades Birthday Travel with Benzos      Hey there, Knackered here. Fresh off the freeway, Knackered is glad to be back on familiar turf.    He’s just returned from dropping Ms Knackered off at the airport.  Dragging two enormous suitcases packed with personal effects and  presents for the grand kids, she’s headed south.    Its time for the fall birthday bash.  Apparently things grow exponentially every year.  What started as cake and balloons, has now become a carni


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Knackered Fears Flaming Out with Benzos

Knackered Fears Flaming Out with Benzos    Hey there, Knackered here. Today, he senses that he may be feeling a bit aggro. A major political event is in the offing tonight.  It promises to occupy the air space and head space of millions here and abroad.      Like most scintillating things going on these days, it’s just too much of a sensory overload for him. It has all the makings of a dumpster fire floating down Schitt’s Creek.  And Knackered has no intention of getting burned in the


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Knackered Has an Anniversary with Benzos

Knackered Has an Anniversary with Benzos    Hey there, Knackered here.  On the 23rd of this month Knackered will take note of a certain day that’s changed his life forever.  It will be.  The third year.  Of his descent. Into the flaming hellaciousness of Benzo withdrawal.     The impetus to all of this occurred quite naturally. His previous provider had just retired and he’d been reassigned to an unknown.      At his first appointment, they had barely finished introductions and sa


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Knackered Dodges the Bullet with Benzos

Knackered Dodges the Bullet with Benzos    Hey there, Knackered here. Knackered is an active and annoying person during the night time hours.  And he has been told so on numerous occasions.      The fact that he snored like a congested rhino was first made known by his fraternity brothers as they cast him into a cold shower a little after two AM during his first week of residency. Despite their remonstrations, he was still there after his pledge year.      Knackered’s slumbering p


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Knackered Tries TV with Benzos

Knackered Tries TV with Benzos      Hey there, Knackered here. Making sense of TV is turning out to be more work than he ever could have imagined.      Knackered’s ignored the thing throughout most of his taper. Weird stuff has screwed up his perceptions, his eyes seem to water at all the wrong times, and voices come and go.      For awhile he surmised that the blasted thing had just gone wonky.  But his wife can understand things just fine and quite often has to pause the program


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Knackered Finds BO in the News with Benzos

Knackered Finds BO in the News with Benzos      Hey there, Knackered here. The Knackered’s stand in the check out line awaiting their turn to pay up. The only sounds are the beeps of  products as they slide through the scanning machine.  Knackered, himself is quiet,  content in a moment of ‘just being.’    As his eyes wander to the news stand displaying magazines and tabloid news, his attention is suddenly drawn to the head lines of one particular issue. The headlines tell him that a f


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Knackered Has the ABC's of OCD with Benzos

Knackered Has the ABC’s of OCD with Benzos      Hey there, Knackered here. The acrid stench from the alley bin hits Knackered full face as he drops his sack inside. As he slams the lid back down, his (selective) hearing loss attunes with a new noise around the corner.  What could it be?      The sound is definitely not from the usual lawn machinery.  It doesn’t have the sound of a motor; ruling out weed eaters, mowers, and leaf blowers.  Definitely too early for falling leaves…  


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Knackered Sees Holiday Chaos with Benzos

Knackered Sees Holiday Chaos with Benzos      Hey there, Knackered here. It appears the world has risen early and is legging it in an effort to get somewhere else. The streets, sidewalks and even the airspace is an enormous fustercluck of activity.    Children are huddled at crosswalks.  Road construction is frantically finishing late season projects while commuters vie for their own way around.  Sirens announce yet more emergent chaos and a helicopter hovers overhead on its way to the


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Knackered Has Regulations with Benzos

Knackered Has Regulations with Benzos      Hey there, Knackered here. The stumbling gait of our protracted buddy comes to a halt as he is met with caution tape and orange cones that reach out in all directions.  What now, he thinks.  It appears that more regulations have postponed his progress. He’s being told to hold his roll.  An aging tree has come down during the night.    Knackered’s headspace has been inundated with regulations as of late.  His therapist wants him to chillax, the


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