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Blogging on the new BB forum



I have been in two minds about whether to continue to blog or not.  I have been on BB for such a long time, since 2014 in fact.  Why am I still here?  The reasons are simple, I continue to live with the long term effects of a benzo brain injury and I have made some good friends on this website.  Not only that I have acquired a whole family of virtual critters who inhabit my blog, in fact they think it belongs to them.  They will appear now and again, of that I am sure.  


You can read about my history here. 


Old blog is here. 


It is over 10 years since I completed my taper, I had no idea what was in front of me.  Most of us are in the same boat.  It has been a very long journey, the journey continues.   I have come a long way from being virtually bedridden, however I am still chronically tired and am limited in what I can do in any one day, many days I do very little and have to spend quite a bit of time resting and recovering after being out of the house, meeting friends etc.  Hopefully I can work out how to use this new blogging system.  As well as being on BenzoBuddies I have been very active in campaigning about benzo and antidepressant harms, I have been on Twitter since 2014.  I have been on TV and in the press.  I now take life a bit easier and don't do any more interviews.  I am tired.  I will see how this new blog goes, it isn't so easy to adapt to change now. 

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Bianca is quite startled!!! She never thought of Henri in "that way". And his fierce hissing pic quite intimidated her. Still . . . she's theoretically open to a cross-species romance. She just has to think about it for a bit.


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The little ones are worried that summer vacation is almost over. They are seeing back-to-school sales already. They wonder if they can be homeschooled by Bianca since she is such a smart kitty and has a lot of books. 


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Mom isn't so sure about homeschooling though I am sure Bianca would make an excellent teacher.  However I have heard rumours about teachers possibly going on strike so Bianca could certainly take over if that happens.  :clap: How much does she charge?  Mind you I am sure MC will pay her well if she does agree to be teacher for a while.  However if she is going to be in a relationship with Henri this really won't work.  Why do the critters make life so complicated!!  :2funny:

I decided to take the train today to see a museum that opened in 2018.  It was an hour's journey there and back.  I spent about an hour in the museum but was sitting for half that time having a coffee.  By the time I got home I was really exhausted and had to go back to bed.  However it was nice to be able to get away for a little while.  I enjoyed seeing the countryside and the sea and the museum exhibits were interesting.  I didn't manage to see them all even though the museum is quite small.  

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2 hours ago, [[l...] said:

Mom isn't so sure about homeschooling though I am sure Bianca would make an excellent teacher.  However I have heard rumours about teachers possibly going on strike so Bianca could certainly take over if that happens.  :clap: How much does she charge?  Mind you I am sure MC will pay her well if she does agree to be teacher for a while.  However if she is going to be in a relationship with Henri this really won't work.  Why do the critters make life so complicated!!  :2funny:

I decided to take the train today to see a museum that opened in 2018.  It was an hour's journey there and back.  I spent about an hour in the museum but was sitting for half that time having a coffee.  By the time I got home I was really exhausted and had to go back to bed.  However it was nice to be able to get away for a little while.  I enjoyed seeing the countryside and the sea and the museum exhibits were interesting.  I didn't manage to see them all even though the museum is quite small.  

That sounds like a nice outing, I haven't been on a train for years, may take a short trip...maybe. Ummm....GC said that Bianca is one smart cookie, looks like Henri is turning into a love and leave them type..::)


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It was nice to be somewhere different for a change.  Henri is a little devil, those critters and their love lives, I can't keep up.  Why do they make everything so complicated!!  I wish they would all settle down, not the little ones of course. 

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Hi Becks, good to see you, I have been wondering about you!!   Henri sure is a Casanova. 

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Fifi is busy doing her homework tonight.  She wants to be just like Bianca.  :classic_laugh:  I have had a fairly decent day considering I was out of town yesterday and did more than usual.  

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Bianca is thrilled to see Fifi doing schoolwork . . . even though classes haven't started yet. She (Bianca) is kinda pooped -- she was up all night preparing reading lists for the little ones just in case she's called upon to teach if the teachers go on strike. Ai yi . . . so many responsibilities. 

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I think Bianca would make a fine teacher for the little ones, even if the teachers don't go on strike, the little ones certainly need some extra tuition.  :classic_smile:

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SD thinks so too, we all know that she loves Uni and wants all of the critters to be well schooled. She is studying for a test, and then out to play soccer with her besties.:thumbsup:


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I am down to 2 kittens. They are my little helpers.




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Hi ladies, I deleted my blog but I will be popping in here to see Free, Fiona, Becky, Paula, Gardie, 

BG and I’m sure I’m forgetting others but I will stay in touch. 

‘’love you all ♥️♥️

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Hi Jacky, glad you will still be popping into my blog.  I love those little kitties, gardie.   Bath time here!!  :classic_smile:  Scottie Dog gets pretty muddy at times.  She is studying for her Masters degree now!! 


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Gardie, they are so cuuuuute!!! And I know it's been work but you have been such  great foster mom. 

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Bianca is happy to be a teacher for the little ones. She mentioned to Tootles that she needs to get  "on the computer" a little more, to increase her digital skills, but this isn't quite what Bianca had in mind. Oh dear! Those little 'uns take things so literally!



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12 hours ago, [[o...] said:

Gardie, they are so cuuuuute!!! And I know it's been work but you have been such  great foster mom. 

Right now I am working on getting my daughter to let me keep one. She goes to the allergist/immunologist today to get tested. I know she is allergic to cats and many other things. She was tested as a child and did allergy treatments. The question now is how allergic. She has had chronic sinus problems and migraines for so long. She said that since we got the kittens she has had more headaches. I told her it would help if she would stop rubbing her face on them. She says she can't help it! :crazy: Well, at least now she is only rubbing her face on 2 kittens per day.:classic_rolleyes: :classic_biggrin:

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10 hours ago, [[o...] said:

Bianca is happy to be a teacher for the little ones. She mentioned to Tootles that she needs to get  "on the computer" a little more, to increase her digital skills, but this isn't quite what Bianca had in mind. Oh dear! Those little 'uns take things so literally!


It occurs to me that Fiona might want to send the little ones out of the house every morning, but they want Bianca to come to them. A quandary. 

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Gard, I hope you get to keep one. How wonderful that would be! So, here's hoping for a good report from your daughter's doc. My former partner was allergic to cats also (broke out in hives) but was able to live with our cat because she did NOT cuddle or pet him. That must have been hard! He got lots of cuddling from me, so he didn't feel deprived. There's a product called Allercat that some allergic people use . . . I think you spray it on the cat. I don't know how effective it is or what the cat feels about something being sprayed on its fur.   :classic_huh:    Just mentioning it. 

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I do hope you can keep one of the kitties, gardie.   The critters will come and visit, they love making new friends.  :classic_smile:  It is all settled, Bianca is going to help to tutor the little ones, she can come here, the little ones are really quite good, the older ones make most of the noise!  It has been a beautiful day here but I have been in bed most of it, I get so fed up, it isn't so bad when it is miserable weather, I don't feel I am missing out on anything.  Scottie Dog decided to keep me company so that was nice.  I hear that the critters are planning a vacation soon.  A villa in France was mentioned.  A lot of whispering going on.  Scottie Dog said she is staying at home, not going on vacation with THOSE CATS!!  :classic_smile:


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Bianca's making up her class list. It seems she will have four students: Fifi, Tootles, Buttons and Henri? And sometimes Puff? She's not sure about Henri . . . he seems to have other things than his studies on his mind. Maybe he can just chill with that white critter he was canoodling with a few pics ago. And if she's to be his teacher, it would be highly inappropriate to have a romance with him. She decided she wasn't interested anyhow, even if he thinks she's "hot". Her special friend Stripey (he really likes to be called Mr. Stripes) might show up at any time and her heart belongs to him.  He would be horrified to learn that Henri was his rival for Bianca's hand. He's a very proper cat.

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Well, Gigi is so happy that Bianca has a beau, she was a bit worried, as MC was getting out of sorts with a new beautiful critter visiting. He will send the CatCraft for Bianca and no charge since she will be Teaching.:giggle:

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Bianca will be honored to take a ride on the CatCraft. She's heard a lot about it. And meeting the legendary MC will be a real thrill. Maybe she can bring Mr. Stripes, too, and they can both meet Gigi and MC. Mr. Stripes is a great admirer of MC . . . he's one smart cookie, Mr. S says.

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