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Knackered Steps Out with Benzos



Knackered Steps Out with Benzos

   Hey there, Knackered here.  If we’re honest about it, most of us really don’t want to go anywhere.  Left alone, we’re perfectly happy to roam the same household route every day: bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen.  Not always in the same order, mind you.  Sometimes it’s nice to change it up, just for variety sake.  And we wear pretty much the same benzo outfit all the time:  pajamas or sweats, leggings and flannel, depending on gender or if you really care at all any more. We’ll answer the phone if we can find the cell nearby.  Landline ringing?   Forget it.  Same for the doorbell.  If you’re interested in trying to rescue yourself, you may have attempted to get back on some type of regular shower schedule.  You may even try to change your underwear more frequently, only to put the same outer costume back on.  Getting the TV out of the bedroom is also a major step.  It’s number one on the bad side of sleep hygiene.  

   It is possible in this day and age to take care of your life in front of your laptop.  Groceries, clothes (if you want any), banking, human outreach, etc. can all be handled on line. Actually getting in the car and running errands to the pharmacy, vet, et al. can be done via drive through.  Our vet has this thing going where you don’t have to leave your car to take the family pet in.  You just park outside, call in and they send the technician out to pick up Fido or Whiskers. Pass your card out the window to pay up and you’re gone.  You can still wear your benzo outfit if you care to.  If you’re bashful or don’t want full disclosure just put on a coat or decent looking robe.  As long as the car doesn’t break down or you have an accident, you’ll be fine.  Even then, just hand Triple A or the police your license, registration and/or insurance info. and you’re good to go.  

   In the great scope of things, old routines sometimes win out and you’re forced to actually not just leave the house, (horrors beholden) but also ‘go in’.  Going into a store, take out place, what have you, is a different animal to contend with.  Although we shopped next to a lady in jamies, robe, and slippers in the produce aisle, I generally think of myself as more put together (what a crock).  I wish I could feel comfortable wearing those pants that look like pajamas, but I don’t own any.  Whatever, lets get through the check out, roll the cart to the car and make our escape.  Of course, having the stuff is good.  Actually putting it in the fridge and cupboards is best.  

   As luck would have it, we had yet more stops on our Friday journey.  My wife had a Dr. appt. in the afternoon during the time I usually crash for another rest stop.  I went into the waiting room with her; too cold to wait out in the car.  She finally got to ‘see’ the Dr. and we made out way out to the parking garage and down to one of the handicapped slots at the end.  Patients were leaving in wheel chairs.  By this time of the day, I would have gladly hopped on.  

   After all this, we still had to do something about dinner  Neither of us felt like doing any cooking so it was down town for the take out.  We had a coupon  (retired you know; got to stretch the dollar) and scoped out the drive through line while trying to decide the best course of action.  The line itself looked to equal the polar airline route.  So, I stumbled in, ordered up and somehow carried it all back out.   By this time, I was truly Knackered once again.  



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