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Knackered Searches the Path with Benzos




Knackered Searches the Path with Benzos


   Hey there, Knackered here.  Probably the most frustrating thing about this intrepid path we’ve chosen to follow is that we never really know where we’re at, where  the next pitfalls are, or if and when we’ll arrive safely.  An ancient Chinese proverb suggests that “A good traveler has no set schedule and doesn’t care about his/her arrival time”. That probably suited the era at the time, but would wreak havoc on our mental state nowadays.  That leads to a lot of stress, mood swings, and general mayhem in our minds.  Besides, the path we travel is likely through the jungle.  We really don’t want to step on or in anything, and there are undoubtedly snakes, bugs, and all kinds of vines  to entangle us along the way.  Heaven forbid that we mess up, drop some gear and have to go back and start all over from that point.

   We often talk about waves that come and go.  Sometimes we can surf just fine, but needs must, and we’re often swimming against the tide.  And, of course, some of us get hit by a tsunami and must just roll with the onslaught and hope we grab something that will keep us afloat.

  All of that being said, I think most of us are in favor of sure and steady progress.  Best said, it’s a marathon rather than a sprint.  Remember the hare and tortoise.  If we crash and burn at the finish line, we may never rebound.  Sometimes the team coach doesn’t know the route any better than we do, if at all.  He/she may advocate for the crow’s flight plan, but we’re usually better off yielding to our personal GPS.

   Conversations with fellow travelers are indeed helpful, especially those who have reached points further on and can call back with road hazards that we may encounter.  We can trust their experience, since only those who are already on the road really know what lies ahead.

   And sometimes things turn into a relay, where in the interest of survival, we pass the torch to others and let them go ahead.  We’ll catch up, for sure, although we may be walking at a different speed.

   Some of us carry a lot of baggage.  Again, it’s sometimes best to jettison that stuff in the interest of easing the load and moving forward more comfortably.  It’s not about the label on your suitcase, but what’s inside that really counts.  Less is more often serves as the best rule of the road.

   In the end, it won’t make much difference whether we surf, swim, or walk along the shore, it’s where we arrive, not when.  Taper on friends.  Travel light and at your on speed.  Best- Knackered     



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So true. I think in looking for reassurance we tend to compare our experience to others and that's not helpful. Everyone's journey will be different. But I think the one thing that can help everyone is acceptance of wherever we are at the moment. And knowing that however you feel, feelings pass and feelings return and to try our hardest to stay in the moment. It's a very bumpy ride.

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