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Fighting with Grade Schoolers



Most foods don't do anything for me. I eat because I need to; this recovery process kind of killed my appetite. For a long time I had a lump, constantly rising up in my throat when I ate. The lump is gone, so that's a 'yay' box I can check. But I still don't much like food.

I do like Fairlife Chocolate Milk. When I can find it. It's amazing. Even my body-building grandsons approve of it because it's high protein and low sugar. It has the same amount of sugar as white milk. You'd never know it's actually kinda good for you. I trust you won't tell any grade-schoolers you know. Keep this one a secret. 

Here's why. There are days I've gone out to buy some, and three stores later, come up empty-handed. It finally dawned on me that mothers probably buy it for their kids because their kids love it, and it's kind of good for them. Duh. That's why the shelves are almost always empty.

I don't want to run to the dairy section and take the last bottle when kids are watching.  I have visions of little kids running towards the dairy case, "Mommy I see it!" and there's me, pulling down the last quart in my mean little hands, suddenly turning to see them coming. I can't, no, really, really couldn't take the last quart.

I have to get there before the moms do.



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